Chapter 21:Take Me Away From Here

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*Becky's POV*

It feels like everything is going down hill. Like my whole world is just crashing down on me again. I don't understand what is even going on. As I'm sitting here listening to my parents arguing about things, I can't help but cry. I pulled my knees up to my chest and put my head down and just bawled my eyes out. I don't even know what went wrong. Everything was going just fine the past year and now, I just don't know. Earlier when I went downstairs to ask what was wrong, I got screamed at by own father telling me it's none of my business and that I should just stay out of it. But what really got me, was something I heard him mumble. That broke me completely. Imagine if you were to go see what's the matter when you heard arguing coming from your parents, and then you quietly hear the words ''I wish you were never born'' coming from your own father or mother. How heartbreaking is that? I just couldn't take anymore. I never thought I'd be such a problem to them. I always thought that they loved me. Was I wrong? Did I mean anything to anyone? Do I? I sighed. I heard the downstairs door open and slam. Minutes later, I ran into the bathroom and opened the cupboard. I grabbed a pill bottle and opened it. I poured them all into the palm of my hand. I put my hand up to my mouth and got ready to swallow. I almost did, when suddenly the pills went flying out of my hand. I turned around and saw Carter standing there wide eyed with a shocked expression. He shook his head as I stared at him with a sympathetic look in my eyes. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he yelled. Which was only loud enough for me to hear. "I'm sorry" is all I can say. He started walking closer but I backed up. I can't anymore. I can't keep living on a lie. Even though I'm not the one telling it. I kneed down and went for the pills again. But for the second time, Carter stopped me. He grabbed me, and pulled me over towards him, just holding me to him tightly. "LET ME GO!" I yelled, trying to get out of his grip. But failed because he's way stronger than me. "NO!" He yelled back. I tried pushing him away but he wouldn't move. "Please just let go" I cried, still trying to get out of his strong grip. Of course, no use. "I'M NOT GOING TO JUST SIT HERE AND LET YOU HURT YOURSELF" He told while still holding me tight. I sighed at his words. At this point I just give up. I eventually buried my face into his chest, and continued crying. Carter's arms just stayed tight around me as we sat down on the bathroom floor. I finally stopped crying and moved my head up to look at him. The expression on his face was something I hated seeing. Sadness. He looked down at me and I just wanted to cry again. But at least I know he really does care. "I'm so sorry" I said, putting my head back down. I heard him sigh. "Why?" He asked. I know what he meant. I sighed also. "My parents were fighting and I heard something no child wants to from any of their parents. I couldn't help but just second guess if everyone cares about me or not. So I lost it and..." I couldn't continue with that sentence. "I'm sorry" I said again. Carter rubbed my back before he kissed the top of my head. "Look at me" I heard him say. I didn't though. I know I hurt him by what he saw. And I couldn't face him, so I kept my face down in his chest. "Becky, look at me please" he said again. That got me. He barely says my name. He's always called me 'baby' 'babe' or 'babygirl' so now I looked up. His expression softened as he looked down at me. "Your parents are just having a bad moment, like most couples do. As for what you heard, it was probably nothing and they didn't mean it. A lot of people say things out of anger. Doesn't mean they actually mean it" he said rubbing my cheek with his thumb. I reached my hand up and rested it on top of his as he continued to talk. "I promise you, everything is going to be okay." He finished, looking deeply into my eyes. "Promise?" I asked, staring back at him. He nodded. "As long as you promise to never hurt yourself in any way. I love you too much just to lose you." He said and I smiled at him. "I promise" I said back. For a minute we were just staring at each other with a smile. Suddenly, everything went falling into place again. And all I wanted now, was for it to be just the two of us. Carter leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Take me away from here" I said to him. "Where?" He asked me. "Anywhere. I just don't want to be here right now" I said. I heard him sigh just a little. "We could go to my place if you want" he offered. Sounds good to me. I moved up from laying down in his lap, and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'd love that" I said, smiling at him. He chuckled softly, before speaking. "Okay then" he said and we both got up. I walked over to my closet with his hand still in mine. I let go of his hand, only to grab a duffle bag big enough to fit several outfits in. I filled it with some other things I needed and zipped it up. I grabbed my shoes and jacket and put them on. "Ready?" Carter asked me. I smiled. "Yep" I said back. He grabbed my hand, and we headed down to the living room door. I was surprised to find the front room empty. But also, I was relieved because I didn't have to deal with anyone. We made it outside and to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I climbed in. He climbed in after and off to his place we went.

Honestly, I'd rather just be with him than anyone else right now.

At least I know he loves me.

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