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'HELP.' My mind called out slowly as they blindfolded and gagged me as I felt my chair being lifted, and placed on a wheeled device. I could hear the hopeless yells of Kaneki for them to bring me back as the members of Aogiri wheeled me away, the wheels giving no sound except a soft clicking every now and then as we moved to a new place. My chair was lifted again, possibly into a van of some sort. Their was a few loud yells before the sound of an engine roared to life, my mind going haywire as I felt someones hands grazing over my leg before moving to my bare arms. There was a sharp pain as the person pulled the nails out harshly a small grunt coming from me, arms shaking with each pull of the nails as they were released from their fleshy prison.

"There we go, all gone now." The person chimed, their childish voice slightly mechanical sounding as they probably watched my wounds heal in seconds, bandaged hands grazing over where the nails had been. My arm flinched at the contact not trusting what I couldn't see. The chain connecting my hands and feet dropped to the ground as the person grabbed one of my still chained hands feeling over the joints of where my fingers met my hand, and ghosting over my dark nails.

"How did you last so long?" The voice asked before disappearing, pulling my gag and blindfold away causing my eyes to close at the light they weren't prepared for, my tongue flicking to moisten my cracked lips. My eyes cracked open noticing the video camera in the corner. Golden eyes focused on the person in front of me, as they stood calmly to the side of the device.

"Say hello to your friends at the CCG Minokawa. This video is live!" The new person stated teasingly, their form covered in shadow as my eyes trailed to the camera my mouth opening before closing again as I tried to speak but couldn't. I watched out of the corner of my eye as someone wheeled in a screen so that I could look at my comrades faces. They seemed shocked at my appearence, used to my clean face and clothing, and not to the woman who sat before them. Covered in rusty colored dried blood, hair a mess with white streaks running through the dark black that it used to be, and eyes not focusing on anything as they twitched to anything that moved.

--CCG Office--

"Kichi!" Hoshiko yelled causing the frantic golden eyes to twitch to the person from where she was being imprisoned on the live video. They watched a small spark of insanity appear in her eyes as their captured comrade leaned forward mouth agape.

"Hoshiko, please... help." The group in the room flinched at that, remembering the last time they had seen her, the way she had told Amon off angrily for how she reacted to Mado's death and how strong she had always been. "No... don't help...I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. MOM! MOM! I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY! AHHHH FOXES NIBBLING ON MY TOES! STOOOOP! STOOOOP!" Their eyes widened at what was now happening before them, watching as her visible eye became that of a ghouls the sharp red veins of RC cells becoming apparent on her pale skin. They could all hear the crack as the chains broke, and the ghouls around her swarmed to hold her down and restrain her.

"Evacuate!" They heard someone yell as the investigator they used to know turned around allowing them to see what looked like a tail appear before splitting into eight others coming from the original tail stem. They heard a distinct crack as her own kagune surrounded her, before it dispersed showing a large almost neon blue and purple fox with what looked like flames coming from the shoulders. It let out a loud roar showing sharp white fangs from its mouth as it lunged at a ghoul that was trying to run out of the large room. Everyone present in the room flinched as the creature turned back around its two black and red eyes staring at the camera before a tail crushed the device making the video go static. They all sat in the room in shock at what they had just witnessed.

"Ms. Ginryo are you alright?" Shinohara asked at the silvery blue haired woman stared at the static black and white screen in shock, orange eyes unblinking before turning to the older man next to her who looked at her worriedly. Everyone stared at the woman curiously as she closed her eyes tightly.

Legend of the Ghoul (under reconstruction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora