Chapter 40: Long Day

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*Becky's POV*

After dinner, I helped Carter's Mom out with cleaning up and washing dishes. While Carter sat in the living room, chatting with his Dad. "Thank you, this was nice" I said to her. She smiled, giving me a small hug. "You're welcome sweetie, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And I'm grateful for you two visiting" She added. "I'm glad we did too" I smiled. I was about to say something else when my phone started ringing. I grabbed it out from my back pocket. I looked at the screen and saw it was my mom calling me. "It's my mom" I said, answering the call and walking outside. Carter and his dad were talking when I walked past him accidentally bumping his shoulder. He looked at me confused but then nodded when I told him my mom was on the phone. "Hey mom what's up?" I asked, sitting down on the steps. "I just wanted to let you know that your dad and I have an important trip to go on which we leave tomorrow morning" she said. I sighed, "You two are leaving again?" I curiously asked. "Yes, like I said it's important. So we'll be gone for a few days" she stated. I chuckled. "Okay Mom. Thanks for letting me know. I'll be back soon, I'm just going to say goodbye and I'll be on my way" "All right sweetie" she said, hanging up. I smiled, walking back inside. "Everything okay?" Carter asked. I nodded, "Yes, my mom just wanted to let me know that they're going on another important trip so they won't be back for a few days" I shrugged. "Ah" he half smiled. "I said I'd say goodbye here and then head over there so I can tell them goodbye and to have a safe trip, all that stuff" I told Carter. He chuckled, following behind me. I walked up to his parents and thanked them both for having us over and for dinner. "Oh you're welcome honey. I hope you both come back to visit very soon" "We will Mom" Carter implied, smiling saying goodbye and walking outside to his car. "Well this went better than I thought" I said, smiling at him. He grinned. "Did you think it was gonna go wrong?" He asked, followed with a chuckle. I shook my head. "No, but I was so nervous for some reason, I thought I was going to say something ridiculous" I stated. He shook his head, looking over at me. "Babe, you always say ridiculous things" he jokes. I fake gasped, hitting his arm. "Wow, thank you so much for making me feel better" I say sarcastically. He laughs, putting a hand above my knee. "Anytime baby girl" "You're something else" I laughed. Soon enough, we arrived at my parents house. We stepped out of his car and walked up to the door. I grabbed my keys from my pocket and unlocked the door. "Mom" I yelled, sitting down on the couch with Carter. In seconds I saw her walking down the stairs. "Hey you two" "Hi" Carter waved. "So since you're gonna be leaving tomorrow morning, I just wanted to say goodbye tonight" I said, as my dad walked in and gave me a hug, while waving to Carter. About a half hour later, Carter and I were headed off back to our place. "Babe?" Carter asked, keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah?" I questioned back. "I need to talk to you about something when we get home" he spoke, glancing towards me for a second. I looked over at him confused, but just replied with an "Okay" wondering what it's about.

All I know is that it's been a long day and I really could use some sleep.

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