Chapter 11: My Sleeping Beauty

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*Carter's POV*

I watched as Becky fell asleep curled up next to me. I smiled down at her. She looked so peaceful. And not to mention, she was beyond beautiful. I just sat here and admired all of her features and everything. Her eyes would sometimes twitch while she slept. Her chest rising up and then down slowly. Her breathing at a normal pace. One of her arms rested on my torso. I admired how her lips managed to stay in a straight line. When she's awake, they're always curled. I saw her move a little, but I kept my gaze on her. I couldn't look away, I didn't want to. Just seeing her like that, amused me. I mean, awake or asleep she always seems to amuse me. Seeing her sleep, she was like sleeping beauty. Except, she's my beauty. Nobody can have her. Nobody can touch her. No guy is allowed to even look at her. She's all mine. And I'm sure as hell, ain't sharing. I smiled down at her, gently rubbing her cheek with my thumb. She didn't move once. Which told me she was out of it. I carefully removed her arm from on me, and set it gently on the pillow by her head. I grabbed the blanket next, and pulled it over the two of us. I watched making sure I wouldn't wake her. I didn't though, she was too far out. I kissed her forehead and whispered quietly. "Goodnight my sleeping beauty" I smiled, before laying down. I turned over to where I was facing her. Hearts filled my eyes at the sight of her. As girliest as that sounds, it was true. I wrapped my arms around her, and pulled her closer. I grinned when I felt her hand touch my chest. And then suddenly, I was out. The smile never leaving my face.

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