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Warning: contains self-harm, boyxboy, and swearing. Please don't read if any of these things bother you.


The church doors flew open and the cold breeze hit Louis almost immediately, causing him shiver violently. He stumble down the front steps of the church tugging his pea coat tighter around his torso. He ran down the street in the direction of his house not bothering to wait for his mum or sisters, they wouldn't care. Tears stung the back of his blue eyes as he tried not to fall to the ground sobbing.

He had been in church for two hours listening to how homosexuality is wrong when in truth Louis himself was gay. No one knew that of course, he would be disowned if they did.

Once he got to his house he slammed the front door and went straight to his room locking the door. He threw his coat onto his bed and went into the bathroom, stripping if his shirt on the way. Once inside he slid out of his jeans and looked himself over in the mirror and let out a deep sigh.

His Carmel brown hair was sticking up in random places and his usually ocean blue eyes had faded to a dull grey. His cheeks were stained with tears which he tried to wipe away but they were coming to fast so he just gave up. His eyes were underlined with dark bags from the loss of sleep he has been getting lately. He looked down his torso where his tanned skin was decorated with cuts, bruises, and scars. Some from himself others from his mother.

His mum hits him, she claims it's not abuse, that it's discipline so it's not a sin. His bones were very defined from all the meals he had to skip as puniahment. His mother thought of him as a disgrace to their family, she claims he takes to much after his father who had left their family when Louis was at a young age.

He traced his finger his tattoo that he managed to get without his mother knowing. His finger delicately traced the bars of the open bird cage on his right side under his arm. He followed the birds all the way up the front of his chest. He wished he could be like the birds, get away from this place and be free. He wished he could express himself like that boy his mother warned him to stay away from, Harry.

Harry Styles was exactly how Lou wished he could be, piercings at random places on his face, ink decorating a majority of his skin, black surround his eyes, dark curls falling perfectly. All in all that boy was gorgeous and Louis often found himself admiring him from afar. His mother hates Harry, along with the rest of the town, because he's different and openly gay. Louis is jealous of him, he wants to be as strong as him, being able to be yourself and ignore everyone who disagrees.

He turned on the water in the shower and set it to the perfect temperature before slipping off his boxers and sliding in. He let the warm water rush over his skin and washed his hair and body. He closed his eyes for a second debating if he really wanted to do what he was about to do. He decided yes and reached behind the many bottles and grabbed his silver razor. He twirled the metal around in his fingers and watched how the light reflected off the smooth surface. He brought it down to his leg and added pressure then with on smooth movement there was a large gash.

"Fuck!" He hissed under his breath as he watched the crimson red dance down towards the bottom of the shower.

He smiled through his tears as he brought the razor back and made another long cut. He did it over and over again until he had about 16 new cuts over top of his old scars. He slid the razor back into its place before jumping out of the shower and drying off. He grabbed the first aid kit and stopped the bleeding before wrapping his thigh.

With a towel wrapped securely around his hips he waked into his room an slid on a new pair of boxers and skinny jeans, wincing when they came in contact with his fresh wounds. He walked into the back of his closet and dug out a Motionless in White shirt along with a black jumper and slid them on. He shoved his iPhone in his pocket along with his keys and wallet. He plugged his headphones into his ears and listened to the kind of music his mum would have a heart attack about if she ever heard. He put an eyeliner pencil in his pocket along with his other things and slid on his pea coat, buttoning it up. He slipped on a pair of TOMS and ran down the stairs,

"I'm going to work!" He shouted to no one in particular.

He walked a few blocks before he ended up at the small café that he has grown to love. He opened the door and was instantly greater with the smell of coffee an baked goods.

"Louis!" He heard someone shout and looked up just in time to be crushed in a group hug, which he awkwardly returned.

"Hey guys!" He smiled at his two friends, Liam and Niall, once he was released. Liam and Niall have been his friend sense diapers and they told each other everything, literally everything. He walked over to the front counter and jumped over it then slipped his coat of, throwing it to the floor in the corner. He grabbed the hand-held mirror he kept under the counter and applied a thin layer o eyeliner.

"You're gonna get caught one of these days." Liam said from behind him using his 'daddy' voice.

"I know, that's the fun of it." Louis said putting away the mirror and smiling at his friend.

"Yeah come on lighten up daddy" Niall shouted jumping onto Lou's back. Liam rolled his eyes at his childish friends enforce walking into the back, closely followed by the two others. Niall sat on the counter while Lou made himself tea and Liam baked. They didn't have very much to do sense the café was practically empty, apart from an elderly couple sitting towards the back. After he made his tea Lou went and joined Niall on the counter.

"How did it go this morning?" Niall asked.

"Terrible" Louis groaned, "I had to sit through two hours of them preaching about how homosexuality is wrong."

"You didn't do it again did you?" Niall asked and he knew what he was talking about instantly. He looked down and started playing with his mug like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Louis, you promised you would stop." Liam joined in.

"I tried I really did but I guess I just had a weak moment." He said glancing up to meet his friends worried chocolate brown eyes.

"But-" Liam started only to get cut off by the bell indicating someone just came in.

"I'll take them!" Louis shouted jumping up and running towards the door leading the front.

"We're talking about this later!" He heard Liam shout before the door closed.

"How may I help you?" He said with a smile as he got to the front counter. When he saw who was standing in front of him his heart skipped a beat.

Standing in front I him was the Harry Styles.

(So how did you like it.? :D should I keep going with it.? Please give me some feedback. I wrote this on an iPhone so sorry for any mistakes




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