Chapter 20

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A/N: So, this story is coming closer and closer to the end, there’s very little chapters left. I have the rest of the story written out along with an alternate ending in the case that you don’t like the one that I have written (Which I am expecting to happen) I’ll write more at the end. You’ll find out what’s wrong with Louis in this chapter.

Louis found things seemed to get better as time passed, he caught himself smiling more often and actually having fun. He was growing weaker though, Harry seemed to be noticing that.

He was sat in the back of the café with Liam, Niall, and Ed. He was explaining what was going on with him, it was hard, especially when Liam had started to cry followed closely by the other two.

“Guys, please don’t cry.” He begged when he had finished explaining everything, “You’re going to make me cry.”

“I’m sorry, I just,” Liam stuttered.

Louis didn’t wait for him to finish, opting instead to pull the boys into a hug. “Does Harry know?” Niall questioned quietly.

Lou shook his head slightly, looking at the floor, when him and Liam separated.

“Louis!” Ed scolded, “You have to tell him!”

“I know! But look at how you’re reacting, I can’t even imagine how he’ll take it.”

“Tell who what?” Louis head snapped towards the door at the sound of Harry’s voice, “Why is everyone crying?”

“Harry.” Louis gasped.

“Am I missing something here?” The punk boy asked, his eyebrows drawn together in confusion.

“Tell ‘im.” Niall urged, nudging Louis’ shoulder with his own.

Louis sighed, getting up from his spot and grabbing Harry’s hand, “Come on Hazza, I’ll explain at home.”




“I’m hungry.”


“We should get some food.”



“Stop staling.”

Louis frowned with a huff and flopped down onto the couch, watching Harry sit next to him.

“So what’s wrong?” His boyfriend asked.

Louis closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before opening and locking his gaze with Harry’s. “I have a brain tumor.” He stated, deciding that coming straight out with it was better then procrastinating.

There was a moment of silence as Harry seemed to be processing the information. “What?” He finally spoke.

Louis just nodded, not once breaking eye contact with the boy in front of him.

“How long do you…?” Harry couldn’t seem to finish his sentence but he didn’t have to, Louis knew what he was asking. “Few months.” He replied.

“Isn’t there something they can do?”

“Well, there’s always surgery. I’m not sure about it though, they’re not sure how well the survival chances are on my side.” Louis explained. “Do you think I should do it?”

Harry opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He quickly nodded his head, a tear steaming down his face.

“Don’t cry sweetie, you’re gonna mess up your makeup.” Louis smiled lightly, trying to lighten the situation just a bit. He wiped the tear away, trying to ignore the pounding in his head and how dizzy he became when he sat up.

“I love you so much Louis, please be okay.” Harry whimpered.

‘I love you too Harry.” Louis pulled him in for a hug, “Everything’s going to be fine.”


Louis called to set up an appointment for surgery that night. It was in a week and honestly, Louis was terrified. He told Harry the surgery was in two weeks; he knew what he was going to do. He stayed up for hours that night planning out what he was going to do.

He was scared, he didn’t want to die. Well, he used to but that was different, he had control over that, he decided when, where, how. And things were just starting to get better, what would happen to everyone is he doesn’t survive this?

He spent the next week the best that he could, there wasn’t a dull moment. He was going to miss this, Tatum’s crazy ways, Niall and Liam’s flirting.

He was sitting alone with Harry one day when he proposed a challenge. “Hey Harry, I have a challenge for you. A way you can prove your love for me.”

Harry’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, “What is it?” He asked.

“You have to go an entire day without me, no seeing or communication.” He smiled even though inside he was crying, he thanked god he took acting when he was in school, “If you can do it then your love is true.”

“You already know my love is true.” Harry shot back.

“Come on, it’ll be fun.” Louis grinned.

“Yeah, alright, I’ll do it.” Harry smiled back, wrapping his arm around the smaller boys shoulder, god Louis would miss this.

~Dream Your Nightmares~ --A Larry Stylinson AU--Where stories live. Discover now