Chapter 38: Family Time

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*Becky's POV*

It's a Saturday night, and I'm hanging out in my old bedroom at my parents house. Carter is out of town with his parents, visiting family. He asked me to come with but I kindly said no, that I should spend time with my own family while he's with his. He was a bit disappointed, but he understood. So for the next few days, I'll be here. I'm upset that I'll be without Carter for that long. But then again, all couples need their break from each other once in awhile. I shook my head, breaking myself out of my thoughts. I walked down into the living room to see what everyone was doing. My mom and dad were both snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. I smiled at them, the thought of Carter and I popping back into my head. I quietly walked back up to my room and shut my door. I showered, put on some comfy night clothes, and layed down in bed. It took an hour before I finally fell asleep.
The next day, we were in the backyard having a barbecue. Most of my family and their friends were over. I sat at a table towards the tree by the shade. I kept wishing Carter was here. It's just not fun doing anything without him. I sighed getting up off the seat and just walked over towards my mom to see if she needed any help. "Hey mom, need some help?" I asked. "Sure sweetie. Can you help set the table up while I go get the punch made?" she asked, handing me a box with plastic plates,cups, and silverware. "Of course" I smiled. I finished setting everything up just as my mom came over with the punch. About ten minutes later, we were all sitting at the table eating. Everyone talked about this and that. While I just minded my own business and ate what was on my plate.
"So Becky, anything new with you?" my aunt asked, taking a sip of her drink. I smiled. "Um..I moved in with my boyfriend" I said shrugging. Her smile grew wider. "Really, and where is he?" She questioned. I sighed. "He's with family" I said, taking a bite of my sandwich. She nodded. The rest of the day we just talked about old memories and everything, which I didn't mind. I threw in a laugh here and there at funny moments. It's now ten at night, and I'm currently in my room laying in bed. I grab my phone and unlocked it. I tap on messages and smiled once I seen his name. He told me he misses me and can't wait to see me again. I texted back saying, "I hope you're having a wonderful time with family. I miss and love you. And I can't wait til you're back" after I hit send, I put my phone on the charger and tried my best to get some sleep. It wasn't hard though like it normally is because very soon, I was out.

Aside from Carter not being here,
this family day was pretty good.

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