Chapter 10 (Jace)

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I sit down next to Eric. I feel Aiden on edge as I look at the screen. I see Kymie waking up and standing up. She looks very confused and concerned as she looks up and around the dense forest that surrounds her. I watch with worry and curiosity the screens.

I hear a voice, that sounds so much like my own and see that Kymie goes and follows the voice to come up to see me standing in front of a crystal clear lake which I apparently called an enchanted lake.

Looking at the events occurring they confuse me. The facts that confuse me are how we can see this and how this simulator works. So I watch the screen a little more before turning my head to Eric.

"Eric, how does this work. I mean like the simulation and how are we able to see what is going on through it? She is not even connected to any machine." I ask my mate as I look at my sister's body that lays in the middle of the arena. I focus for a second to listen to her heartbeat which seems very fast.

Eric clears his throat to catch my attention and it works as my eyes connect with his. "Well, it is part magic and part science. But mostly magic. Faith, our healer witch is gifted in many different tasks besides healing as are many witches. What she does is made a machine with special blends of herbs that will cause your subconscious to surface and for it to be like a dream state in which it feels real. Though this scientific medicine is mixed with a special spell of hers." As he speaks I pay close attention to what he is saying but from the corner of my eye, I see the events slowly occurring on the screen. Right now a p[playful chasing game between Kymie and me. Thank god she hadn't really revealed the fact that we are hybrids.

I go back to listening intently to Eric as he continues, "This spell she created does many things. It first off creates a test in this case a test of loyalty. So it brings out the people she is most loyal to by instinct and by bond. Therefore, as you see there you are one of those people. Yet, that was to be expected." I look at him confused and curious trying to understand everything he is saying.

"So what does that mean. Will the people she has a connection to be real and alive? And does the spell cause something to be a lie?" I look at Eric as he sees how to explain this further to me.

"Her connection and bonds are real. You are her brother in real life, you are her brother in the simulation that her mind creates with this influence of the magic. Let's say if she had a mate her mate would also be the true mate she has here. Though the thing about this is that she has to have met this person. It must be a connection that still exists and that she is aware of. And as I was saying the magic also allows us to see what she is seeing and when the whole thing is. Sort of like a movie. Now we must sit and see what will happen. Though sadly we can not hear what she thinks nor be able to see something that is not tangible like a spirit or anything if they were to be apparent to her witch type." Eric ends the conversation and leaves no room for more questioning as he focuses on the screen and the events that my sister is going through.

At this moment I had tackled her to the ground and she had submitted to me. I get scared though as she does some things that a witch wouldn't normally do, but I think everyone just lets it slide because her twin is a wolf so they assume she will have some of my tendencies because of that.

I look at the screen in curiosity as I watch myself and her sniffing the air and watching us both hunt for what seems like a certain scent. I watch the screen confused as curiosity fills me.

Then everyone in the arena sees on the screen is Eric's face as he looks between Kymie and me from a distance. A gasp leaves the crowd surprised by the appearance of their Alpha. I look at Kymie dread starting to fill me completely. No, no no, pleased don't let this be what I think it is.

I keep my eyes glued on the screen not being able to look away as I hear mummers and gasps filling the crowd around me. I remember when we were in the market how Eric did the same thing looking between Kymie and me before he ended up staying with me. What happened before that. Gosh, what happened before that.

I think hard before Aiden speaks she did a spell. She hid her scent. He whispers in my head as his heart breaks at what he realized and what I have come to realize. To confirm my doubt, Eric, from the screen called us both his mates. Before it seemed that Kymie was able to cast any spell.

I watch as her face is filled with dreed and regret as well as heartbreak as she looks at me. As I am her first concern. But, I see myself just heartbroken and my concern does not lie with her for even one moment. My concern even in real life did not go to her. I should have known she was his mate. There were so many signs I should have known.

I look at the screen whilst beating myself up as my heart breaks more and more and dreed continues to fill me as I hear Eric choosing her. But, I see her I see her intentions and I on the simulation do too. But right before I can stop her she is already gone in the air.

I see as I yell and plead for her not to do it. I see Eric's face of confusion and trying to help her. But neither of us can get through to her. She was willing to sacrifice herself in real life by hiding her scent. she couldn't do this here though. The simulation wouldn't let her so she will end her life. And to save my life she will let her wolf stand by me.

Tears stream down my face as I watch my sister fall to the ground her magic fading as she completes her spell given permission to do so by the moon goddess. I run and catch her in my arms as I fall on my knees sobbing whilst Eric stands beside me emotionless his hand laid on my shoulder.

I continue to look at the screen as it goes black and then two words pass across the screen in bright green letters: Trial Passed. She passed the trial on her loyalty to me to her mate to make us happy. She passed.

I hear echoes of gasps from the crowd, lots of gossiping trying to figure out what they saw. But I sat there in shock. Eric is not only my mate, but he is Kymie's mate. She would do anything for my happiness even end her life.

Before anyone gets a chance to say anything more I hear Eric's voice booming through the stadium, "Everyone leaves now. Proceed to your homes and stop talking about what happened here., Everything will; be answered at a later time and the trails are officially postponed." Everyone snaps to look up at their alpha before quickly exiting the arena. Whilst I stay sitting there staring at the screen shock still consuming my being and dreed.

Eric puts one hand on my shoulder after 10 minutes pass and everyone is out. I slowly turn to look at him as his face is filled with so much confusion and emotion. I then look at Kymie and try to connect with her emotions, but when I do so I feel a spell that was cast with my magic held by me unknowingly that she must have done. I let go of the spell and once I do I realize I should not have. I realize at that moment when Eric's eyes widen and he says, "You are the hybrid twins. You are my mates."

I see as shock consumes him and he stays there standing in shock and I look at my sister and whisper, "I'm so sorry Kymie, I'm so sorry my little witch." 

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