Everythings better after a cup of coffee

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*A pic of Kichi*
-Time Skip-
Kichi sighed as she walked into the store. She was tired, nights of hunting other ghouls and keeping fellow investigators away from her home lead to long sleepless nights of activity. She smiled now though as the smells of coffee, humans, and ghouls mixed perfectly. Her gold eyes brightened visibly at the sight of her dark purple haired friend at the counter. The girl, Touka, was a highschool student meaning that she was... Kichi's eyes furrowed at this as she imagined how much older she was than the girl before finally deciding on the number 2. She was 20 now and she stopped thinking again, noticing that she was just standing there, in the middle of the shops entryway like a loon.

She looked around slowly before her eyes caught sight of an empty chair by the large window in the front, the bright rays of the sun beaming down to give it the right lighting for what she needed to do. Hitching up her sketchpad, journal, and pencils from under her arms she quickly made a beeline to the seat and plopped down in it. She looked around again making sure that no one was behind her before opening the pad and moving to an unfinished work. She smiled as she passed through pictures of people she knows and knew, before stopping at the unfinished one a slight frown now pulling on her lips as her fingers lightly traced the pencil marks so as not to smear them. The picture for most artist would stay incomplete, but thankfully she always took a picture before starting her sketches. Mostly because she didn't know if she was going to see them the next day or ever again.

"Hello Kichi, what might your order be today?" A calm voice broke through her musings as she moved to look toward the person.

"The usual please Touka with a few of those sugar cubes please." She stated calmly watching as her friend left to make her order leaving her alone with her pencils as she got out the right colors of purple, red, white, blue, black, light green, and pink for the woman along with the money for her drink which she put on the edge of the table for the girl to see.

She took in a deep breath as she went to work starting with the lightest shade of all the colors making sure they were just right as she checked her phone before heading to shading allowing the picture to come to life on the paper.

The background came first, a simple table and chairs positioned against a wall in the same cafe she sat in now before beginning the shading on the body. She ignored the coffee that was placed near her before taking a small break, moving her wrist in circular motions to get the pain out of it before taking a long swig of the lukewarm black coffee she had ordered. Golden eyes examined around her finding that the shop was around an hour away from closing for the night. She smiled in the vague direction of where the manager was standing as he kept watch of everything before turning back to her pad. Quickly dusting off all the tiny pieces of colored lead before she started back to work on the actual person in the picture.

She tried to get the liveliness of the person as best she could, having had known the woman pretty well before her sudden disappearance. Kichi had talked to the Gourmet about it wondering if he had heard any news about her from any of his many connections. She had gotten a resounding no from the ghoul who had hoped the worst for the woman due to one of their earlier encounters.

She lost track of time again as she flinched at the feeling of someone tapping her shoulder. Kichi felt the hand recoil at her jolt before she turned to face them, golden eyes shining in confusion before the manager politely pointed to the window she was next to. A small gasp left her lips as she realized just how dark it had become as she packed her pencils up making sure they were in their right places before closing the box and putting it on top of the notebook and art pad. Bowing politely to the manager who offered her a kind smile in return she made a beeline out of the store, her purple tipped black hair fluttering slightly as a gust of wind welcomed her outside again.

A/N: Can anyone guess who she was drawing from the colors and the tips left in the story? Also sorry for the short chapter.

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