Chapter 23: Don't Know How I Got So Lucky

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*Becky's POV*

I woke up in the morning to an empty bed. I sat up and looked around the room, but it was empty as well. I sighed getting up. I sleepily made my way down stairs and into the living room. And into the kitchen. Another sigh hit as I found myself being the only one here. I was about to walk back up to the room, when I noticed a sticky note on the fridge. I walked closer, scanning it. I smiled when I saw it was Carter's handwriting. I picked it up and read it.

'Hey babe. Sorry to leave you so early.
I wanted to stay a little longer before work, but I had some errands to run.
If you decide you're hungry, go ahead and help yourself to whatever you want.
I'll be home around 6:30.
See you then.

Love you ~ C'

I set the note on the counter and decided on just going back up to Carter's room. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and changed into some leggings and a t-shirt. I wasn't feeling up to doing anything, so I climbed back into bed and fell asleep once again.

I woke up the second time to someone stroking my hair gently. Who I assume is Carter. I mean, who else would it be? I didn't move from my spot, only because I was warm and cozy. I guess he thought I must've been sleeping still because his hand stopped stroking my hair, and I felt him lean down just a bit and kiss my forehead. He moved back and I felt the mattress dip back up a bit. That's when I decided to turn over and sit straight up. I reached my hand out and grabbed his own. He looked at me and chuckled. "I thought you were asleep" he said, arching an eyebrow. I smiled. "I was.." I said innocently. He rolled his eyes. "Mm hmm, sure you were" he said. One things for sure, Carter's not dumb. So he knows when I'm lying. I sighed. "Fine. I was enjoying you stroking my hair. So I acted as if I was still sleeping, hoping you wouldn't stop" I told him, as I felt my cheeks get hot. I leaned back and buried my face into the pillow. I heard a slight chuckle from behind me, following with a hand rubbing up my arm and then going straight up to my hair. I giggled a little as he stroked it. I turned over and looked at him. Which, he was already looking down at me. I reached my hand out trying to grab his like I did before. "Lay with me?" I asked, as he took ahold of my hand. He chuckled before laying down next to me. I cuddled up to him, just enjoying his company. "I've missed you this morning" I said, resting my head on his chest. "I know baby, I'm sorry. But I had to work" he said softly. I looked up at him, and simply smiled. "I know. I just wish I was awake to give you a hug and kiss goodbye" I layed my head back down again. "Well, you were sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to wake you up. You know, after what happened with your parents. So I just let you sleep" he told. "Well thank you" I said, as I leaned up. He opened his mouth to say something, just as my stomach growled loud enough for the both of us to hear. He snickered. "Did you eat today?" He asked, as he sat up and pulled me with him. I know he said to help myself, but to me it just felt wrong being in someone else's place, and eating their food. "Oops. I kinda forgot to" I said, shrugging my shoulders as it was nothing. I felt him shake his head. "What do you mean you forgot? I said to go ahead and help yourself to anything" he said, turning me around so I was facing him. "Why didn't you eat?" He asked, looking at me with concern in his eyes. I sighed, looking down at my lap. "I wasn't hungry" I said, in which I actually wasn't at the time. "Don't lie to me" he said firmly as he lifted my chin up so I was facing him. "The real reason please" he said softly this time. "Fine. At the time, I actually wasn't. And I know you said to help myself, but to be honest it felt wrong for me to be in someone else's home, and eat their food." I told him, looking straight into his eyes. He smiled before speaking. "It's nice of you to think that way. But I meant what I said. If you're hungry, then don't hesitate on making anything. Please, just eat. That's all I care about" he said, holding my hands in his. I smiled. "Okay" is all said. "Promise me you will eat next time" he said, letting go of my hand to put a finger in front of my face. I snickered at him, pushing his finger away. "Yes, I promise" I said back, rolling my eyes playfully. He chuckled. "Good. Now, let's go fix you up something. Yeah?" He said, wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed just a bit, as he pulled me off the bed and walked me down the stairs and into the kitchen. It took several minutes, but we finally found something. As soon as we finish eating, we headed back up to his room. About an hour or so later, we both ended up falling asleep, all cuddled up.

He's amazing, and I honestly can't explain how I got so lucky.

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