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Why? Why? WHY?! I yelled at myself as I pulled Hinami's sleeping form closer to mine. I've already lost so much, but this world just likes to spit in my face. The small girl in my arms sniffled softly before snuggling her head closer to my chest so she could hear my heartbeat. I smiled sadly at her sleeping face as I smoothed her hair, gold eyes staring at nothing as thoughts raced through my head. Hinami was going to stay with me I was sure of that and there was nothing that the manager could say that would change my mind from keeping this small girl from my care.

"Don't worry Hinami. I won't leave you alone again." I said remembering the sight of my own parents dead bodies the way my three year old eyes had seen my fathers body sprawled on the pavement as an Investigator gloated over his achievement before my mother stabbed him through the heart with her Bikaku tail as she grabbed me and ran off. My brain didn't want to stop yet as it flashed back a few years later to when I had been kidnapped and forced to watch ghouls eat my mother and then forcing me to eat her. I remembered their evil faces as she was forced down my throat.

I held her closer to me as she sobbed quietly in her sleep. My head snapped to the door as it opened to reveal the manager as he made his way inside.

"Hello Kichi I've made arrangements for Hi-"

"She'll be staying with me Yoshimura. I'm her godmother and I can do that at least that for her." I stated firmly as I held her protectively in my arms even though my back was facing him, my tan coat sprawled over the two of us blocked some of my sight. I heard him let out a sigh before a small smile appeared on his face.

"As you wish Kichi, but are you prepared for the responsibility of taking care of a child?" He asked causing me to pause and loosen my grip on the girl a little. My teeth clenched together painfully as I though of my response.

"I'm not leaving her. We're the only family we've got left and I'm not going to leave her behind. I can learn as I go, or so help me I'll die trying." I answered as he nodded in agreement at my answer as his smile deepened.

"I was just making sure, you can sleep here for the night if you wish." He stated causing me to give him a grateful smile. I looked back down at the frail girl in my arms as I kissed her forehead before carefully getting up, making sure not to wake her. I let out a sigh of relief as I did so before covering her up with my coat after grabbing my phone from its pocket. My fingers quickly typing in the number I needed as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hello this is Amon Koutaru how may I help you?" My breath caught slightly in my throat at the voice on the other end of the line. The murderer of my best friend and fellow Investigator that had killed a mother so heartlessly knowing she had a child had picked up my friends phone.

"I'm sorry I think I have the wrong number is this not Hoshiko's phone?" I asked hesitantly my fist clinching as I resisted the urge to hang up the phone and throw it out the window.

"Yes this is Hoshiko's phone she's busy at the moment what is it that you need?" He asked a hint of warning in his voice that I picked up causing my nails to pierce my skin.

"I was calling to tell her I won't be at work tomorrow due to a loss in my family, and if she asks tell her this is Kichi Minokawa." I answered firmly hearing a resigned sigh come from him along with the faint sound of hair being ruffled.

"I'll make sure to tell her that. Goodbye." I nodded at this before closing the phone with a small click. Looking back at the conversation I realized I sounded too tense and too on guard to be grieving causing me to curse silently. My stomach however cut my thoughts away from my short rant as I held it having had forgotten that I hadn't eaten in over three weeks.

'It would probably be the best idea to get food now while Hinami is sleeping so that I won't leave her alone while she's awake.' I thought silently as I left a note on the table where Hinami could see it before heading out the door nodding to the manager who gave a spare key so I could get back in before I left.

A low sigh left my lips as I exited through the back, my mask being carefully placed on my face. A soft click could be heard as it attached itself to my face, its sturdy straps wrapping around my ears and the back of my head to keep it in place as I leaped onto the roof of a nearby building as I made my way to the eleventh ward. The sky was dark and ominous, the pale light of the moon lighting up the area brightly as I leaped from rooftop to rooftop as I finally arrived in the eleventh ward. My nose crinkled slightly at the strong smell of other ghouls around this district. I followed my nose to the closest ghoul smell around.

'This ghoul is close and convenient.' I thought silently as I leaned over the building I was on finding my prey eating his own food his kagune flailing behind him on the ground as it twitched with excitement at the taste of his prey.

'My my isn't he a messy eater' I thought to myself as I stared at his reddish purple Rinkaku that was shaped much like the claw of a crab. I wet my lips before jumping down landing on his head before rolling to keep myself from injury. I sprung back to my feet from the roll I had used before moving quickly and using a roundhouse kick, effectively knocking his head off his shoulders. A cruel laugh left my lips as I kicked the head away and summoned my kagune. The bluish green tips cut through the flesh easily as it moved the meat to my lips. A small groan left my lips at the feeling of my stomach being filled. One of my tails twitched happily as it found the Kakuhou of my prey pulling out the organ before pulling it to me. The tail received a small pat before I took it, devouring it in five large bites. I could feel my tails quiver as they launched themselves toward the opening of the alley.

"Shit!" A loud voice yelled as two of my tails pierced him. My head cocked to the side in confusion before I pulled the person toward me before my eyes widened in realization. I had just stabbed an investigator. I quickly looked him up and down noticing that the places that I had stabbed him were non-lethal but could easily take a turn for the worse if the bleeding didn't stop.

"Let me go you monster!" He yelled before flinching in pain as my kagune twitched before I pulled him closer to me a neutral expression on my face and my kakugan glowing darkly. My tails moved instinctively knocking the man out with just enough force to not cause damage. One of my other tails quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket before it handed it to me. For the second time that night I called someone although this time it was the police.

"Hello this is 119 what's your emergency?" A female voice asked. I took a deep breath as I covered face with my free hand and tried to use the five acting lessons I had taken.

"Yes! Oh thank you! Please help this mans been attacked by a ghoul! There's so much blood, and I think he's still alive! Please hurry we're in the alleyway between the library and the abandoned office building in the eleventh ward!" I quickly took on the tone of a panicked teenager as I explained this to the lady on the other end of the line as a series of rapid clicking could be heard before she spoke again.

"Thank you for your call an ambulance will be there soon. Please stay there for further questioning." She stated as I made a frantic sound of agreement before hanging up the phone and putting it back in the mans pocket and ordering my kagune to move the ghouls body into the trash. I grabbed the other knowing that the manager would be happy with another body to give to the ghouls that couldn't hunt for themselves.

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