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"My, my, my what have we here?" She questioned as she flipped the ghoul she was talking to over. Her mask showing her cruel golden eyes as she glared down at the male who had tried to sell them out to her old friends in the CCG. The male struggled to get away before she pinned him down with a booted foot on his ribcage.

"P-p-please. I'm sorry! I have a daughter!" He yelled trying to keep himself alive and possibly stall for someone to help save him like a passing investigator.

"Do you think I'm going to buy that pitiful excuse Ichiro?" She questioned the brown haired ghoul, putting more pressure on his chest. A sickening crack filled the air as a rib snapped under the heel of her boot. The ukaku user gasped out at the sharp pain filling his body as he let out a gargled cry, feeling the broken rib rub against his lung almost breaking through the tough muscles of the said organ.

"N-n-no! I won't do it again. I'll stay loyal to the tree!" He yelled causing a cruel smile to appear on the uncovered half of her face. She lifted her foot off of Ichiro's chest giving the ghoul false hope as he sat up. His eyes widened though as he saw the incoming metal tipped boot coming toward his face before his head was easily kicked off by the deadly female that had pinned him down.

"Kichi are you done yet?" Daichi called from where he had been sitting on the bottom of a trashcan that he had flipped over, his eyes watching the new executive by at least one and a half weeks closely before fixing his naturally dark brown (almost black) hair making sure his dark green highlights were still visible from behind his mask. Kichi grunted at her subordinate as he moved to walk behind her.

"Don't forget to grab the body. I'm getting a little hungry even if he will taste disgusting." His leader ordered causing him to look back at the headless body laying on the cement. His always activated kakuhou showing disgust before moving to the body and grabbing it with one of the many black, white, and green tentacles that formed the hybrids ukaku keeping the thing he found so disgusting away from him. The golden eyed woman stared back at him waiting for him to catch up.

"This is disgusting you know that right?" The male asked her, as she raised a covered eyebrow in question at him her eyes showing what she didn't allow to be seen on her face.

"Is it not the same as when you hunt and eat humans?" She questioned him darkly. Daichi licked his lips nervously, he had heard about what had happened to his predecessor when they had annoyed her too much. He shook his head placating the woman as they continued walking. He analyzed his new boss, having had been one of Miza's subordinates before being moved to join the "Kitsunes" team.  She wore clothes that looked easy to fight in compared to what he had heard she used to wear.

It was much simpler now with more armor around the shoulder and chest areas with sleeves that fit right against the arm but loosened a decent amount at her wrist, it showed off her legs too, the armor like skirt of the dress stopping at just before mid hip. The boots mentioned before matched the outfit perfectly, starting a little lower than the knee with the side and tip of them being covered in a hard unidentifiable metal.

"Hurry up Daichi. I'm not afraid to leave you out here." She called back to the male as he ran after her, the quite literal dead weight slowing him down significantly. Daichi shivered slightly as they walked into the Kitsunes quarters of Aogiris base, the lower ranked members watching the duo and the body with distaste as the two passed.

"I told you Akari, the best part of a human is the heart! The heart!" A female voice yelled from the room they were heading to.

"I told you Kira that the best was most definitely the eyes! They're so juicy and can come in so many different colors!" A slightly different female voice screamed as they entered the actual room showing that two totally different girls were fighting.

"Shut up you idiots, and stop fighting." Their leader ordered causing the two twins to stand up as straight as they could before bowing in respect. The one on the left, Akari, had waistlength platinum blonde hair. Her chest and stomach area covered with a pretty blue and yellowish white blouse, with a dark grey skirt underneath. Her arms up to just below her armpits were covered with a pair of yellowish white gloves with fake multicolored diamonds in the outer sides of them, along with a pair of dark grey boots with the same yellowish color on the front and bottom of the boots.

Her counterpart however was an almost polar opposite to the girl on her right. With short black hair that reached to a little behind her ears and the same blue eyes as her sister. The top of her body was covered with a blood red hoodie, it's hood and designs in black. The girl shuffled before stuffing her black fingerless gloved hands into her equally dark jeans, her black and red sneakers making a slight squeak on the grimy floor.

"I thought I told you two to clean up while we were gone!" Daichi yelled at the two, Akari seemed to be ashamed at the thought since she seemed to suddenly take interest in the dirt ridden floor, although Kira seemed to care less as she cleaned the dried blood from underneath her fingernails.

"Whatever you say boss." Kira stated blandly before extending her arm to check how good her cleaning skills were.

"KIRA! THAT IS A HIGHER UP, HE'S NOT A GRUNT!" Akari yelled at her twin who turned her head to stick her tongue out at the blond. Said blondes hair seemed raise and fuzz out in anger before going back to how it was. Akari smiled sweetly at her elder sister before giving her a hard kick in the back of her left knee. Kira let out a soft hiss, slightly darker blue eyes narrowing before punching her younger sister in the face.

A soft cough was heard in front of them stopping their fight for the moment."Excuse me girls, but I do believe we are supposed to be starting a mission with Kirishima and Kaneki in a few minutes." They both froze up at the sound of their executives voice, her golden eyes dark and uncaring before heading out the door. Daichi coughed into a fist before throwing the body into one of the two large coolers made for ghoul and human meat.

"Hurry up you two, I'd rather not be skinned because both of you were late." The hybrid growled putting the mask from around his neck onto his face, ever present kokuhou glaring at the sisters before heading out the door. Akari grabbed her white and blue deer like mask, complete with glittering horns from the coffee table she had been standing next to before heading out the door. Kira following behind her after a few seconds her red and black bird like mask in hand before she turned the lights off and exited the room.

Legend of the Ghoul (under reconstruction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя