Little fox

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For the few months that Kichi had been in this village she had learned many things. One was that Naruto, no matter what had happened always smiled and laughed like a miniature sun. The second thing was that she could somehow eat normal food. Whatever had happened had obviously changed her body to allow it to absorb the food without becoming sick which was a Kami send since it was highly unlikely that the Hokage would take to  her eating his villagers very kindly.

The third thing was that obviously the people had received her first few warnings to heart and didn't dare hurt Naruto anymore. After the first few cases of broken bones and electrical/fire burns they had backed up enough and began to treat him a little better than before. She had also taken up lessons in becoming a ninja from some of the Anbu after asking the Hokage. It seemed like her argument of "how am I supposed to protect him against skilled ninjas if I myself am not one?".

After the first lesson she had learned she was rather adept at sneaking around. Her time with hiding her true self from the CCG and hunting other ghouls/humans lead to her being practically silent on her feet. The village itself was practically frightened at the dexterity of her tails after watching one suddenly extend to snatch a kunai from where it had been thrown at Narutos head and then sent flying back to who had thrown it. Especially the five colored ones that after most of the accidents demonstrated a natural ability for using their chosen element.

"Kichi! Fight me!" The woman smiled down as Naruto came charging at her, allowing her to easily wrap two of her tails around him before continuing her shopping. The fourth thing was that Naruto (after seeing her beat the villagers with ease) wanted to almost always fight her. The young boy only giving her a break when she was either bathing, sleeping or cooking since her tails could easily fight for her. These fights usually ended up with him hanging upside down for a few minutes before she put him down or with her helping him with his schoolwork with what the Anbu had taught her and her knowledge from home.

His teacher had been happily surprised with the young mans change in domineer since he now actually paid more attention (or at least a little more than he used to) in class. He still pranked the village of course, she actually allowed that much to the villagers annoyance (even though they weren't hurtful). The best pranks of course needed absolute secrecy and stealth to happen, and if he could get away with them than that meant his abilities were only getting better.

"Calm down Naruto, I'm trying to buy stuff for dinner." She chided softly as she walked around the market. A few of the people who actually liked the duo choosing to laugh as they made their way around the market. Naruto once again trying to break or pierce one of the tails wrapped around him with a kunai as the metal warped and bent against the neon scales.

"This is no fair Kichi how am I supposed to beat you if you keep using your tails?!" The boy muttered causing his caretaker to laugh before placing him beside her and patting his head carefully with the blue tail. She continued her shopping with the young boy by her side, eyes examining a cart full of blackberries before buying a pound of them and popping one into her mouth. Naruto pouted up at her as she shifted the shopping basket in her arms as they began their walk home.

"You're enemies won't play fair Naruto. You have to think smart and be fast so you can beat them to the punch." She commented gently, lowering her hand down so that they could hold hands. The child looked away at that comment as they walked back into the apartment.

"Now go and finish your homework while I work on dinner. After that we might be able to train." The smile that lit up the woman's ward was enough to light up her day as he ran off to his room to grab his homework. Her eyes watched him as he reappeared and placed the papers on the table before getting to work. Kichi smiled softly before beginning to cook the items that she had bought, preparing the water to boil for the noodles. The sauce always came first though and was easy enough to make. It even got Naruto to eat more veggies, it was stealthy not like a ninja of course since the boy would be able to taste them but still... they were eaten.

The ravenette smiled as her tail began to dump the noodles into the boiling water as she slowly stirred the red sauce that would cover them when they were dry and ready to eat. Growls caused her head to tilt slightly as her brown tipped tail patted Naruto on the head gently.

"Don't worry dinners almost done. How's your homework going?"

"It's good... okay it's boring Iruka-sensei wants everyone to write an essay on someone they look up to." That peaked her interest as she moved from the stove to the sink, placing the calinder inside before dumping the noodles in. The slim spaghetti noodles were then quickly removed from the water before being placed back inside the pot.

"So... who are you writing about?" She almost purred as Naruto stopped, the scribbling of the pen becoming non-existent as he turned to watch her. His usual smile was gone as he watched her red and yellow tails pull out two bowls to place beside her. Each of them placed beside her as they were filled with spaghetti and then placed in front of her young charge.

"I was originally going to write it about the Hokage... but I changed my mind." She could sense the caution he was taking and it was scaring her. It might have only been a few months but she still felt like this boy, this child was hers. He trusted her to take care of him and she wasn't going to let anyone strip that bright attitude of his away from her.

"What's wrong, you can tell me Naruto. I won't get made at what you're going to say."

"I wrote it about you." Her heart practically soared, tails wagging happily as her eyes practically began to shine with stars as she knelt beside him. He seemed slightly afraid of her reaction as she gripped his hands in her own.

"Naruto you don't have to be scared of how I'll react. I love you, you're like a son to me and I'll be so so so proud of you." Their were tears gathered in the blondes ocean blue eyes as she hugged him close to her. Kichi released him gently and slowly as he dried his eyes, his homework was moved out of the way to be replaced with a bowl of warm noodles and sauce. His eyes glowed at the sight of food as she kissed his forehead and moved a stray lock of hair from his face.

"Come now Little Fox we don't want the food to get cold do we?" The blondes head shook rapidly before whispering a quick "Ikadakimatsu" a consuming the meal with his chopsticks. A low groan of approval left his mouth as Kichi smiled and sat down to eat her own food. Her eyes flickered every once and awhile to the boys face, the three whisker marks that had given her the idea for calling him her little fox.

Her nose twitched again, catching the faint smell of something/someone else coming from the her child. Kichi ignored that though in favor for enjoying the company of her ward and the good food she had made.

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