Chapter 34: "Sing For Me Again?"

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*Becky's POV*

I was sitting on the floor with my back against the wall as I was writing some thoughts inside of my notebook. I still do this thing where I keep everything inside. There used to be a lot I was going through before I met Carter. I still haven't told him everything about my past and the things I've done. But that's only because I'd rather not pour all my old problems on him. Besides, I haven't thought about that stuff since he came into my life. He made it better. He made me better. My life itself is better. I can't thank him enough for everything. I smiled at that thought as I slid my notebook to the side and grabbed my songbook. I opened it looking at some of the songs I have written down from before. I found one and smiled. I followed the lyrics with my finger as I sang softly. Once I finished, I turned the page to the next one. "That was beautiful" I heard a voice say, which caused me to jump. I looked up and saw Carter standing against the door frame as he stared at me in awe with a smile on his face. I smiled shyly. "Um.. how long have you been standing there?" I asked awkwardly. He chuckled. "Only long enough to hear that beautiful voice of yours" he smiled coming towards me and sitting down next to me. "You didn't tell me you could sing" he said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled. "I've always been shy to" I said looking down at my notebook. I traced the letters on it with my finger. "Well, you should sing more often" he said, kissing my cheek. I looked over and gave him an unsure look. He smiled genuinely. "I'm serious babe. You have a good voice. You should use it" I giggled. "I'll keep that in mind" I told going through my book. "Mind if I?" He questioned, referring to my songbook. I smiled handing him the book. He smiled back, flipping through page after page. "You wrote all these?" He asked amused. "Yeah" I said quietly. "They're amazing babe" he said kissing my cheek again. I giggled. "Thanks" I said back. "Would you sing another for me?" He asked, looking at me. I looked down playing with my bracelet. Something I'd do when I'm nervous. "Which one?" I questioned, awkwardly. He flipped through the pages until he found one. "What about this one?" He asked. I looked down at the page and half smiled. It was a song I wrote a few months ago about myself. It just explains me being lost sometimes and how I need to find myself but can't. This song is harder to explain then I thought. I smiled and sang softly, like I did earlier. After I finished, Carter told me how amazing I am and so on. Now we're currently sitting on the bed just cuddling and talking. "I want you to come with me to my parents house when I go see them" he said randomly. I blinked in surprise. "Really?" I asked. He brought my hand up to his face, kissing the back of it. "Of course babygirl" he said smiling again. I giggled. "Well I would love to" I said smiling as well. He chuckled. "Good. Because I was hoping we could drop in for a visit tomorrow" he said looking at me. I nodded. "Sounds great" I grinned. "Awesome" he started. "So.. Will you ever sing for me again?" He questioned. I giggled. "sometime" I answered, following with a yawn. He chuckled. "Well I'm looking forward to hearing you sing again. But for the meantime, you should probably sleep. I can tell you are tired" he said, kissing my head. I nodded. "Night babygirl" he said quietly. "Night babe" I said back.

And in no time, I was out.

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