Chapter 14

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Louis let out a low groan as his eyes slowly fluttered open, only to be blinded by the light streaming in through his open curtains. He threw his arm over his eyes and rolled onto his side but the bed ended and he fell face first onto the floor. He growled lightly but made no move get up, he didn't want to. Getting up meant dealing with yet another day and he honestly didn't want that.

He sighed as he pushed himself off the floor slowly, his head pounding. He cringed as he rubbed his forehead, he's starting to regret the drinking he had done the night before. He looked at the bed from his spot kneeling on the floor and let a quick smile slid on his face, though it was gone as quick as it had come, at the sight in front of him.

Harry was lying on his stomach, his arms tucked under his head. His curls were everywhere an his eyeliner was smeared around his closed eyes. His mouth was open slightly and a shinny piece of metal caught Louis attention. He looked closer at the ring on the side of Harry's nose. What the hell? When did we get that? He thought. He decided to ask later because right now, he really needs some painkillers. Also, he didn't remember Harry comeing over so he figured he must have called him.

He switched his shirt with a long sleeved one to cover the bandages on his arm before making his way down the stairs. Fizzy and Daisy sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen eating bowls of cereal.

"Morning Lou." Fizzy said, looking at her brother.

"Morning girls." He responded, filling a glass with water and downing two Aspirin, "When Harry wakes up will you girls tell him I'm downstairs?"

"Yeah sure. Harry's here?"

"Yeah, I called him last night. Oh, don't forget that grandma is coming I pick you guys up in an hour." He said walking towards the living room. Their grandmother had wanted to spend more time with the girls, she claims she misses them but Louis knows that she doesn't trust him alone with them, "Are your bags packed?"

"Yes." Daisy smiled.

"Good, I'll see you girls later." He said, pulling his best fake smile and kissing them both on the forehead and giving them a hug then retreating from the room.

Once in the living room he went to the far corner, moving the chair to the side to reveal a small door on the floor. His father had shown it to him when he was younger, his mother hadn't known about it so he hid away in there. Once his father had left he started using it often as an escape from everything. He had shown it to the girls when he had felt they were old enough.

He pulled the door open and walked down the spiral stair case, his hand resting lightly on the intricate design of the railing. He switched the lamp in the corner of the small room on and watched the room flood with light. He smiled slightly as he looked over the walls that were covered end to end in books. He loves it down here, the room is absolutely beautiful and it gave him time for himself to escape the real world for a few hours. He ran his finger over the spines of the old books, looking for one to read. He's always loved reading, loved getting lost in a book, going to different world and escaping the one he's in now. Going someplace where everything was alright, nothing bad happened. He often found himself dreading having to leave, go back to the cruel world he lives in.

He sighed as he slid into the large armchair that sat next to the lamp. He grabbed the book sitting on the stand next to him, along with his glasses, and picked up where he had last left off.

A hour later Louis glanced up from his book when he hears the door on the ceiling swing open. He placed the book and his glasses back on the stand as Harry made his way down the stairs.

"Hey." Harry spoke, his voice coming out quiet, heavy with exhaustion.

"Hey." Lou mumbled back.

~Dream Your Nightmares~ --A Larry Stylinson AU--Where stories live. Discover now