Scars of the past

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A few weeks later...

Doing what seemed right at the moment seemed pretty weird. Since I was a ghoul doing what seemed right was a blur between surviving and hunting. On the other hand as a CCG investigator it is meant hunting down my own kind. I let out a loud sigh as I listened to Hoshiko babble about the hybrid quinque that she was helping to create alongside the other quinque developers and how one of the investigators from the main office had come see the process that they had made while catching her eye. She stopped suddenly her orange eyes giving me a curious stare at my "weird" behavior.

"You alright Kichi?" She asked her fingers tracing small circles on the table, her free hand moving a few strands of silvery blue hair back behind her hair. She was observant knowing that her friend was hiding something emotional from her that was causing the usual silent and attentive woman to stare off in space. The black haired woman turned to her, golden eyes focused on the chipped sparkly teal nail polish she was wearing.

"Im sorry what was that Hoshiko?" She asked as she refocused on her only friend in the CCG. Focusing on the large orange-red flower that she had placed in her hair to the dark kimono like long sleeved shirt she chose to wear over a clean white skirt. The woman sitting across from her sighed leaning back into her chair as she reached for the cotton candy frappichino that she had ordered earlier, the cold pink drink helping her stay awake only slightly.

"I said are you alright?" She repeated causing the friend across from her to take a sip of her own black coffee before taking a bite of her lunch. The lunch room was relatively quiet due to the fact that the pair both had taken a break off of their work later in the afternoon so that they could have this quiet time to talk without anyone else listening in.

"Im... fine, its nothing serious, but I'm now in a rather...difficult position." She said slowly swirling the mug that the coffee was in before taking another big swig of the dark liquid. Another bite of her lunch was eaten as her friends orange eyes watched her closely. A soft sigh left Hoshiko's lips as she took another sip of sweet cotton candy before moving the stray strand of hair from earlier back behind her ear.

"What kind of difficult position? Surely it can't be as bad as the positions you usually get into while you're at work." Hoshiko teased the thick braid of silvery hair brushing against the shiny surface of the table as she leaned on her elbows. Kichi leaned back to put some distance between them before slapping her friends hand that almost got away with a "hotdog" octopus.

"The kind of position that leaves me to take care of my goddaughter." She replied causing the scientists mouth to drop open in surprise, not having had imagined that sort of reply from the golden eyed women across from her. Hoshiko reseated herself orange eyes checking gold for some tell tale twitch or dilation of her eyes that would show that she had been lying.

"You're not kidding are you? You're completely serious?" She asked causing her to lean forward again, her fingers starting the process of creating small circles on the table again. Kichi sighed at the surprised behavior of her companion. Had she really acted that cold and distant that she looked to have only one friend?

"So Kichi what's your god daughters name?" Hoshiko asked before slurping up the rest of her cotton candy drink. The orange orbs showed amusement and curiosity as she stared at the ebony haired woman, noticing how she seemed to brighten at the thought of her goddaughter before going into a state of depression.

"Her names Hinami." Kichi answered slowly almost as if she was on the verge of a mental breakdown before they were cut off by a phone causing the ebony haired woman to reach into her pocket before getting up from the table.

--Change of POV: Kichi--

I was grateful for the phone call as I held up a finger to Hoshiko who's orange hues followed me to where I stood a few feet away from the table we had been sitting at.

Legend of the Ghoul (under reconstruction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt