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•*•*•*"My Heart. It's the most powerful muscle in the body so why... Why does it hurt so much when it breaks?" Hoshiko Ginryō*•*•*•*

I stood in front of her my nine tails fanned out as my subordinates took out other investigators.

"Hello... Hoshiko." I stated simply my mask covering all but my two red and black kokugans. She seemed to shiver at my words the rapier like quinque switching to her other hand before switching back.

"Kichi... What did they do to you?" She whispered causing my head to tilt slightly at her words.

"Do? They didn't do anything Hoshiko. I was always a ghoul, always living a double life that no one even tried to take a glance at. They made me see just how fragile I was and how strong I could truly become." I said truthfully dragging a tail against the hard road of the highway, ripping up the road as it went before it floated back into the air with my other tails. Daichi gave a loud whistle through his mask, the signal to start heading back and that our part of the mission was completed.

"You mean all of our time together was a lie?! You never cared about any of us?!" She yelled as her hold on the quinque tightened as anger flowed through her. My eyes were cold as I continued looking at her now enraged face. Silvery blue hair a mess from fighting to get to me and orange eyes shining with rage and the beginning of what looked like tears.

"I don't think I even liked any of you," I lied a slight pain going through my heart, surprising me at the strong feeling. "In fact I think it was the idea, the very feeling that I could trick and deceive all of you that I liked the most." I yelled, the pain in my heart growing stronger as I laughed cruelly. Hoshiko let out a loud roar of rage as she charged me, purple rapier shining in the moonlight.

I dodged quickly, my kagune growing a mind of its own as it lunged at her. A single glowing neon tail wrapping around her dominant arm and tightening, causing the weapon to drop from her hands. She let out a small squeak of pain as the tail tightened once more before pulling her closer allowing my other tails to wrap around her. My ninth tail hung free as it neared her body wrapping around her, slowly adding onto the pressure that the tails were creating around her. My eyes widened though as a splatter of red covered my mask, looking to the males who had interrupted me and cut through my kagune. A growl left my lips as I glared at the other two executives who I had been forced to join on the raid of the CCG vans and to get a blond named Naki.

"Hurry up Kitsune. We don't have time for you to play with your food." Ayato barked before leaping away again. My eyes went to Kanaki as he stared at the woman laying on the ground before focusing on me, his grey eyes reflecting what looked to be either anger or disgust, before following after Ayato. A grunt of disapproval left my mouth before turning to leave, a faint pull on my right boot stopping me from leaving. I turned noticing that the frail hand of my ex-friend was still clutching onto me on a reflex she had built up over the years. A sigh escaped my lips this time as I moved a strand of hair from her face.

"Your friendship was a special gift." I stated solemnly watching her hand tighten slightly before continuing.

"It was generously given, happily accepted, deeply appreciated, and yet I feel... saddened by how you never truly knew the real me. The me I couldn't show. I'm repaying that friendship now though... by saving your life." I said firmly ripping a large chunk of cloth from her white scientist coat and making it into a make shift bandage to staunch the long bleeding wound on her back long enough for an ambulance to arrive.

"Ki...chi." She moaned out at the pain before reaching out to my shrinking figure as I disappeared.

--time skip Hoshiko's POV--

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