Chapter 14 (Jace)

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As I leave Kymie in front of Eric's office I know she is nervous. Though I also know she will try to hide it before entering the room. I walk downstairs to the entrance passing the kitchen. I glance at the kitchen real quick and remember that I promised Kymie I would be there in case she needed me. You know we have to go to Jace. We need to figure out who's killing those humans and why those darn rogues are at the border. I hear Aiden reason with me and push me into going out the door.

I know Aiden, but I promised Kymie I would be there for her and you and I have never broken a promise to her. I say as guilty fills me but before Kymie is able to sense if I hide my emotions from her.

Jace we must go. You know she wouldn't approve of what we are about to do and you and I both don't want her or Crystal getting hurt. Aiden says reassbly making me come to my senses and know what I must do. It is strange having Aiden being the voice of reason. That spot on our relationship is usually mine.

I walk away from the pack house and shift into my wolf form. I stretch out my legs and feel the grass below my paws. I then let Aiden forward, but still remain in control as we sprint into the woods. I think that the best chance that I have of figuring out what is going on with the rogues is by talking to them. They would never talk to a pack member though, but they would talk to another rogue. And because I have not been officially accepted into the pack, I am still considered a rogue and my scnet will show to them that I am one.

After about 30 minutes of running full speed I reached the border of the pack territory. I go across the border and start searching around to see if I can find any rogue. I hear nothing at first for about the first 10 minutes of looking. But then I heard the snapping of a twig and I moved in the direction. As I do a small brown wolf comes to tackle me, but before they hit me I sidetrack their attack. I hear them snearl at me and I shift back.

"I am not going to hurt you. I am like you. I am a rogue. I just wanted to talk." I go on my knees and they sink into the mud below me as I bow my head in submission and surrender to show them that I am not a threat. Though I keep my senses on high alert because if this goes terribly wrong then I could be killed if I make the wrong move.

I feel as the wolf moves closer to me. They circle me a couple of times and we stay in these positions for about 3-5 more minutes. Then I hear the cracking of bones making me look up and come face to face with a tall, about 5'7 brunette. My eyes connect with her brown ones before I slowly come to a stand. "My name is Jace, I have been walking around this territory for a while and have noticed there have been humans laying dead and a high amount of rogues. Do you happen to know why?" I watch as she moves her hand to her medium length straight hair and puts it into a ponytail.

"I don't know. There is something wrong with the rogues. I saw a large pack of them coming this way and I got curious and followed them. I tried to get their attention, but they seemed like they didn't notice that I was there. It was strange. Their eyes also were this weird sapphire color and they just continued to talk. They seemed to be mind controlled."

I watch as the girl speaks and I notice two things. As she speaks she seems twitchy. But I can tell that parts of what she is saying are true. But she is lying about something or more than one thing. Another thing that I noticed is that she didn't tell me her name. It is normal that rogues don't always identify themselves, but if she didn't trust me at all she wouldn't even tell me this bit of information.

I look at her and how she is leaning her body towards me and she tries to hide her emotions, but she fails at it as I can see the fear in her eyes. But distracted by her I didn't immediately notice the footsteps behind me until it was too late. I felt my body being tackled to the ground as I landed first on the muddy ground and all breath was pushed out of my lungs from the impact.

I feel my hands being pinned behind me. I try to fight away and with some success I am able to turn around to my back and I see a tall lean figure of a man, but he seems more of a shadow than a man. I go to kick the figure, but somehow miss. What is going on?

I kick and push but I am held to the ground regardless. A deep meaning growl leaves my lips, "Let go of me!" Instead of them obeying me I feel a needle pin my neck but instead of passing out I am drawn to dizziness first as I hear soft whispers in my ear before I flood into the darkness.


I remember this time when Kymie and I were on the run where I saw a man like shadow, what was that?

"Run! Kymie! Hurry up! They are right behind you!" I yell through the mindlink. I run faster with my paws hitting the ground as I run around the trees of this dense forest. I see my sister's white wolf running behind me as I clear the way, but I know we are far from safe as I still hear the running of the wolves behind us. My heart beats fast as I turn around but don't hear kymie behind me and I stop noticing that she halted to a stop. Worry fills me as I know that she believes her wolf isn't that strong right now.

I screamed through our mindlink, "KYMIE, YOU HAVE TO RUN!" Kymie can hear the worry laces voice filling my head but she does not listen. I run to her direction as she closes her eyes and each bone in my body starts to crack and reform until she is back in my human body.She looks ahead at the wolves running to our direction. Her dirty blonde hair starts floating in the air as her body lifts up slowly. Her green eyes start to shine as she starts a chant ignoring my advice to run. And before I can reach her I hear her chant, "Hi lupi consilium oppugnare. Desine eos in vestigiis suis et gelando ubi sunt!"

Time seems to stop as the wolves freeze in their stop and float into the air but then the next second I hear howls of pain leaving the mouths of the wolves as shadowy figures leave the bodies of the wolves. Once the figures leave the wolves stop struggling and go still but you can see they are still alive. I see kymie let go of the spell she placed on them and the wolves fall to the ground with a thump. I ran to her the little way that was left as I know she used enough magic to make her dizzy and potentially pass out. She falls into my open arms and looks at me before saying, "possession, those wolves were possessed. They didn't want to come to us. I heard them. I heard their cries and their pleas for me to help them to save them when I had them up in the air. The wolves were in pain their human sides possessed." Tears slip past her eyes as her small body passes out in my arms.

I think about what she says as I carry her away before people track down her strong use of magic. I look up at the sky and say, "Moon Goddess what do you have planned. This is all too much why did you do this. We are only 10. We don't know everything. Please help us.


My eyes peel open and I notice that I am outside of the packhouse sleeping on the porch. Didn't I go to see a rogue? Was that all a dream? I must have gone out to the porch and fallen asleep. Huh, thats strange. Hey Aiden, do you know what happened? Was it just a dream? I hear Aiden try to surface in my brain and speak, but I don't hear a reply come from him for a while.

But then after a few more moments I hear fear in his voice as he says, I don't know. I feel him pace in the back of my mind as confusion starts filling me before I look up at the sky and see that it is around 6 pm. It's been 3 hours since I dropped Kymie off at Eric's office. I know he wanted to have dinner at the lake at 6:30 pm to talk about our mate's situation so I better go find Kymie to get headed there and find out what happened in that office. 

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