Chapter 5

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 "Awe, they're so cute."

"Where's the camera? Where. Is. The. Camera?"


"I got it!"

"Sh! You're going to wake them!"

Louis groaned and buried his face deeper into his pillow as those two voices pulled him from his dream. Wait. Sense when is my pillow this warm? And sense when does it move? He thought. His body shot up only to be pulled back down by something wrapped around his waist. He struggled to get them off and roll away but ended up face down on the carpeted floor. Groaning, he rolled over and let his eyes flutter open. Anne and Tatum were standing at the end of the bed, doubled over in laughter, and Harry was peaking over the edge of the bed, his curls all over the place and looking like he was trying his best not to laugh.

"Good morning Darling. Did you have a nice fall?" Harry chuckled.

"Shut up Harold." Louis groaned, pulling himself up into a sitting position. The memories of the previous night all came flooding back to him, he had to shake his head to make them go away.

 "Well, someone rolled off the wrong side of the bed this morning." Harry said finally letting out his laughter.

"I am going to kill you." Louis snarled.

He shot up from his spot on the bed and tackled Harry, who let out a yelp as he fell backwards onto the bed, and flung his good leg over his body so he was straddling his hips. He ran his small fingers over Harry's long torso until he was having a laughing fit underneath the smaller boy.

"L-Louis s-stop!" Harry cried between his laughter.

"You gonna be nice to me?" Louis questioned not letting up.


"Fine." Louis chucked rolling off the younger lad.

"You guys are so adorable." Anne cooed, placing her hand over her heart.

"We came in here to tell Harry to get ready because I have a shoot and we find this," Tatum exclaimed, flinging her phone out at them.

Louis crawled over Harry to get a closer look at the iPhone only to see a picture of them asleep. Harry was laying on his back, his arms wrapped securely around Louis thin frame, and his face buried into his feathery hair. Louis was laying on his side, his head resting on Harry's chest, and his hand laying lightly on his stomach.

Harry groaned and threw his head back in embarrassment while Louis tried to hide the blush covering his face.

"Well, hurry up and get ready boys." Tatum said, pulling her mum out of the room.

"You slept with your make-up on last night?" Louis laughed.

"Shit. Yeah, I did." Harry spoke, "Is that covering....?"

Louis looked down towards where Harry was pointing to find the large bandage that covered all of his lower arm and knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Yeah." He sighed.

"Can I see?" Harry questioned hesitantly.

"How about another time? I got to get to work soon." Louis reasoned.

"Oh, yeah. Let's get ready." Harry said making his way towards the bathroom, "Help yourself to anything in the closet."


Louis tapped his pen onto the notebook he had been scribbling in for the past half hour. He was alone at the cafe, Niall had called in sick (It has something to do with his little 'expirement' no doubt) and Liam had the day off. His mind was racing as he chewed on the cap of his pen. He had had a dream last night and it really had him thinking. He decided to bring his thoughts together and use them as inspiration. He shot out of his seat and went, as fast as he could with his cast-leg, into the kitchen to grab the guitar Niall always leaves laying around. He returned to his seat and began writing some lyrics, only stopping to serve a costumer.

~Dream Your Nightmares~ --A Larry Stylinson AU--Where stories live. Discover now