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((Special thanks to Glassy_Sky for the new cover image!! Also my friend got me addicted to the song above so I might make you guys suffer as well... as well as foreshadow a little bit...))

Her eyes widened at the blood on her fingers before quickly wiping the evidence away on the (thankfully black) napkin on her lap. The smile on her face was faked, obviously pained as she tried to make it appear more real. It was hard though, her shoulder was beginning to pulse with pain at the moment and she needed to bandage it before the blood began to show through her clothing.

"Come on little fox, you're going to want a full nights sleep for the tests tomorrow." She spoke causing the blonde to focus back on her with a beaming smile. They waved goodbye to the two chunin before slowly walking back to their apartment. Naruto chatting away at about a mile a minute about what he wanted to do when he passed the next day. Kichi nodded the whole time, hiding small flinches when her shoulder would sting from a sudden pull as Naruto pulled ahead with a happy smile and a nod.

It wasn't one of her best plans but it worked just long enough to get them back in the apartment and to get Naruto tucked into bed. As soon as that was accomplished she quickly stripped of her shirt to examine the shoulder wound that she had sustained from the ukaku shard.

The scar had somehow opened and was beginning to bleed in earnest now that her shirt had been removed. A groan of pain left her mouth as the muscles along her shoulders shifted, so she could move to the bathroom and the grab one of the clean rags she used to clean herself from a hunt before to put pressure on it. Before scrounging around in her medical cabinet for some medical tape and then using it to keep the rag tight to her skin to keep pressure on it.

"No, I can't let this kill me again." She growled keeping a palm pressed down on the rag as she changed into a pair of night clothes. She would have to be careful and favor that side of her since it was now her Achilles heel and the only place that would be vulnerable to an outside force. Her fingers dug into her shoulder for a second and causing her to regret it immediately as caused skin and muscle around the wound to shift and for a hot iron of pain to shoot through her. "Ohh fudge." She growled, removing her hand so she wouldn't squeeze it again on instinct and cause more pain to herself.

--Time Skip--

Her eyes fluttered open in surprise as light breached the golden orbs and she flinched at the realization that she hadn't been able to take Naruto to school or wish him luck before his exams. She leaned forward, getting ready to stand before flinching again in pain as her golden eyes looked down at the oozing red spot on her pajamas that was beginning to slowly grow larger. Her head shook and she looked to the clock once, quickly replacing the rag with an inch thick layer of bandages and then even more medical tape before actually getting dressed to pick Naruto up.

Putting her hair up in a quick braid she managed to be ready in twenty minutes which meant that she'd be right on time to pick Naruto up.

A smile stretched on her face as she thought of Naruto happily waving that headband around in his hands. She made her way to the school with that thought distracting her from the pain in her shoulder, her tails waving to everyone that walked past her. Her arrival at the school however caused anger to replace that happiness at the careless whispers at some of the mothers.

"How dare you." She growled to two of them who had been talking extremely loudly about Naruto, their words dripping venom and of vile intent. Her tails had paused their slow drifting, going rigid before suddenly cracking forward at sharp 90 degree angles toward the two women. "Do you have any idea what damage your words have caused him? How would you feel if someone-no-everyone  treated you the way that you were treating him? Whispering behind his back, keeping him from making friends by showing your children that it's okay to treat him like he's some sort of disease." She hissed at them and causing the two women to cower and try to step away. She lost interest in them after that though, her tails still rigid but not pointing toward the two woman as she looked around for her little fox.

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