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~*~Wow 1K reads... I never thought this story would be so popular. Thanks for all of those who are reading this and please tell me what you think, the decision for the crossover part is still open!! Kitsune out! (*^>,<^*)~*~

'Hurts. Everything huuuurts.' I groaned, the liquid presence of my own blood slipping through my fingers and onto the floor. It was the day those stupid Doves had chosen to attack Anteiku. I had fought alongside my comrades although that proved to be in vain, and only ended in their deaths.

Akari had been the first to fall. The light fading from her eyes as Kira covered her, protected her, from being harvested before falling herself. I had watched them fall out of the corner of my eye as I fought alongside Daichi, his black and green with white speckled bikaku grabbing and throwing investigators and quinques all over the place, my own neon tails making sure that no one snuck up on either of us. A few of Daichi's crystallized ukaku shards flying over head as I pierced the hearts of a few investigators with my tails before throwing them at others.

The next thing I knew there wasn't any investigators, only Daichi who lay in front of me, his head in my lap as his eyes started to glaze over, unresponsive to anything I did. There was a large hole in his chest where his heart had been, one of the doves had snuck up on him while he had been fighting and stabbed him in the back like a coward. The investigator had made sure to cut the organ out while he was at it, making the wound too catastrophic that even I would have died from it.

A hiccup erupted from my throat as my mask, the one I had worn since joining Aogiri fell apart. It was all an act, the cold way I looked and acted was all a lie. It had been used to protect the soft fragile muscle I called my heart. It had broken again at the death of the twins and my partner who had stayed by me.

I softly lowered his head to the ground before standing up. I was too tired to care that they were surrounding me again, weapons pointing at my chest or head as they walked towards me cautiously.

"Kichi! Please stop!" I stopped walking away as I turned to the voice as Hoshiko stumbled forward, breathing heavily as she forced her way through the crowd of investigators. I blinked at her before shifting slightly, their weapons adjusting to keep me in sight.

"I can't do that, not anymore. You have already made up your minds on what is to be my fate if I do so." I replied, jolting forward and taking out a few of the investigators while they were in shock, my kagune grabbing and tossing people together. I dodged most of their erratic strikes, feeling some of their weapons bite and rip into skin as I weaved through their ranks. Their attempts in stopping me were futile as my kagune and claw like nails took them down easily. A sharp sting appeared in my right arm with a ukaku shard sticking out of it. I growled as my kagune pulled it out and threw it into the neck of a random investigator.

"Leave. Me. ALONE!" I yelled my tails thinning to the width of a razor blade before spinning like helicopter blades and cutting into the investigators as they grew longer to hit the ones that were farther away from my position. I panted softly as my adrenaline rush began to fade, my energy going with it as I shuffled away from the massacre that had just happened. Blood dripped down my arm from the ukaku wound onto the concrete floor of the alleyway as I trudged forward. My breath coming in short pants now as I ripped off a strip of my cloak before tying it above the wound. The bleeding began to slow as the blood clotted.

A low sigh escaped my mouth as I leaned against an alley wall before sliding down it and onto the dirty floor. My heartbeat thudding in my ears along with the sounds of what I could tell were uniform CCG boots.

I grunted in pain before sliding back up the wall and onto my feet. The soles of my boots sliding a little where some of my blood had pooled, a gasp of pain mixed with a bit of surprise as my wound squirted the red liquid onto my hands. A surprised gasp came from someone's mouth as they saw me, the sound of the boots stopping for a moment before hurrying over and dragging me into a familiar looking coffee shop.

Their hair seemed to glimmer slightly in the little amount of light as someone else shook me. Probably to tell if I was still alive or not, but right now the only thing it did was put pressure on my wounded shoulder. The gentle shaking stopped as a small groan left my lips as their hand vanished. I could smell the familiar smell of coffee being brewed as my eyes fluttered closed as someones fingers pressed against the side of my throat.

A low grunt came from their throat as they felt the weakened beat of my pulse. I peaked through the crack of my eyes to see a slightly familiar shock of white hair along with what looked like an Aogiri battle suit. I groaned slightly as I sat up straighter in my seat, my shoulder stinging as the wound had reopened again from where it had slowed to a faint trickle.

"Kaneki?" I questioned softly, my throat feeling slightly rough from screaming out orders to my.... team and the investigators. His dark normal looking eyes widened in shock as I let out a shaky laugh before coughing causing him to stare worriedly at me as small red droplets fell across the table surface.

"Hoshiko, tell her I'm sorry for being such a bad friend... and Hanami... tell her... tell her that I'm sorry that I failed her. Protect your friend, he's dying right now." I whispered as blood began to dribble from my mouth. My hand weakly grabbed his as a clattering of cups was heard from the back. My eyes flashed bright ghoul red as I stared at his eyes, my energy beginning to fade away as he swallowed.

"I will... I promise." He choked out as a weak squeeze tightened around his hand as my body slowly fell forward. A low sigh of contentment left my lips as my eyes faded to a dull glazed over gold. I slowly released my breath as I looked out the window to where snow had just started to fall across the ground.

I had been spending the winter with Hinami, taking a week off to spend time with her if the Owl agreed with it. I guess I would never be able to do that now. The darkness that was lapping at the edges of my vision finally overwhelmed it. With a puff of white breath, I was gone.

The Kitsune was dead.

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