Chapter 13

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Warning: Sad chapter and self harm/ suicide trigger.

Louis sucked his bottom lip between his teeth, attempting to lessen the trembling. He sat between his two sisters, their smaller hands holding his in a death grip. He gave their hands a small squeeze as they sobbed into his thin shoulders. His teary blue eyes scanned over the closed casket that sat fairly close to them, the man speaking's voice fading as he drifted into his own world.

He remembered everything so clearly, the images still fresh in his mind....


It was Friday, three days after his sisters' funeral, four days before today. Fizzy and Daisy had asked him to watch a movie with them, which of course he agreed to do. A little ways into the movie he had started to wonder why his mother hadn't stormed downstairs to take the girls from him, like she usually does. Terrible thoughts started to cloud his brain so he quickly decided it was best to go check on her, risking the abuse he would surely receive if she was fine. He lightly ran a finger over the stitches he was now sporting on his forehead and arm, also his new split lip before excusing himself.

He quickly made his way to his mum's room and knocked lightly on the wooden door, pushing it open when he received no response. His eyes raked over the room before landing on the bed, his hand flew to his mouth as he fell to his knees, letting out what sounded like a choked sob. With shaking fingers, he fished his phone out of his pocket and quickly dialled the police. He explained what was happening to the kind lady on the other end of the line through his choked sobs, only tearing his eyes away from the sight of his mother laying on the bed, wrists slashed and laying in a puddle of her own blood, when his sisters came running up to see what was taking him so long.

He quickly sent them to their room before they could see anything before closing his mum's door and going to wait for the ambulance to arrive.

*End of Flashback*

Him being 19 and a legal adult, he took ownership of the house and full custody of both of his sisters. He was so scared, he didn't know what he was going to do, how was he supposed to care for himself along with two others? He'd have to find another job, one that pays better. He's going to have to work often, paying for all their necessities along with the bills is going to be expensive.

He let out a shaky sigh, wanting this to be over soon. This is too hard to be doing once again. He loved his mum, of course he did, she may have been an abusive non-caring person but she was still his mum and he loved her, even if she didn't return the feeling.

His thoughts were clouded with trying to figure out how he was supposed to make this work and he didn't notice the funeral had ended. Fizzy shook his sholder lightly, snapping him back into reality.

He looked at the grave where his mother had been lowered into the ground and got up, his knees about giving out under his weight. He slowly walked over to the edge of the grave and fell down to his knees, not caring if he stained his suit's pants. His eyes squeezed shut as he whispered a quiet, "I love you" followed by a promise to keep his sisters safe, to protect them with his life.

The rose, her favourite flower, he had been holding fell lightly on top of the closed casket before he stood up and quietly led his sisters back to the car.


With a rosary gripped tightly in one hand and a razor in the other, Louis sat, fully clothed, in the empty bath. He held the rosary tightly to his chest, ignoring the blood running down his arm from the blade digging into the soft skin of his palm, and prayed. He prayed and prayed, begging to know what he had done to deserve this, begging for forgiveness for all the things he had done wrong. Once finished he hung the rosary lightly around his neck, promising himself that it will never be removed. His eyes scanned over the deep gashes covering his entire left arm, top to bottom, before grabbing the bottle of whiskey off the floor nearby. He took a large gulp, trying to drink away his pain.


"Louis? Louis, are you okay?" Harry worried through the phone.

"Harry." Louis drunkenly hiccuped, "Harry, I don't know what to do, I'm so scared."

"Louis? Okay, Louis hold on, I'll be there soon. Please don't do anything stupid." Harry rushed, somehow managing to understand Louis' slurred words before hanging up and sprinting out his front door, ignoring Tatum's worried shouts.

He arrived at the Tomlinson household within five minutes, rushing past the sleeping girls' room and running into Louis' room. He took in the sight of Louis curled up on his bed, sobbing and hiccuping, his shirt blood-stained and his shredded up arm.

"Oh, Louis." Harry whimpered, quickly making his way over to his obviously broken boyfriend.

Louis jumped onto Harry once he was close enough, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck and crying into his shoulder. Harry ignored the strong scent of alcohol coming off of Lou and ran his fingers through his hair. He knew everything that had happened, Lou had explained it before going to the funeral, but he was sure to tell Harry not to come to the funeral, not wanting his mothers friends to flip.

"Come on sweety, lets get you cleaned up." Harry said soothingly, helping Louis up and leading him into the bathroom.

His eyes widened as he took in the state of the restroom, blood covered the tub and an empty whiskey bottle was smashed on the floor. His eyes burned with tears as he looked at his boyfriend, hating to see him like this. He swiped away the tear that had slid down his cheek before helping Louis remove his shirt. He went to slide the rosary over Lou's head but he just whimpered and grabbed ahold of it, "alright, alright, it's fine Louis." He soothed, leaving it hanging on the man's chest.

He quickly found the first aid kit and set to work cleaning the wounds and wrapping them. After about 20 minutes of no sounds but Louis' soft sniffles Harry was done. He led the intoxicated lad back into the bedroom and helped him change his trousers before putting him on the bed and tugging the blankets over him. He slid in behind the boy until he heard soft snores before sneaking out and returning to the wrecked bathroom.

He grabbed the trash can and got to work picking up the broken pieces of glass before grabbing a sponge and cleaning the tub off all the blood. It took about an hour but Harry finally got it finished and returned to Louis in the bed.

"We're going to get through this, everything's gonna be fine." He whispered as Louis snuggled closer to his body, still fully asleep, "I love you, Louis." He mumbled, placing a light kiss on his forehead, nose, cheek, then mouth, "I'm going to get you through this, I'll be there every step of the way." He buried his face into Louis' hair and wrapped his arms around his small waist and fell into a deep sleep.

A/N: I hope you don't hate me too much. :/ I'm sorry for the sad chapters. :/ Hopefully things will get better soon. So, I realise I haven't been updating my other story often and i am very sorry about that, I intend to have the next chapter completed and uploaded by the end of this weekend. Anyways, I hope you're enjoying the story, feedback is great.



Make piña coladas with a bear<3


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