Chapter 22

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Louis ran a shaky hand through his hair, he had just arrived at the hospital and he was fucking freaking out. Harry had left earlier that morning for the challenge, Louis wishes he could be there but this would be easier. He walked up to the desk, wobbling as his balance was hard to keep.

“Hello sir, how can I help you?” The woman behind the desk smiled.

“M-my name is L-Louis Tomlinson.” He stuttered.

The women hummed and stated typing on her computer, “Ah, here we are, you’re scheduled for surgery. Why don’t you take a seat over there and a nurse will be with you soon.” She instructed, gesturing to the empty chairs behind him.

He mumbled a quick ‘thank you’ before stumbling over and collapsing in one of the seats. He buried his head in his hands and let out a shaky breath, he doesn’t want to do this.

HE doesn’t know how long he sat there lost in thought; it could have been hours for all her knew, before a voice startled him back into reality. “Mr. Tomlinson.” His head snapped up to find a woman standing in front of him, she had long brunette hair that went perfectly with her brow eyes and tanned skin. She was dressed in all white and had a clipboard clutched tightly to her chest. “Are you ready to get prepped for surgery?” She asked.

He lightly nodded and pulled himself out of the seat, losing his balance and stumbling slightly, “Woah there.” The nurse said as she steadied him, “Come on sweetie.” She wrapped an arm around his waist and helped him walk back to his room.


Louis grimaced as he played around with the horrid gown they had forced him to wear. He had just gone through what seemed to be a thousand tests and he was tired as fuck. HE had about an hour before it was time for his surgery and he was just about panicking.

“Calm down, darling.” His nurse, Alex he learned her name was, said when she walked into the room. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

Throughout the last few hours he had been there he started to get close to the nurse, she was sweet and Louis liked her. She defiantly helped calm his nerves a bit. His eyes widened considerably when she walked over the bed and plugged in a razor. HE shook his head violently, wincing as it caused his head to hurt and his vision to go out.

“Sweetie, you have to calm down. This needs to be done and I don’t want to cut you.” She said calmly.

He didn’t like it but Louis gave in anyways, taking in a quick breath and squeezing his eyes closed when he heard the razor buzz to life. He opened one of his eyes a bit and whimpered when he saw his caramel hair in front of him, god damn it!

It took a few minutes but Alex finally finished, unplugging the razor and brushing the hair away. A tear ran down his cheek as he put his head down and squeezed his eyes closed, he hated this. “Oh, babe, it’s okay. Please don’t cry, I hate seeing people cry.” Alex whispered, running a hand over Louis’, now bald, head. She wiped away the tear before straightening up and turning to leave, “Surgery’s in a half hour.” She reminded him before walking out and leaving Louis alone with his thoughts.


Alex was about to wheel Louis into the surgery room before he stopped her with a shout, “Wait!”

“What s it Lou?” Alex asked, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion. Louis reached a shaky hand out to her, a white envelope clutched tightly.

“I-if I don’t m-make it can y-you give this to H-Harry Styles?”

“Oh, Lou, don’t talk like that.”

“Just- just please, promise me that he will get this.” He stuttered.

“I promise.” She said, grabbing the envelope and tucking it into her pocket.

“Okay, I’m ready.” Louis sighed.

A/N: Hating me even more now? So am I….. The next chapter is the last one but there wil also be an alternate ending... I have a feeling you'll like that one better.....



Bake a puzzle<3

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