Chapter 2 (Jace)

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As Faith thinks through the deal that I laid out for her, I am distracted trying to calm down my wolf. Why are you ansty? I ask my wolf, Aiden. I continue feeling his anxiety and his pacing back and forth in the back of my head, but I do not hear a reply from him.

Whilst in my state of distraction I do not immediately notice that Faith accepted my counter offer until I look at my sister and see her smile and look of pride. I know she is proud of me for making the deal, she always is proud of me for what I do and plan to do. I smile back at my sister before we conduct the trade.

While I hand over the gutted and skinned animal and Kymie gives off the credits I feel on high alert because of my wolf and have no explanation as to why that is.

Once the trade is completed Kymie and I turn to go and leave the market because all that we needed was these herbs and medicine. Though as we turn to take a leave the whole world around me feels so distant. I can't focus on anything but on the scent of oranges that is mixed with chocolate and a hint of vanilla. My eyes look all over the market, the faces blurring into one another as I try to find the source of that scent.

As my eyes search frantically they finally end up on the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life. His dark brown hair was messily on his head as if he just rolled out of bed. His height, if I were to guess, was around 6'2. But his eyes were as blue as the ocean. They were so kind, hypnotizing, and yet so full of hunger.

The second our eyes connect I feel like a piece of me as completed at that very second I hear Aiden say, Mate. Shock goes through me not expecting the moon goddess to ever give me a mate, and even less a mate of my preferred orientation.

I see his slim, but fit figure rushing over to my direction, the people in his way parting to let him pass. Once he reaches me his eyes are filled with confusion and I look at him frozen in my spot before I realize that he is looking between me and someone else.

I look in the direction he is looking and see Kymie with a blank look on her face before she sweeps her hand through her hair and looks up at him and me. I look at her confused as to what she is doing before she takes a step back and I see the man's eyes finally land on me.

"Mate," The mysterious man claims to me as he looks deep into my eyes. Both of us are frozen in our spots as if time does not affect us. His hand moves to touch my face. His touch is gentle and he looks at me with such want, but also disbelief. I see his eyes slightly darken showing his wolf is close to the surface. "What is your name?"

I smile at him, "My name is Jace. What is your name my mate?" I give him a playful smirk I usually use on women.

"My name is Eric. I am the Alpha of the Silent Moon Pack. You are a rogue?"

"Yes, my twin sister and I are rogues," I start backing away from him pulling my sister behind me realizing the position we are put in. An Alpha my mate is a freaking Alpha. Kymie and I could be in so much trouble. He could kill her. He could kill both of us. Why would he want a good-for-nothing rogue as a mate? "We can leave your territory. We are sorry for trespassing we thought this was neutral land."

His eyes land on my sister before he lets a low menacing growl slip his lips. He turns his head analyzing both of us before he speaks in a stern tone, "You are my mate, you must stay on the land and serve as my mate and equal leader of my pack. You must stay as you are my mate and I must not reject my mate. But your sister must leave. She is not welcomed here. You as my mate will not be a rogue anymore. Her witch kind is not welcomed here."

A growl leaves my lips as my eyes switch from their natural green color to silver my wolf comes to the surface as my need to protect my sister comes forward. "If she goes I go. She is my sister. My twin most of all. She is always by my side or you can't have me here. And what the bloody hell do you mean you don't allow witches here. We just saw a witch from your pack. Or I believe it is from your pack because she had the scent of your pack mixed with her witch scent. Unless your pack is so useless and unprepared that she was able to remain undetected." I challenge him as I still hold Kymie behind me.

"You will not call my pack weak or unprepared or useless. Now mate you will let her go and we promise she will not get hurt. She will be able to remain in the pack if she passes the tests. She will be away from you unless granted permission. And if she decided to take these tests to stay near you, but she fails she will be killed."

My anger deepens but Aiden doesn't fully come to the surface. I can feel his heartache. He needs to be near his mate. The other part of him, but his need to always be with his twin. His literal another half. Kymie and I can't be separated. I am all she has. She is my sister my other half. I was about to say something but before my words could slip past my lips I feel Kymie free herself from my grip holding her behind me and I see her walk in front of me.

Her back is to Eric as she looks at me and she mind links to me, When have I ever lost any test. I will pass Jace. Be with your mate. I'll be okay. And you know because of our strong bond you will be able to mind link me whenever no matter how far apart we are. I am your twin I will always be here for you. And he is your mate your other part. You are destined. I will be okay, Her voice echos reassurance in my head as I nod at her.

She looks back at Eric and tilts her head to the side before walking right in front of him. His other pack members have surrounded us and they growl at her as she steeps too close to their alpha. Once she is at the distance she wants to be she looks at him and says, "Bring it on big bad alpha," And her confident smirk plays on her lips but I see an emotion deep within it all. One that she has hidden. The feeling of hurt and sadness overwhelmed me as I found it deep within her eyes.

She turns to me one last time before she gets cuffed and walked out with the pack warriors. I watch as she goes away my heart splitting into two. My sister is going away. She is taking a trail that could leave her to her death and I didn't even try to stop her. How could I choose my mate over her? I continue to watch her before I feel sparks flying across my skin as Eric touches my arm.

"Let's head to the packhouse there is a lot we need to talk about my mate," he smiles at me as he speaks and I yank my arm from his grip and my face becomes like stone.

"Lead the way Alpha," I said with as much poison put into the words as I could. I hear Aiden whimper in my head about how I'm treating my mate and for the separation of his twin. I look straight ahead walking behind. My mate, the Alpha Eric of the Silent Moon pack. His pack members watching our every move and my sister was gone and lost in the crowd.

We will be together once again my dear brother, I hear my sister's words linger in my head.

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