Chapter 17 (Kym)

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I look at Jace in shock. I understand if he wanted Eric I would do anything to make him happy, but I never thought he would make a threat to me. He basically said he would have killed me if he had to, to be able to get Eric. I look at Eric and notice that Eric did not say anything. I let go of Jace's hands and gave Jace a smile. "Eric is your mate. You have every right to him. I forfeit my rights to my mate. I swear and may the Moon Goddess be my witness." I say as I look at both Eric and Jace.

I see as Eric looks at me sadly. I know that he wanted to know me. To know his other mate, but I also know he understands my choice and will make sure it is completed because he would do anything to make me happy. And he knows that it would make me happy to have him with Jace and it would make Jace happy to have him.

Eric goes to Jace and says softly, "You are my mate, you and only you. I accept you as my mate Jace Nightlock." Jace looks up at Eric ignoring my being. I hear Crystal whimper and cry. Her sadness fills me up, but her happiness to know that Aiden will be happy makes her know she made the right choice.

Jace connects his lips to Erics and gives him a gentle quick kiss. I can see the love they both put into it and I look away not being able to bear it. Then I hear Jace's voice, "May I ask you for one thing. I know you are doing a lot but please can I have this one thing that would make me the happiest person in the world." Eric nodded his head.

I watched as Eric's eyes twinkled looking at Jace as he replied, "Anything for you my love. I know that you want Kymie near and that you don't want to see her in pain. So I know you must be asking something for her. Anything for you Jace." Eric says as his eyes reflect the love that he has for my brother and I smile at them, but then a feeling of uneasiness fills me.

I look at Jace as a wicked smile crosses his face that I have never seen before. "It is about Kymie. But I want her gone, I don't want her to change her mind and take you. She will bring danger to the pack and have us all killed. You don't want her here." Eric's eyes widen in shock as I stand up and I try to link Jace but it is blocked.

What is he doing? Why is he doing this? "I can't do that Jace. She's your sister for Goodness sake. She will be safe here so we can fight this together!" Eric yells moving away from Jace or at, least attempting to.

Jace holds onto Eric tightly. and pulls him close and whispers in his ear. And I see a shadow, but as quickly as I see it, it disappears. What the hell is that!? I move back quickly Crystal moving forward both of us in control of my body as fear fills me completely and shocked me. Something is wrong. I look at Jace and Eric and they both turn to me. Eric says, "We can turn her in. She is more valuable alive rather than dead. You can go there as a guest, they would allow that. She needs you to have her power at full capacity and then they can take it out of her and use it." Eric says.

I watch as they look at me before they have a chance to move towards me. I go off running. In mid-run I shift into my wolf form and my magic covers me from anything disappearing from the world. From even Jace. I go faster than I have ever run in my life. A million questions ran through Crystal's and my mind.

We ran for hours. In the middle of nowhere as moon flowers surround me in this waterfall that I stopped at. I drink the water in my wolf form as my mind is someplace else. I then decide to swim through the waterfall and end up in the cave hidden and safe inside it.

I shift back into my human form from my clothes that Jace my Jace gave me but I don't attempt to dry them with my energy as I do not have the energy to do so. I go inside my mind and decide that maybe if I talk to Crystal then I would understand what happened.

Crystal what the bloody hell was that. What happened to Jace? I feel as Crystal paces in my head thinking trying to figure out what happened.

I couldn't feel a strong connection to Aiden, Kymie. It was like there was a fog, but I heard a cry. He needed me, he needed us and tried to call out. I don't know what is going on. Crystal breaks down into whimpers as she feels weak, her connection with Aiden always keeping her strong, but now that it's foggy she feels so weak.

I leave Crystal to her own thoughts as I am left to mind once she moves back to the back of my head. He was fine. He looked alright like nothing was wrong. He took care of me, picked my clothes, and held my hand to keep me strong. Then he changed in a split second. He smirked and threatened my life. He took our mate without a care in the world. He told Eric to make me leave. And then he agreed to turn me into the people that search for us.

I know that it has always been my fault we were caught each time. I know that he has suffered, but I always have tried to keep all the pain I could away from him. Did he finally snap? Now that he had the chance to be happy did he just want me gone so he would live? Did he give up on me? What is going on?

As questions consumed my mind, tears, as well as silent sobs, left my eyes and lips. Sleep takes over and I slip off in pain to a night of restless sleep.

"Crack!" My eyes snap open as I look at the entrance of the cave. I backed up against the wall trying to hide, not knowing right now if I was strong enough to fight. What if Jace found me? But before I could cast a spell and hide me a figure, an outline, of a male appeared before me.

"Hello." The deep voice says. Before I could reply or attack I felt my body become heavy and pass out to the ground. What the hell is going on? 

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