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I sniffed the air feeling the cold pierce through the thin cloth of my jacket. The fact that I was out hunting didn't bother me, nor did I care that I was hunting in my old friends the Binge eaters territory. I stayed quiet watching the city below me pulse with life as I looked for someone to eat. My eyes blinked lazily behind my mask as I watched a couple walk away from the rest.

I watched the two talk feeling a slight hint of sadness about the black haired boy knowing that he was about to be eaten by her, since she was the binge eater the news had been going practically crazy about. I sighed as I turned my back to them jumping from beam to beam of the unfinished building and onto a neighboring rooftop. I continued leaping from rooftop to rooftop before I noticed a ghoul standing alone in an alleyway as he talked on the phone.

His smell caused my nose to crinkle in disgust as rotten meat permeated my nostrils, that to anyone else could have been covered up by the strong cologne he wore to cover up the smell. A smirk made its way onto my face as my kagune appeared, the nine tail like limbs fanning behind me as I jumped down causing a small crater to form under me and catching the attention of the ghoul who flinched in surprise dropping his phone and quickly pulling his own drill like koukaku kagune out.

I examined it for weaknesses a cruel smirk on my face as six of my tails separated to either side of the enemy trying to pancake him between them as he jumped. Ruby pupils watched him cruelly as he allowed the small victory go to his head before he screamed in pain noticing the three other tails that had now impaled his limbs other than the one protected by his Koukaku. A pained growl left his lips as he tried to drill through the tail in his right arm before his bloody red kagune shattered. I let out a amused chuckle as I pulled him to me seeing his scared expression as he neared my masked face and cruel smile.

'Hello there~' I thought darkly as I slowly pressed a fourth neon tail into the skin, muscle, and bone of his left arm enjoying his screams before I wrapped a tail around his head, breaking his neck before pulling my tails out. I cut off the head before cutting the meat off the bones and spearing it on my tails so I could eat it while I sat on a wooden box that seemed to have survived the bloodshed. I smiled happily as I ate, blood dripping down my chin and splattering all over my blue and silver mask causing the blue/green jewel in the center to become ruby like in appearance. I sighed happily as I flung the leftover meat into the roof of a trash bin.

'That was a good meal.' I sighed, wiping the blood from my mouth with a bloody black sleeve. My tongue tracing the outline of my lips as I jumped onto the rooftops again, my kagune having had retreated back into my body.

I wiped my mask as blood dripped into my eyes the red liquid making me look like I was crying blood. I stopped suddenly looking down to see a ambulance driving past me its siren blaring loudly away from a pile of steel beams. I jumped down noticing the strong smell of blood and ghoul. The smell of ghoul was mostly from under the beams giving me the information that the ghoul had most likely died from being crushed.

The other smell... the other smell told me that the person might still be saved if they got him new organs quickly enough. I crouched down dipping my fingers into the blood before tasting it. My eyes widened at the taste before I wiped my hands on my jeans. I stood up looking toward the moon before making my way calmly to my apartment to get ready for work tomorrow. Who knows maybe the boy will survive to live another day.

Legend of the Ghoul (under reconstruction)Where stories live. Discover now