Chapter 19

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Do they hurt?"

"Was it expensive?"

"I can't believe you did that!"

"Bro, it's fucking awesome!"

"It really is."

"So badass."

Louis couldn't hold back his smile at his friends' comments. He crossed his arms and leaned back against the front counter of the café, letting them get their rambling out of their system.

It had taken him an hour but he finally convinced Harry he was well enough to leave the house on his own that morning. Once he had escaped the house he went straight for his favorite tattoo parlor a few blocks over.

He ran his tongue over the inside of his bottom lip, grinning when they ran over the metal surface of his new snakebites.

"Does Harry know?" Liam asked, now that caught his attention.

"Nope." He grinned, popping the 'P' "I came straight here after I got it done."

"How do you think he's going to react?" Niall questioned.

"He's defiantly gonna be surprised." Louis responded, looking at the older man that had just walked in to the shop. "I'll get this guy, hold on."

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" He smiled when he reached the register, "Sir?" He tried again when he got no answer but he just kept getting a blank stare from the man, "Um sir? What would you like?"

The man quickly turned and walked out of the shop leaving Louis alone and confused, what the fuck was that? He clapped his hands once and pointed to where the man once stood. "Good talk." He said to no one before returning to his friends.

"What was that?" Niall chuckled; he obviously had witnessed the entire situation.

"I honestly have no idea." Louis answered truthfully. "But I do know it was fucking weird."

"That guy was rude." Liam spoke up, "And what was the point of that anyways?"

"People are crazy." Niall sighed.

Louis hummed in agreement, grabbing his cup of tea from the counter. He brought it up to his lips and was about to take a sip when a voice behind him startled him, the mug slipping from his grasp and the hot tea pouring down his chest.

He hissed in pain, grabbing the mug and shouting out in German, a habit her picked up for when he wanted to talk bad about himself without anyone understanding. "Gott verdammt noch mal! Ich kann nichts richtig machen! Was zum Teufel, verdammte Idiot. Ow, scheiße. Was ist los mit mir? Ficken, dies zu Verbrennungen. Ich verdiene es. Wer zum Teufel fällt eine Tasse, weil jemand hinter ihnen gesprochen? Offensichtlich ein fuck up wie mich. Ich sehe aus wie ein Idiot. Und jetzt bin ich zu mir selbst zu sprechen, das macht es viel besser." The pounding in his head grew worse as he shouted at himself, his vision going black for a moment.

He was still mumbling to himself when he ran into the kitchen, yanking his shirt off and using a towel to try and dry his pants.

"What was that?" Niall asked as he ran into the kitchen, followed closely by Liam and Harry. Ah, Haz was the one that surprised him. "'Cause I'm pretty sure that was not English." He added.

"Yeah, it was German." Louis said his head still down and trying to dry the burning tea.

"Sense when do you know German?" He heard Liam ask him.

"I taught myself a few years ago." He admitted. "Pissed mum off but I liked having a way to talk without anyone understanding. I've never used in front of you?" He sighed, giving up on the tea and looked up to his friends.

He looked awkwardly between them all as they seemed to not be able to take their eyes away from his bare torso, or in Harry's case, his lips.

"You got new tattoos." Niall gasped, only tearing his gaze away from the black ink when the bell indicating a new customer arrived rung. "I'll help them." He groaned.

There was an awkward silence until Liam decided that Niall 'needed help with the customer' and fled from the kitchen.

Louis watched as Liam ran out until he was out of sight before looking back at Harry. "Surprise?" he tried.

Harry walked closer to him, his gaze locked on the two bits of metal sticking out of his lip. He quickly wrapped one arms around the smaller boys waist, pulling them closer and causing a yelp to slip through his lips.

Harry used his other hand to caress the side of Louis' face, his thumb running lightly over his lips. Harry finally looked up and locked eyes with Louis, only to state the obvious, "You got snake bites."

"No shit." Louis couldn't help but say with a chuckle, his headache now a dull thud and completely forgotten. "Do you like them?"

"It's so hot." Harry whispered, his eyes sliding down to the piercing again. Louis smirked, placing one finger on the punk boys lips when he started to lean in, "Ah ah ah, no kissing. Gotta let these bad boys heal first." He stated, gesturing to his lips.

Harry let out a growl but opted to kiss the side of Louis' mouth. "This is going to be torture." He grumbled causing Louis to laugh.

A/N: :) Two updates in one day, yeah! Partayyyyy. So, if you haven't already, you don't have to if you don't want to I would never force ya, you can go check out my One Shots maybe request one or two... or a hundred.... I don't judge... Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. :) Feedback is great.



Go on an adventure with a sink<3


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