Chapter 8 (Jace)

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I get out of the shower after about half an hour. It has been so long since I've taken a proper shower that was not in a lake. I wrap a towel around my waist as I enter Eric's walk-in closet. Once I enter it smells so much more of his orange, chocolate scent that makes me melt.

I look throughout his closet to choose something comfortable and sustainable to wear. I end up picking out a black shirt that has a v-neck to it and a pair of plain blue jeans. I also put on some of his underwear and socks whilst I put back on my black combat boots. I also end up taking one of his black leather jackets.

Once I am done dressing I move in front of the mirror real quick and see that my hair is a bit messy but I leave it alone not really finding it all that bad.

I look back out into the room and realize there was a meal on the round wooden table that is next to the love seat. I move towards the table and see that the plate contains mashed potatoes, a ain't a piece of medium-rare steak, and a side of carrots as well as a glass of water besides that.

My stomach growls at the scent of the food, but I proceed with caution. I close my eyes and let Aiden be able to surface slightly to see if I smell any hint of poison. But I am unable to detect any. Why would mate want to poison us, Jace? I think over Aiden's question for a moment, but I can't figure out an answer to it.

I guess you are right. I move to sit on the love chair and move the tray of food on my lap before I start to devour the food making it only last about 5 minutes. Once I'm done eating so fast I drink the water, but my mind drifts to Kymie.

Kymie, gosh do I miss her. Though she would have been so upset to see how fast I ate this food claiming that we don't get food like this often and we should savor every last bit that we can when given the opportunity. The thought of her getting upset when we were little brought a smile to my face.

She has always been a ball of fiery, but ironically the most sensible out of both of us. I remember when we were 6 years old and I got her so upset by losing the book we got from our mother about her spells.


"Where is mom's spellbook Jacey?" I heard my sister ask me from the distance. My eyes go wide remembering that I was the last one in hold of it. I go with what I believe is the safest option and continue to wash the little clothes we have in the lake acting like I did not hear her.

I hear footsteps coming my way and see her standing next to me. "Jace, do you remember where you put mom's spellbook. I need it to continue to practice. I'm trying to build up a spell that will make you either be able to use your magic or for me to get access to it without our blood touching. Or maybe even both just in case." I see Kym starting to get frustrated and excited at the same time. Frustrated because I have not given her the spellbook yet and excited to be able to create such a powerful spell to help me.

I take a minute to think about where I put it and I came out blank. I peek up at Kymie stop washing our clothes for a minute as I dreadfully reply, "I can't remember."

"What do you mean you can't remember," Kymie says anger clearly evident in her voice and sadness lacing her eyes as tears form. I feel her emotions crushing me in waves through our bond. "Jace answer me NOW!" She yells as her magic starts working without her concent, neither she nor I know how to use our magic or wolf sides properly yet.

I stand up and move in front of her planning to try and calm her down. I grab her hands in mine. "Kymie you need to calm down. Please your magic is going to get out of control. "

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN CALM DOWN. YOU LOST HER SPELL BOOK OUR ONLY CONNECTION TO OUR MOTHER. OUR ONLY CHANCE OF US LEARNING OUR MAGIC! HOW CAN I HELP YOU WITHOUT HAVING IT! How can I ever be of use if I never learn." She yells at me but near the end, her sobs take over her small frame. Her voice was so broken and defeated.

"Kymie, please everything will be okay we will figure it out." I try to reassure her but do a horrible job at it. I feel as her hair starts moving up and her hands let go of mine as her magic becomes out of control, but it is nothing like I have seen it before.

She turns into her wolf while her magic is in full control and her eyes glow a bright silver with specks of gold in them before i feel something in me change and a yell of pain leaves my lips. I look up at Kymie as I hear her voice flood my head. I don't know what is going on, but I do know you need to calm down. Everything will be okay. She reassures me through the mind link. I close my eyes as I feel my body float into the air with hers and shift into its wolf form. Once fully shifted we instinctively run around each other in the air before it feels like the bubble of magic explodes and we are sent flying in separate directions.

I open my eyes after a few minutes and look at Kymie both of us realizing something had changed.


I smile remembering that that was the day that our magic started to flow into each other freely without the need for blood and allowed me to slightly be able to manipulate my magic. Not full control but at least something minor for needed spells or healing.

I look out the window and realize that about 2 hours have passed and it seems like it was only moments ago that I woke up with Kymie in the forest.

I jump surprised from not paying attention as I hear a knock on the door and someone enters. It's Faith. "I have been told to escort you to the arena for the trails. They will begin in about an hour, but you must be settled before then." I nod my head at her before following her out of the room.

As we leave the room I notice the pack house is not empty. Everyone must have been escorted first in the past two hours to the arena. I watch where we go and the area is only about a 15-minute walk north from the packhouse.

Once entering the area I could feel everyone's eyes on me but I pay no mind to that. Nor do I pay mind to Faith telling me she was leaving. All I could think about was the safety of my sister.

Some time goes by before I can feel Eric's scent enter my proximity and I look to see him by my side. He pushes me back slightly before I look down at the area and see Kymie.

Once I see my sister it is as if time has stopped. I pay no attention to my mate, no attention to the crowd. No attention to his words or their reactions all I can focus on is my twin. My heart starts breaking as my eyes look at her.

She stands strong and refuses to be broken down and to show weakness. I hear the brief description of the challenge and confusion strikes me, but more so worry. I know she is loyal to a fault with me, but I do not know how far her loyalty to others will be.

I feel pressure at the back of my head and notice that it is Kymie's mind linking me and I open the channel that I had not realized I blocked and I hear her voice softly in my head that pleads for forgiveness, I'm sorry I must do this alone. I look at her sadly but I understand what she must do. I must be strong and support her. But as I see them inject a needle in her neck a loud growl leaves my lips that takes over the whole arena as I try to get top of her out of instinct.

Aiden howels in pain feeling Crystals pain as I feel Kymie's p[ain but for some reason dulled down. But as I try to get to Kymie I feel Eric's arms wrap around me holding me back. "She is safe, all she must do now is pass the first trail look there she is." He points up at the screen and I see the simulation that she is going through in her head and her standing there in the middle of the woods all alone.

A breath of relief leaves my body as I come to see that she is safe but that doesn't make the worry go away as I step closer to watch the screen and see my sister do this all alone.

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