New prey

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-~-Okay guys the crossover part has finally been decided! Thanks to everyone for their comments! Kitsune out! (*^~,~^*)-~-

The world was dark, a void of sensation that felt like a matter of seconds and the long expanse of eternity. A small pinprick of white light began to slowly appear, swallowing up the darkness as the world slowly erupted into life.

My eyes opened slowly as the sounds of birds met my ears, my mind vaguely computing that I was laying on grass as I stared blankly up at the sky. Except that I couldn't see it through the thick canopy of healthy green leaves that stretched high above me. I blinked lazily, my right hand going up to feel at the Ukaku wound that had killed me.

Speaking of which, I sat up at the thought feeling the grass underneath my fingers as I checked myself over. I was in my old CCG trench coat with my battle outfit from Aogiri under it. It was a strange combination, but there was also no signs of blood and all rips and tears had been fixed up. My kagune was out for some strange reason and I couldn't recall the bright limbs at the moment so I chose to ignore it in exchange for examining the area around me.

'That's strange, but how can I feel all of this? Am I still alive somehow?' I thought silently as I flexed my fingers in front of my face watching as the small limbs moved. I sniffed the air, the fresh scent surprising me as I was used to the smell of smog or air pollutants. I wouldn't have been surprised if I was in heaven or some sort of paradise if it hadn't been for the hint of metal in the air. The smell of blood.

My stomach grumbled at the smell as I stood up, dusting off anything that had collected on my back, before following the scent. The scent was strong and my stomach felt like it was digesting itself at the growing strength of the smell. My kagune slowly swept behind me the limbs becoming more energetic the closer I got to the source of the smell.

The sight that met my eyes was a war zone. Blood was everywhere, bodies strewn about without a care in the world. A sight that usually would have made any normal human sick made my mouth water in hunger. I shook my head to clear it, a low growl leaving my throat.

'Okay let's start with what I know at the moment. My name is Minokawa Kichi, I was a CCG investigator and a commander of Aogiri. I died inside of Antieku by a Ukaku wound. I was going to run away with my goddaughter and my friends/ underlings died in the fighting. But now I'm somehow here, standing in front of a bloody battlefield that could feed me for a long time.' My stomach gurgled at the final thought as I released a slow breath before walking over to what looked like an arm. It looked fresh and I cautiously picked it up. A wary sniff later, I took a small bite causing an unknown feeling to wash over me. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed one of my tail tips turn from bright electric blue to a fiery red.

I stared at in wander before cracking the limb causing a small lick of flame to leave the limb. My eyes widened slightly before pushing it to the back of my mind. I can figure that out later, my stomach should come first so that I can bring my strength up. My teeth tore into the food, eyes staying open to watch my surroundings I dropped it soon after as I finished.

I wiped the bloody mess from my mouth as I examined the now red tail. I flicked it again causing another small stream of flames to leave it. I smiled as I snapped it quicker and harsher than before causing a stream of flames to leave it like that of a flamethrower. The bright red flames illuminating the area in a cascade of warmth before it rejoined the rest of my tails. My brows furrowed in confusion before heading to a different body and taking a bite of it watching in confusion as another tail to become tipped in a bright shade of electric yellow. I flicked this one in turn watching as sharp sparks of electric energy flew off of it.

It seemed that wherever I was the people here had some sort of power that if I ate them I could transfer the energy that would then manifest in my tails whenever they were flicked or snapped. The thought caused me to smile as I took smaller bites out of the people. Keeping a close eye on the tail tips watching as one turned blue, another one turning green, and the final fifth tail turned brown. They seemed to only get darker if I ate someone with the same elemental powers as them. I sat down in the grass afterwards as I examined my four normal looking tails they floated gracefully before floating back to the others as small flurries of other elements joined them.

A few seconds later I fell back onto the grass watching as the stars began to appear in the darkening sky. My eyes narrowing since I couldn't recognize any of the constellations that I had learned so that I could teach them to Hinami. A small stream of fire left one of my tails at my irritation followed shortly by a fine spray of water and a small spear of electricity.

"This world... wherever I am, I feel like I can truly be powerful. That if might be able to actually be myself here." I smiled at the thought before frowning. If Hinami was here I could truly be myself, who knows what trouble she's getting into there, in that world. I rubbed at the spot where the Ukaku shard had pierced thoughtfully as a phantom pain surged through me.

'Whatever.' I thought sadly as my golden eyes closed so that I could sleep and possibly find someplace to actually live.

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