Chapter 18 (Jace)

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I watched as Kymie ran into the woods. I turned to gain control of my body. To chase her and hold her. My sister is running away from me. She is scared of me. I feel as if my heartbreaks, but there is nothing that I can do to help her. First I need to figure out what is controlling me and then figure out how to get rid of it.

I watched as a black shadow went into Eric's ear and I felt his shift. The way his eyes slightly changed color. The need for him to gain control of his body, but lose it in the blink of an eye. If he is anything like me he is awake inside his head and aware of everything going on, but he can't fight against it.

I watch as Eric's body and my body walk towards the packhouse acting as if nothing is happening. Like everything is good. Once we reach the packhouse I hear Eric say, "The Hybrid Witch has run. We must capture her. She must remain alive."

I saw as the pack started to crowd but only a portion of it and I heard my voice echo in my ears, "You must spread the word, but take notice she is dangerous and powerful. She must be captured at any cost. You can beat her, hurt her in any way you see fit to be able to bring her back here. As long as she is alive that is all that matters. Don't any of you dare kill her!" My voice echos loudly and I watch as the whole pack nods at us and mumbles yes alphas to both Eric and me. Them knowing that we are mates and that makes me their Alpha too.

The only thing that makes me feel better is that at least they won't kill her, but a growl threatens to leave my lips, but the thing controlling me won't let it go out. If anyone dares hurt my sister I will make them regret it. As anger consumes me I start to feel weaker. As if the thing controlling me is feeding off my fear and anger.

I watch as the pack is dismissed and hear as people mummer and start spreading the word throughout the pack of what their Alphas want to be done.

I must get figure out how to contract Aiden, how to make this fog between our connection go away to be able to figure out what is going n together. Two is always better than one. Aiden and I together can be stronger and figure out what is controlling me and now Eric and how to get rid of it.

I focus on my bond with Aiden. As I focus on it I visualize our bond. The physical connection in our brain and the spiritual connection that the moon goddess used to bind our souls together.

I watch as a silvery spiral line appears that seems like beams of lights appear in front of my eyes. But as soon as it appears it starts to fog over. I try to reach out to it and grab it but it's as if it's so far away.

I concentrate on the bond with Aiden and for a split second I can sense him and all I feel is his pain and misery. Before it goes away and I come face to face with a black hole. I touch the blackness and then I feel excruciating pain. I feel as if I am held back and then I hear whispers surround me. "You will never get out. You will fail at saving your sister. It's better to just give her up and have your mate. You will be happy with your mate. Your sister will always drive you to pain." No, that's not true. I look at the black hole straight on.

"She is not. She has always looked out for me and my happiness. She has always taken care of me. She will always be there if I need her. She is my sister, my twin I will never let go of her!" I yell into the darkness of my mind. I feel as the thing possessing my body gets upset.

"You will forget all her love. It will be buried deep inside my mind where you can't reach it. You will lose your love for your sister. You will bring her to her death. You must." I feel a heat filling me up and pain covers my being. My screams of pain fill the darkness around me and the silence that I have been left in. Every memory I feel as if they are played with and switched and I try to fight it. But I am not this strong, not without Aiden, not without Kymie. And I feel as if I escape consciousness in my own mind and I'm left with nothing.


My eyes flutter open. I look around and notice I am in my room. I don't remember how I got here. I think back on the events that happened before I went to bed and I remember how I finally stood up to my good-for-nothing sister. She has always caused me pain now I can finally get rid of her. But first Eric and I must find her.

I get out of bed and open the curtains seeing as it is already morning. Once I look out the window I notice people from the pack just going on with their day. I look at my door that leads to the outside but decide I should get showered and dressed before I meet up with Eric.

After getting ready I open the door leading to an empty hallway. I walk out the door and walk to Eric's office where he will most likely be. As I arrive at the door I just open it knowing he wouldn't care. As I enter the room I immediately spot Eric.

I walk towards him sitting at his desk and I kiss him quickly before going to sit on the chair in front of his desk. "I think we should figure out a plan to find my pest of a sister so we can end up giving her to one of our enemies.' I state as I stare at my handsome mate.

"I think that once we get her we should hand her over to the vampires. They have been very testy lastly going on wolf territory. We can give her to them as a treaty." I think about it for a minute and I nod my head.

"The Vampire Queen has been chasing her for quite some time so why not. I feel like that would work and would give this pack mostly a lot of relief from the vampire problem that's arising." I lean back against the chair as I think of the best way to catch my sister.

"Your sister has always been connected to you. Why don't you use the bond to find her." I think about that for a moment and then nod my head in agreeance as I search for our bond to be able to connect to her and find her. But as I search for our bond I can't find her. I can't find out connection and I sigh out in frustration. She m, just have blocked me out or done something else because I can't even find the bond.

"I think she used her magic to hide the bond and block me out. And since her magic is more powerful than mine then I can't undo her magic. we will have to find her the old fashion way I suppose. With a hunt." A smirk makes its way on my lips as well as Erics.

"A simple game of preditors and prey. Unfortunately for her, she is the p[rey. We will have lots of fun don't you think my dear mate. And then we will get your sister out of the way." Our laughs fill the room before we hear a knock on Eric's office door. "Come in," he calls out at the door.

The door opens slowly and who comes into view is the little witch that put my sister into a coma. Faith walks into the room with her head held high but then she stops all of a sudden as she looks at me and Eric. A smile grows on her face as she whispers so lowly that I could barely hear, "finally." She then goes into the room fully and stands in front of Eric and me. "I hear that you want to find your sister. I think I can help with that. " And with that statement peaks, Eric's and my interest as we sit up straighter

Leaving me to say, "Then go ahead, speak." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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