Chapter 11 (Kym)

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My eyes flutter open and once they do I am surrounded by what seems like a white cloud. I notice I am laying on the ground and I stand up to see where I am. Two different sequences appear in my mind. One where my brother and I found our mate and I was put on a trial because I hide my scent from my mate and another of my brother and I just entering the town and me giving my life for my mate and my brother. I look around me in this blanket of cloud and light confusing me.

Am I dead? If I am dead is it from memory number one or was that memory just a dream? Or am I dead because of memory number two or was that just the trial? Am I even dead at all or am I in limbo or something. "Hello," I call out into the open space as I move around everywhere but find nothing.

After a few moments, I feel the presence of someone or something behind me. I do not turn around being careful of what it is and/or who it is. Before I turn around I call out one more time, "Hello?"

"Hello, my dear child." I soft motherly voice speaks behind me causing me to turn around and meet face to face with a tall beautiful woman. She is about the height of my brother who is 6' tall. Her long white hair frames her face as she smiles at me sweetly when we see that I am analyzing her as I do to everyone I first meet. Her eyes are as bright green as my brother's, but her's are filled with wisdom and regret, but someone who manages to give me a loving gaze. "Are you done your analysis of me my Kymie?"

"Who are you? Where am I? What am I doing here? Am I dead?" I hold back from asking all the other questions I have. I don't move away from her as I usually would do with a stranger, because there is something familiar about her and her soft ancient presence.

"You are always as cautious as ever. I will answer these questions in parts, but you must promise to do what I ask during this little time we have together." I for some reason nod my head agreeing to something that I just very well may regret, but what is the worst that can happen if I am dead?

She smiles at me as if knowing what I am thinking and she continues to speak, "I am the Moon Goddess my Daughter. But you may call me Stella." I look at her with shock as she tells me who she is and it all clicks. Her appearance her aurora it all makes sense. "You are also not dead. And before you ask the memory that is the real one is the first one you have, but you are not dead. You have passed the trial. But that is about as much information I can tell you about that. You will find out the rest later."

"What am I doing here, Mo-Stella?" She continues to smile as she leads me somewhere and I follow closely behind her. After a minute or two of silently walking we reach a mirror.

"Look at yourself in the mirror my child." I move in front of the mirror to do as she says curious about what she is planning to do. "Look at the mirror and tell me what you see."

Instead of questioning her as is my first instinct to do I decide to hear her out and find out what she is trying to tell and/or show me. I look in the mirror and I start seeing myself which I haven't done in a while. "I see my dirty blond hair, it is long and wavy and reaches about mind back. Usually, it is tied into a ponytail or braid, but right now it is not."

I look at the goddess and she nods for me to continue I have no clue as to why, but I continue. "I see my face it is very thin and heart-shaped. It is covered with freckles across my cheeks of different sized seems like dirt was splashed on my face."

"What else do you see my Kymie?" She persists as she wants me to continue to speak and I roll my eyes not understanding the point and starting to get frustrated.

"I see my skinny body as evidence that I do not eat well because of being on the run. I see that I am much shorter than you. You bring about almost a foot taller than me." I continue looking in the mirror to be able to get what she wants me to see before my eyes connect with themselves. "I see dark green eyes, that turn silver when my wolf is our but when my wolf and magic are out they are silver with specks of gold. They remind me of Jace's eyes. I look a whole lot like Jace. But he and I don't look 100% identical. His eyes are bright wild green. He doesn't have freckles and he is 6' tall and has some more muscle to him than I do. But we have the same hair, the same pale skin, and the same silvery eyes that shine bright without wolves."

"Good, good child. You have reached as far as you can. But I see more to that. I see someone loyal, powerful, strong-willed, and willing to fight for what she believes in. Someone so alike to her twin and so protective of him. Someone who has a strong hard path ahead of her." I turn to look at the goddess.

"You never told me why I am here." She smiles at he knowingly as if she were expecting me to ask again. It seems very likely that she did expect me to.

"You will return to your body soon. You were weak from everything and I was able to bring you up here to warn you. There is a great evil coming and this is not the only one coming your way just the first. You can not run anymore. As much as you try it will not be possible. You must fight. You must stay strong. You and your brother have a big destiny ahead. Stay alive long enough to see it and be able to reap its benefits. That is as much as I can tell you. You are quickly fading. Go back to your world and stay strong my little wolf, my little witch."

I look at her with worry and before I can ask anything else I am once again surrounded by darkness.

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