Chapter 15

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Louis kept his gaze locked on the ground as he and Harry walked through the town. Their fingers were intertwined and their shoulders were rubbing one another. Louis could feel everyone's eyes on them, feel the insults they were whispering. He kept his attention focused on the feel of Harry's thumb lightly rubbing the back of his hand and the reaussuring words he was whispering;

"Just ignore them"

"They don't know anything, they're just being idiots."

"Don't listen, none of it is true."

"You're perfect and you being happy is all that matters, not their idiotic opinions."

After a few minutes Harry pulled Louis into a little diner, "We're getting breakfast." He stated when he saw Louis confused look.

They were seated and given menus when Louis felt Harry wrap his legs around one of Louis'. He looked up at the curly haired lad and raised an eyebrow, receiving a smile in response.

"Hello and welcome to-" the waiter started when he arrived at the couples table, but Louis quickly cut him off, "Ed?"

The waiter looked up, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Wha- Oh my god, Louis!"

Louis stood up from his spot and brought the waiter in for a hug. Ed Sheeran was one of Louis' childhood friends, his first crush actually, but he got over that quickly. Ed had moved away when they were only 14, they ended up losing contact and haven't talked sense.

"What are you doing here?" Lou asked when he pulled away.

"I just moved back here, started uni in te next town over. I didn't realise you were still here. That's awesome. It's really nice to see you." Ed smiled.

"You too. I've missed you." Lou said returning a small smile.

Their conversation got cut off by someone clearing their throat behind them, "Oh! Ed, this Harry. Hazza, this is Ed Sheeran, we were friends as kids." Louis introduced the two, sitting back in his seat as Ed slid in the booth after him.

"Nice to meet you, mate." Ed smiled, shaking Harry's hand, "How do you know my little LouBear here?"

Louis scowled as Ed threw an arm around his knock and pulled him into his chest, "Harry's my boyfriend."

"Really? That's great!" Ed smiled wider, "I'm happy for you lads."

Louis lightly shoved Ed's shoulder and stuck his tongue out causing the ginger lad to laugh, "So, how's the fam?"

Louis stiffened as he heard the question, his eyes immediately snapping up to look at Harry, "Uh.." He trailed off, biting his lip.

"Ed! Get to work!" A voice shouted from the back of the diner making Louis let out a sigh of relief, being saved from having to talk about that touchy subject.

"Shit guys, I gotta work. Let me just take your orders." He said standing up and writing down their orders before quickly returning to the kitchen.

"Well, he seems nice." Harry said, breaking the silence that had fallen over them.

"Yeah, he's great. He was my best friend as a child, along with Niall and Liam, they're gonna flip when they find out he's back. I think you'll like him once you get to know him."

"Yeah, I think I will." Harry grinned as their breakfast was set in front of them, "Dig in."


It took a few days but it was defiantly worth it. Louis stood in his room looking at the new additions to his body as he waited for Harry to arrive. The new black ink decorated his body, swirling and twirling in the perfect ways. He hasn't told Harry about his new tattoos, he planned to suprise his boyfriend. The three angels, one on each arm and one on his back, were dedicated to his mother and his sisters.

On his right arm there was a small angel, her head bowed and hands pressed together as she prayed. A small rosary hung around her hands and a halo circled her head along with two flowers that sat in her hair. The words "In loving memory of Phoebe Tomlinson" were written over it.

On his left arm there was adult looking angel. One wing was shown over her shoulder as she looked down with her eyes closed, tears streaming down her face. The words, "God love and protect Charlotte Tomlinson" were writen over it.

On his back there was a rather large cross with a ribbon wrapped around it reading, "No more pain". There was an adult angel sat in front of it. One leg was drawn to her chest, the other tucked under it, and her arms were wrapped loosely around it. It read his mothers name.

Each tattoo had each if the girls birth years and death years. He tore his eyes away from the black ink when he heard the front door open and footsteps leading up the stairs.

"Hey boo-" Harry started when he opened the door, though he stopped mid-sentence when he caught sight of the older lad, "Y-you got new tattoos."

He smiled slightly as Harry came further into the room, walking behind him to get a better look at the additions.

"They're beautiful." He breathed, "Do they hurt?"

"The one on my left arm is still a bit sore, but other than that no." He answered.

"Absolutely gorgeous." Harry whispered, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist and pulling him into his chest, "You're so beautiful."

Louis shivered as he felt Harry press a kiss to the back of his neck, trailing them down his spine. Louis spun around in his arms so they were pressed chest to chest. Grabbing the back of his neck, Louis crashed their lips together, licking Harry's bottom lip. Harry opened his lips, letting Louis tongue slip in as they fought for dominance.

Harry ended up giving in and letting Lou win, letting the older boy explore every inch of his mouth. The younger lad let out a deep moan as Louis slid his hands under his shirt, trailing them up his chest and bring the shirt with them. Their lips parted for a second as Harry slid his shirt off, though they were immediately connected again before the fabric even touched the floor.

Lou led Harry backwards until his legs hit the bed and he fell onto it. A smirk made its way onto his face as he crawled up his boyfriends body and straddled his waist. Hazza grabbed the rosary wrapped around Lou's neck and used it to pull him down, bringing their lips together. Louis pulled away and kissed down Harry's neck, stopping to tug lightly on the piercing under his collar bone with his teeth, as his hands fumbled with his jeans...

A/N: Ahh, yeah I had to stop it there. I don't know whether to keep going with the smut or just skip that scene entirely, what do you all think? Ill go with the more popular vote. Feedback is great. :) It's kinda a sucky chapter, I know. Also, if you didn't know already, I started one shots so if you would like to request one then you can mosie on over to my other story and leave a comment or message me. :)



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