Chapter 4

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One minute the cool barrel of the gun was pressed lightly against his temple and the next it was on the damp ground and he was wrapped in a pair of strong arms. Louis let out a strangled sob and buried his face into Harry's untamed curls.

"What are you doing out here?" Harry asked as Louis started to slowly calm down.

"I could ask y-you the same thing." Louis stuttered.

"I just had to get away from the house for awhile so I snuck out. Now, what were you doing?" He responded.

He probably should tell Harry the truth but how would he take it? Would he treat hm different? Not want anything to do with him? Be disgusted by him? There were so many different ways he could react and that scared Louis.

Deciding to start from the beginning he took a deep breath and started, "Okay, so I'll start from the begging. Everything was fine when I was a child, my family got along, we never fought. It was just me, my parents, and the two girls. Once the twins were born my dad ditched, he just left without so much as a goodbye. My mom was crushed, at first she was blaming herself, thought she wasn't a good enough wife, after awhile though she started blaming me." He spoke quietly into Harry's hair, still wrapped in his arms, 'It wasn't bad at first, she'd yell and get annoyed easily but then she started getting physical. She's never really been fond of me, thought I was a disgrace to the family, but after her left she started voicing her opinion more often. She thought I took to much after my dad, I was an embarrassment to her. Everything I did she thought was wrong. She started hitting me when I was about 10. She always wanted to be perfect so she says it's disciplining me so that it's not a sin. When I was 11 it all started to get to much, I found a razor and cut my leg. I loved the feeling so I kept doing it. Then when I was 13 I realized that I was gay, that along with the pressure of her abuse and pretending that I believed the things they tried to teach me in church was terrible. I had to keep everything a secret or I would get disowned. I didn't break my leg falling down the stairs, she pushed me. I didn't run into a door, I got slapped. Today when I went home I found my room trashed, I was shocked to say the least so I went to ask my mum. She told me she thought that I was hiding something so she went to look. She ended up finding a bunch of razors and getting pissed, she started saying that I was sinning and I was going to hell. She pushed me down and kicked me in the ribs along with stomping on my cast and telling me to leave and not come back 'till tomorrow. I guess I snapped and here I am."

"Oh my god, Louis." Harry whimpered, squeezing the smaller lad tighter. "That's terrible, you can't go back there."

"I have to Harry, all my stuff is there and I don't have the money for a flat. Once I get enough I'm leaving."

Harry sighed but didn't push, "Then come to mine for the night."

"I don't wanna be a bother." Louis trailed off. "You could never be a bother, now come one." He picked Louis up bridal style, grabbing his crutches in the process. Louis hooked his thin arms around Harry's neck and buried his face into his chest. the gun long forgotten, Harry started the short walk back to his flat.


"Are you okay sweety?" Tatum asked when she pulled back from a big hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Louis reassured her.

"Hello, darling." A womanly voice flowed in from the kitchen, "Oh, who's your friend?" A woman, who strongly resembled Harry, said walking out of the kitchen and eyeing Louis suspiciously.

"Mum, this is Louis. He's gonna be staying for the night." Harry said, wrapping his arm around Louis shoulder. He let out a sigh as he rested his head against Harry's shoulder.

"Oh, okay. Well it's nice to meet you Louis." Harry's mum smiled.

"You too ma'am." Louis responded, pasting on his best fake smile.

"Oh, please call me Anne. Now, Tatum come on we're missing the x-factor." Anne said, grabbing Tatum's arm and running into what Louis assumed was the living room.

"Come one, let's go to my room." Harry said.

After helping Louis up the stairs he led them to a door at the end of the hall. As soon as he stepped foot through the door Louis was in love with the room. It had a Purple and white theme, the walls were stripped, the carpet was purple, and the furniture was white. various posters of bands that Louis loved where scattered along the striped walls.

"I'll find you something to wear." Harry said, walking towards the closet and slipping off his leather jacket in the process.

He tossed a pair of sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt on the bed before removing his shirt.

"The bathroom is next door or you could change in here, either is fine." Harry said but Louis was too distracted by the tattoos scattered along his long torso.

He also discovered he has right under his collar bones pierced. That's so hot. He thought. He tore his eyes away and decided it was time to leave when Harry started to unbutton his trousers.

Once he changed he made his way back into Harry's room. He had Pour Me playing lightly and was laying on the bed in only sweatpants humming along.

He flopped down next to him and sighed, "I'm tired." "me too." Harry said. There was a silence, all you could hear was the light music playing from Harry's iPhone.

"Do you believe in god?" Harry asked out of nowhere.

"What?" Louis asked, surprised.

"Earlier, you said you didn't believe the church's teachings. So do you believe in god?" Harry clarified.

"Yeah, of course. I just think the church is full of shit."

"Oh, I completely agree."

There was another silence which Harry broke, "So you're gay?"

"You just love being random don't you?" Louis chuckled, "But yes, I am gay."

"Now me and Zayn arn't the only ones." Harry smiled.

"Wait, Zayn's not gay?" Louis stated but it came out more as a question.

"He's bi."


"We should probably go to sleep." Harry said. Louis agreed and turned off the music while Harry turned out the light.

"Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight Louis."

Another chapter done! *Insert happy dance here* Harry and Louis are starting to get closer. :D Picture on the side is what I picture Harry to look like in this story. Kinda..... Anywhosers! Feedback is always welcome!



Go scuba diving with a dish washer<3


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