[16] -They Know...-

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Warning for panic attacks and unhealthy thinking.
Fan practically skipped down the stairs, a half asleep Paintbrush stumbled behind him. Fan hopped down the last two steps. He tapped away on his phone, a goofy smile on his face. Paintbrush rubbed the sleep from their eyes and yawned for the 8th time that morning, Baxter still sound asleep in their arms. Paintbrush grabbed Fan and turned him around, their bristles sparking. "Fan can you please explain to me why you are dragging me to the medical office at 7am???" Fan clutched his phone close to himself, a sheepish expression on his face.

"Uh- well, Test Tube texted me last night! Apparently Mephone figured out the password to that laptop and now she wants us to sort through the papers in the file while she looks through the computer. Multitasking, y'know?" Fan gave Paintbrush hesitant finger guns. Paintbrush gave him a deadpan look, then sighed. A small squeak from their arms caught Paintbrush's attention. Baxter blinked at them. He clipped his claws at them and a grin formed on Paintbrush's face. They pat Baxter and he squeaked again, curling back up in Paintbrush's arms before falling back asleep.

"Naaaaawwww." Fan cooed, his eyes sparkling. Paintbrush rolled their eyes, pulling Baxter close to their chest. "Well c'mon then, let's get this over with."


Fan threw the door open. "Test Tube! We made it-" "SHHhhh shush!" Paintbrush grabbed Fan by the shoulder and pointed in the room. It was darker, the only light in the room coming from the laptop screen and faintly leaking through the two small windows. Test Tube's arms were sprawled out over her desk, the laptop light reflecting off the glass of her tube. She was fast asleep in her desk chair, her glasses askew, softly snoring into her arms. Mephone sat on the floor, leaning against the desk Test Tube was sleeping at. His screen was dark, but his face was still visible, clueing them in that he was only sleeping, not turned off.

Test Tube looked peaceful, but Mephone had a strained expression on his face, his body tensed in his sleep, he must have been dreaming. Fan tiptoed over to Test Tube and shook her shoulder. "Test Tuuube? You awake?" Test Tube stirred, mumbling in her sleep. "Test Tube!" Fan whispered loudly. Test Tube's eyes snapped open. She shot up, yelping in surprise. She adjusted her glasses, her eyes widening. "Oh! Fan! Paintbrush? What are you two doing here..?" She rubbed her eyes under her glasses, her voice groggy. "We're here to help with the file stuff, apparently." Paintbrush held up Baxter, who was still asleep. They smirked, "And Baxter is here for emotional support I guess, isn't that right buddy?" Baxter didn't respond, he just kept on sleeping.

Fan immediately jumped into a conversation with Test Tube, she struggled to keep up, having just woken up. Paintbrush half listened, but the sleeping Mephone to the left of them caught their attention. His hands gripped so hard on his arms his knuckles were turning white. His breath came in gasps and shaky inhales. He shook as his eyes brimmed with tears, his teeth clenched. A stab of concern and sympathy Paintbrush never expected to feel for the host invaded their mind. Paintbrush, not used to this type of situation, looked to Test Tube or Fan for guidance, but they were too caught up in their own talk to take any notice of Mephone or Paintbrush.

Mephone let out a barely audible choked cry. His breathing steadily becoming worse. Paintbrush's mind raced, they had no idea what they were meant to do. Should they wake him up? Tell Test Tube or Fan? No that would probably make it worse. Paintbrush was a bit socially awkward but they recognized a panic attack when they saw one. Crowding him would be an awful idea. Paintbrush shook their head, said a resounding mental "screw it," and made their way over to the panicking phone, Fan and Test Tube completely unaware of their absence. They shook Mephone's arm, hesitant to touch him in such a state. "Mephone?" Paintbrush whispered gently, but Mephone didn't stir. "Mephone- wake up!" Paintbrush whispered more harshly. But Mephone still didn't wake up.

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