Chapter 2

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"Shit." Louis hissed under his breath as the cool metal dug into his tanned skin.

The warm water of the shower ran down his small body, catching slightly on the bag wrapped securely around his cast.

He had made about 10 new wounds scattered around the flesh of his forearm. Taking a deep breath he dug the razor back into his arm, carving out a rather large 'F'. He added on an 'AG' afterwords and slid the razor back into its place. He slipped out of the shower and dried off enforce ripping off the bag. Grabbing the first aid kit he started wiping up the blood making its way downwards. He wrapped his arm, wincing at the pressure of the bandage.

He slid on a pair of boxers along with jeans and a long sleeves striped top. He limped his way into his room and pocketed his phone, wallet and keys. Plugging his headphones into his ears, he grabbed his crutches and started struggling his way down the stairs. After his long struggle he sold on his pea coat and shoe,

"Where are you going?" His mother asked surprising him.

"To work." He said simply.

"Fine, don't be expecting food when you get back, you're not getting anything for the rest of the week."

"The rest of the week?!" He shrieked.

He gasped as her hand came in contact with his cheek, "don't raise your voice at me!" She shouted.

"I'm sorry." Louis whispered, looking down at the floor.

"Just leave." His mother spat, turning and walking out of the room. He turned and rushed out the door and made his way to the café.

Immediately after the door opened Louis was met with a shout from Niall, "Louis! Where were you yesterday mate? And what happened to your leg?"

"I fell down the stairs and missed work to go down to the hospital. I'm sorry I hope it wasn't too much of an inconvenience." He said making his way behind the counter, carelessly throwing his crutches and coat into the corner.

"You fell?" Niall asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, but I'm fine."

"Okay if you say so." Niall shrugged walking into the kitchen. There was very few customers so he grabbed a cloth from below the counter and started cleaning.

"We are the prisoners, things couldn't get much worse. I've had it up to here, you know your end is near." He sang along to 'Had Enough' under his breath, gradually getting louder. "You had to have it all well have you had enough? You greedy little bastard you will get what you deserve. When is said and done i will be the one to leave you in your misery and hate why you've become."

"Breaking Benjamin? Nice." A voice said, startling him out of his little world. His head snapped up in the direction and he ripped the headphones out of his ears.

"Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me!" Louis said clutching his chest and lightly slapping Harry on the shoulder.

"Well hello to you too." Harry chucked as Louis tried to slow his racing heart.

"You're a really good singer."

"Yeah, Right." Louis snorted.

"No, I'm being serious. You've got some talent." Harry said.

"Okay, whatever you say Harry." Louis rolled his eyes. Harry went to say something but was cut off by Liam walking in.

"Hello Louis, Harry." He said walking whine the counter.

"Why did you do Tomlinson?" Liam asked pointing towards the crutches in the corner.

"I may have fallen down the stairs." Louis lied.

"Oh, okay." He said giving Louis a look that screamed 'I don't believe you' but he left it alone, going and joining Niall in the kitchen.

"How is your leg?" Harry wodered, leanig over the counter slightly.

"It's not the bad but its a pain in the ass trying to use the stairs."

"I bet." Harry chuckled, "what's that?" Harry pointed towards a red spot forming on Louis sleeve.

"Fuck!" Louis muttered turning and making his way towards the kitchen, "I'll be right back!"

He grabbed the first aid kit and went as fast as he could towards the bathroom, ignoring his legs screams of protest and hiding the kit from Harry. Niall was running closely after him and caught the door before Lou had a chance to slam it. He slipped his way in and locked the door. He grabbed the first aid kit from Louis' small hands,

"You did it again didn't you?" He said giving his friend a worried look. Louis dropped his head and gave his friend a slight nod.

"Let me see." Niall sighed. Louis felt tears sting the back of his eyes and had to bite his lip to keep it from trembling as he rolled up his sleeve revealing a blood-soaked bandage. A tear rolled down his cheek as Niall started to delicately remove the bloody thing. He let out a gasp as he took in the large 'FAG' carved into his best friends arm along with the various other cuts.

Niall grabbed Louis' shoulders and pulled him into one of his famous Horan hugs while Louis choked back a sob. After a while he gave up and started to sob into Niall's shoulder as the younger boy caressed the back of his head. Once they broke apart Niall set to work on cleaning the deep gashes, the only sound being heard was Louis' sobs.

Niall had just finished re-wrapping his arm when there was a knock on the door, "Are you guys alright?" Liam's voice flowed through the door.

"Yeah, we'll be right out. Could you bring us Louis' crutches?" Niall shouted back. There was a quick 'yes' before retreating footsteps. Lou pulled down his sleeves and wiped his face, trying to hide the fact that he had cried.

"Thank you Niall." He said giving the blonde haired boy a small smile.

"Anything for you." Niall said wrapping his arm around the smaller boys shoulders and planting a kiss on his hair.

"Here." Liam said, walking in and handing Lou his crutches.

"Thanks LiLi." He smiled making his way back to the front counter where Harry was say, sipping on a coffee.

"Is everything alright?" Harry asked, sounding worried.

"Yeah everything's fine." He reassured the curly haired lad.

"Okay, well I best get going. Ill see ya around Lou."

"Bye Harry" Lou waved as the boy made his way out of the cafè. He went to grab Harry's cup when he noticed there was something written the napkin sat next to it,

'Lou, text me sometime? :) (xxx)-xxx-xxxx -Hazza xx' it read. Lou shoved it in his pocket smiling before going back to work.

*whoop whoop! Another chapter done! How are y'all liking it so far? Feedback would be great! :) sorry for any mistakes.



Shave a tree


~Dream Your Nightmares~ --A Larry Stylinson AU--Where stories live. Discover now