World of Oceans

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The darkness surrounded her again and Kichi knew that she had died once more. She looked down at darkness before bringing one of her tails closer and lighting it. Bright yellow light came from the tail as she watched her body begin to regain its youthful appearance as she watched in a faint sense of amazement as her skin tightened, her body straightened and regained its height and hair darkened to its previous shade of obsidian.

Now however she noticed that there was a bright yellow streak running through her bangs. The same sunshine yellow color as Narutos with a stripe of white alongside it. She had succeeded in taking care of him, of taking care of a child and keeping him safe from a world that had wished for nothing but his death. She sighed before slowly moving and adjusting herself to try and get a better look at her surroundings. The darkness was almost absolute and almost claustrophobic with faint flecks of light in the distance.

"Task completed Guardian 1056. Next charge has been assigned, prepare for send off." A voice chimed in the darkness, melodic and definitely feminine as it sent Kichi's head whirling around to see who it was. She only saw a flash of slightly lighter grey colored wings against the darkness and the silhouette of a figure as the lights she had seen became blinding.

The next thing she knew there was the familiar feeling in her stomach that gave away that she was falling. Her hair whipping in her face and all over as she turned successfully so that she could look down. She could see a planet, an earth like the ones you would see from pictures taken in space. The sudden realization of what the stars had been, dawning on her as the planet drew ever closer. Her eyes closed instinctively as she felt the pressure around her body increase and her consciousness went blank.

What felt like hours later but was in reality days  a young girl, barely around the age of eight and only wearing a white dress decorated with small golden foxes, woke up on a piece of wood. Wood that most would not be surprised to find where a ship had been destroyed by a storm or by some kind of human influence. A small cough left the child's mouth as she blinked tiredly. Her body felt drained as she weakly tried to pull her body farther up onto the only thing that was keeping her afloat.

Golden eyes, red rimmed from the salt in the water and from being forced to stay awake blinked tiredly as she looked out onto the blue, too blue, ocean that surrounded her on all sides. A vision of something on the horizon surprised the young girl, her sharp nails piercing into the wood as deep as she could for dear life as she tried to discern whether or not it was real. The sound of voices as the image before her drew closer told her that it was indeed real and not fake like she had assumed at first.

The sound of a splash from a sea creature coming to finish her off, or someone diving overboard caused her to jolt and lose her hold in surprise. She struggled for a few seconds, mouth gasping open as she desperately tried to bring air into her lungs but were instead filled with the salty tang of the ocean.  Her eyes opened, stinging with the salt of the sea as her throat burned the exact same way. Arms wrapped around her, strong and easily encompassing her small body in an easy grip. Their owner carrying both himself and her to the of the water, waves hitting her face with every stroke closer to the ship that he had come from.

Trying once more to look at the man who had dived into the water to save her as she felt her body being pulled freed from the waters but her eyelids did not allow it. She was far too tired, her body too weak to even dream of doing anything that was not listening to the chatter around her as she felt fingers, rough and calloused from work gently press against the pulse point of her throat. She coughed, body trembling with the force as seawater dribbled out of the corner of her mouth. She could feel her body being carefully lifted, these arms were smaller though, still muscled and strong enough to not drop her, but were not the ones that had saved her.

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