Hello Darkness

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Why did it always have to happen like this. Kichi sighed at the sight before her. It wasn't rare at all among ghouls but she had just been trying to get home from the cafe, and of course she had to stumble upon a territory fight among ghouls. She took a deep breath focusing on their ghoul smells. She recognized both of them, one being slightly different than she remembered it had been since it now had a female scent added to it. A small smile appeared on her face as she entered the alleyway keeping silent and downwind of the pair. The black haired one she noticed only had one kokugan instead of the usual two that most ghouls had.

Kichi let out a low sigh as she smelled two other bodies, both dead although one was of a fellow ghoul and the other a human. She grunted at this finally deciding to help the boy as she put her stuff away carefully in her jacket. Carefully pulling the back of her pants down a little allowing her own bikaku tails to come out without ripping through them and ruining them. Her ears twitched slightly as she looked up at the roof tops above them seeing Touka standing there as she prepared to leap down. Kichi smiled before recalling her tails and turning around again.

'Guess my help won't be needed after all~' She thought cheerily as she made her way back to her apartment, watching Tokyo's nightlife, which wasn't a lot because of the threat of ghouls attacking and eating any unsuspecting human. She smiled at the thought of how much ghouls had changed humanity. Knowing that some important people were ghouls and that humanity needed ghouls to kill ghouls. She also found it funny that she of all people was a CCG associate special class investigator.

A small laugh ripped through her mouth at the irony of her job. She was surprised at how no one ever suspected a thing from her, the investigator who was always silent and came back from ghoul hunts unharmed if not with a few small scratches and small specks of blood on her usually immaculate clothes. Her eyes faded slightly at the people she had known and had to kill because of her job. Some of which had been good friends before she killed them. Golden eyes misting up at the memories as she finally reached the dark wooden door of her apartment. Her hand fumbled around in her pocket for a bit before pulling out the key and twisting it in the lock, the mechanism opened the door silently. Her footsteps were quiet on the carpeted floors as she walked down the small hallway and into the living room after locking the door. She deposited her items that had been held loosely in her arms onto a coffee table. She cracked her fingers against her neck, enjoying the sound it made as she made her way to her room.

The room was a mess. The dark blue walls made the already dark room darker, and the carpeted floor was covered with papers from past investigations and drawings that she disliked and had thrown to the floor in rage. A tired sigh came from her lips as she changed into her pajamas before sitting on her bed, the soft silver and teal comforter embracing her in its warmth. The phone in her hand made a small buzz as it was plugged into its charger before she retracted her arm back into the warmth of her blankets along with the rest of her body.

**Time Skip**

Kichi sighed as she placed the cards into the pocket of her coat along with her phone. She continued on with her routine as she checked on the "bacon" that was on the stove. She shook the pan a little as the meat seamed to splatter at her angrily. She continued on popping a few short lasting RC represent pills into her mouth so that she could get pass the scanners at work. She heard the small ring of the timer for her food causing her to reel backwards to slide the warm meat onto a plate covered with a white paper towel. She gave a small smile as she took a bite out of one of the pieces. The rich taste of the meat caused the corners of her mouth to rise as small groan left it, her Kakugan having had been activated right when it had touched her mouth. She ate quickly before moving to the bathroom to get rid of the smell and taste from her mouth. She moved toward the fridge this time grabbing the lunch she had packed to make herself blend in more with her colleagues before putting it inside of her other briefcase along with her notes and findings for the others. She pulled the cards out of her pockets debating whether or not she had time to predict her fortune for the day. Looking at the clock she realized that she had a few spare minutes before she would need to get on her bike and ride to work.

The deck was simple along with the spread. Three cards representing the girls past, present, and future that usually stayed exactly the same no matter how many times she reshuffled the deck. Kichi took a deep breath as she shuffled the deck, arching, and cutting it with precession before taking out the three chosen cards. She arranged them carefully into the places that they needed to be in. Another shaky breath was released as the first card was flipped, her past.

A two of Clubs meaning opposition and disappointments that had already happened.

Another deep breath as the second one was also flipped, her present that revealed itself as a seven of spades meaning a loss of a friend, an unexpected burden and a warning against loss.

Kichi's breathing hitched again as her hand hovered over the final card that represented the future. She released it as soon as the card was revealed as a joker the card of fresh starts and new developments. Looking back at the clock her gold eyes widening at how long it had taken for her to read her fortune grabbing her Omamori and four leaf clover charms that were attached to her keys before grabbing her Quinque and other briefcase that could still as if by some miracle could hold the bento, before locking the door and moving quickly down the stairs. She waved at her neighbor who was entering her apartment with her young son causing her to smile and wave back at Kichi happily before entering after the young boy.

'Gotta go, gotta go.' Kichi thought silently as she finally reached her bike. It was a blue and silver ninja motorcycle with a side carrier on either side for each of her briefcases. She quickly latched them on making sure that they wouldn't slip out on the way to the 20th ward from where she lived in the 19th.

She rushed through the streets weaving through and between cars with ease ignoring the honks and yells coming from the cars she cut off. She checked her watch quickly noticing that at the rate she was going she could possibly make it right on time if she sped the bike up just a tad more and took the back roads. The motorcycle continued on its way the engine whirring as she finally made her way into the parking lot and into her spot. She let a loud huff of air as she unlatched her bags and then rushing with all her might inside of the large office building and through the RC scanners. She held her breath a little as she went under them before releasing it as she made her way into the almost full elevator.

'Hopefully today wouldn't be too stressful.' Kichi thought silently as the elevator began making its ascent.

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