Chapter 37: Night Out

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*Becky's POV*

"Do you wanna go out tonight?" Carter asked, out of the blue. I blinked in surprise. "What happened to us just staying home, watching movies?" I questioned confused, looking up at him. We were laying on the couch, my back against his chest. I felt him shrug. "I know that's what we planned, but I just feel like doing something else" he spoke, looking down at me. I sighed, getting up. "If that's what you want to do, then we'll do that" I said, a little disappointed because I was enjoying our 'stay at home' time. "But where did you want to go?" I added. "I know it's not your thing, but there's this club downtown that I've been wanting us to go to" he says, grabbing ahold of my hands. I sighed deeply. "Carter you know how I feel about being around a place like that" I looked away. "I get it. But come on, it'll be fun. And I promise to keep you by my side" he gushed. "Alright, we'll go" I said,as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Awesome, we'll leave at eight so get ready" he said, getting up and walking towards our room. I sighed, getting up as well to get ready. Maybe this night out will be fun. At least I hoped. I dressed in my normal casual outfit which are my dark blue skinny jeans, white t-shirt, along with my favorite jean jacket, and black vans. I would've dressed nicer but it's just a club. With that being said, we were both ready, we got in his car and took off. About twenty minutes later, Carter and I arrived at the place he was determined to go to. I stepped out of the car, and waited for Carter to come over to my side. Once he did, I linked my arm around his as we walked into the building. I had a bad feeling about this, but I shrugged it off thinking maybe it was just my mind playing tricks with me. When we got into the club, I immediately wanted to walk back out. The smell of alcohol filled my nostrils. I saw a guy stumble a bit as he was walking up to some girls. I clutched onto Carter's arm even tighter then before. He looked down at me and smiled. "It's gonna be okay babe" he assured me. I smiled as we walked up to what I'm guessing is the bar. "Did you want anything?" Carter asked me. I shook my head. "Not really, but thanks" I said back. He just nodded, ordering something for him. I looked around, not really liking what I'm seeing. Drunk guys hitting on girls, and drunk girls hitting on guys. Some people dancing normally. While most people are just sitting down having a conversation. Well the dancing looks fun. "Can we dance?" I asked Carter, who just finished his drink. He looked surprised, but smiled. "Of course we can" he said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the dance floor. I put my hands on his shoulders, as his hands were on my waist. We started out slow as if we were at prom. Do you know the scene from Cinderella where her and the prince were dancing in the ballroom? Well that's exactly what me and Carter were doing. And I can't help but smile widely. We had people staring at us. Some were giving us weird looks, while others were clapping and whistling at us. I laughed, and so did Carter. After awhile, we decided on heading home. I was waiting outside of the guys bathroom for Carter, when this guy walks up to me. "Hey there pretty lady" the says smirking. "Not interested" I said bitterly. He chuckled, ignoring what I said and put his hands on my waist. I tried to pushed him away but he wouldn't move. "Get away from me" I said, but the guy only laughed. "CARTER" I yelled, hoping he heard me. In seconds, he came out of the bathroom and towards me. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRL" Carter yelled, shoving the guy away from me, causing him to fall to the floor. "I would think twice before going after some other guys girl" He said, before grabbing my arm and pulling me outside. We got to his car and he let go of me. "I'm so sorry" Carter said sympathetically as we got into his car and started driving off. I looked over at him, and put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault what happened" I said, trying to reassure him. "But I shouldn't have left you alone like I promised I wouldn't" he shakes his head. I sighed before speaking. "Carter it's not your fault. You had to use the bathroom, you didn't know" I said. "I only wanted to come here to have fun" he told. "It was fun though. Remember when we danced? That was the best" I said smiling. He chuckled. "I guess you're right" he said. I laughed. "But next time you want to go out, I'm choosing where we go" I stated. "Alright then babe" he smiled, grabbing my hand and kissing it. The rest of the ride home was silent but comfortable.

Thinking about what happened with the creepy drunk guy, that must've been my 'bad feeling' because other than that, I actually had fun tonight.

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