Chapter 7 (Kym)

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Eric stands mere feet in front of me. If I were to be more exact I would say he stands about 3 ft and a half in front of me. I look at him with little to no interest showing whilst in reality on the inside my mind is flying everywhere, but I refuse to let that show. "What are you doing here big bad alpha? Are you just watching the little defenseless witch? Or are you planning on killing me now saying that I failed the trails? With no audience to watch and with you being the Alpha and all I think your dumb pack will believe you."

I notice how the vein in Eric's neck pops out and how his hands tighten into fits but he does not move forward. I smirk at him. And I take note of how short his temper is as he lets out a glow menacing growl and just makes my smirk grow. While in reality, I feel like I've melted the stupid wolf side of mine. "I am the Alpha, you must respect me. Although I would love to just kill you right now and get rid of you I can not. Even though you are a clanless witch and I should kill you or give you to the witch elder for her to deal with you, you are also my mate's sister. I promised him to give you a fair shot at the trails even though no witch has ever passed then. I will not kill you unless you fail the trail. I came here..." I interrupt him with my laughter and annoyance is clear on his face as he hears my laughs. I calm down from my laughing to explain to him what I find so funny. "You are bringing to trails that you know in your heart that I am certain to die in to give the allusion to my twin that you are giving me a chance of survival. Let me guess the allusion and reasoning g that this is for the safety of your pack. I find that very funny, but no, go on big bad alpha. Or should I say big coward of an alpha?" I continue to laugh before fulling calming down and I see how he tries to hold back from saying anything that Jace would be upset about if he hears from me. Instead, Eric continues speaking from where he left off, "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. I came here to tell you that your trails will commence. I will escort you to the arena where you will find out what your first trail is. And if you pass you will move on the following day after you are done your first trial to go on your second trial." He looks at me for a moment before grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the witch trap and he freezes for a moment when he feels a shock of electric tingles rush through his skin. When I'm pulled out completely from the witch trap I grab the cuffs that he had in his other hand and connect them on me to stop him from touching me again. He looks at me for another minute before shaking his head. He probably thinks he imagined it by the looks of it. Thank the Goddess. Before he grabs me again to bring me towards the arena I side-step him quickly, maybe too quick for a witch but I could not have him touch me again or he would figure it out. "I am fully capable of walking by myself. Now lead the way...alpha." He rolls his eyes clearly annoyed but proceeds to lead the way toward the arena. We walk west and north for about 45 minutes in utter silence before we reach a place that seems like a greek coliseum off to the guards but before he goes I say one last thing to him loudly, "Bring on the trials, big bad alpha!" I see as he stiffens before proceeding into the alpha entrance. I look to my guards who look unimpressed and I look at them emotionless but on the inside, I am shocked they haven't grabbed me yet to enter the arena. Instead, they tell me to follow them in and I do as I am told. I walk into the middle of the arena and I look around me and see many many seats. This place is completely filled to the brim. If I can guestimate this is all the pack and it would be about 20,000 pack members a decent sized pack if I do believe so. I look up to the seating area above all the other seats and I notice Eric standing there with my brother, Jace, slightly hidden in the background. I watch Eric move forward and peak into a mic making his voice echo throughout this whole arena. I watch as everyone settles down to listen to Eric which makes me roll my eyes. "Today we have the first day for the trails. The prisoner in this event is a clanless witch by the name of Kymberly. She will go through three trials and if she fails even one of them she will be sentenced to death if she survives she will be given the choice, to join the pack and serve us or to leave with her life, but may never return." Eric stays silent for a moment and the crowd is divided into mumbles before Eric continues and they are silent. "Trail number one is the trail of loyalty. She will be put under a simulation and she will connect with people and will be tested on her loyalty. she will be forced to choose sides and prove her power and willingness to sacrifice without thought. The trial will commence now!" His voice echoes loud through the area and I can hear gasps from the crowd, people mumbling about how this trail is one of the hardest that hasn't been done in years and they expect my failure to come quickly. I look at my Jace and I say, I'm sorry I must do this alone. As I let go of his power when the cuffs are taken off me at the same time ai feel a needle suck in my neck. I feel myself slipping as I take one last look up and see my brother's face of understanding and a screen right behind me showing the simulating that I will go through to the whole pack. Before the darkness completely controls me I do one last spell to keep my scent hidden even though this whole thing. A spell that will remain intact with the magic I let back into Jace. And then promptly I slip into the darkness.

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