Thirty One (NJ)

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They knew the trial was gonna be tiring. But not even Namjoon thought it would go this far. Journalists from all over the world covering the scandal, pictures of him in every single newspaper, months of stressful days and nights. He's getting tired of spending so much time of his life locked in that hotel room. But he has to stay under protection until things are over. Every week they allow him to meet the rest of his friends so he can relax for at least a bit and pretend like they're not the center of attention in their country.

But at least of the other six boys visits him even more often. Jin, who keeps bringing him new and delicious things to eat every few days, has been getting even closer to him. Even if they never made what they have official, having dates inside that hotel room became a habit.

- Mmm this one is spicy! It's really good!

- I know! I made it for Tae yesterday but turns out he can't eat spicy food so I had to cook something else

- Oh yeah, he told me you went to see him. How's he doing?

- They're okay

- They?

- It's impossible to see Taehyung and ignore he has a whole other person attached to him. Jungkook hugs him so much I'm starting to think they're glued together and don't know how to pull apart

- Hahaha well, I understand them. I mean, I wouldn't mind being glued to you...

Jin looks away trying to ignore the dumb embarrassing comment and they both look out the window. They know if they look down they'll find dozens of journalists but if they look beyond that the lights of the city make a beautiful urban landscape.

- It looks beautiful...I can't wait until you can go out again. We could go on holidays!

- We do have a pending trip with the rest. One where we don't have to run away from security cameras hopefully.

- Have you tried going out? Aren't you tired of being locked here?

- Yeah, it's pretty boring but...when you come along it doesn't feel like a hotel room in the middle of Seoul. Between you and the city lights it feels like I'm in Paris. I guess you make a normal city feel special

- Wow, you're trying extra hard today hahaha

- We are getting closer for all of this shit to be over...I kinda wanna know if we'll have a date when I'm finally allowed to leave this place

- Did you even have a doubt about it? I'm already planning all the places we could go to on our dates...

Jin's sweet smile makes Namjoon's heart flutter. Feeling butterflies in their stomachs, the spend the night looking out the window and talking. The glasses of wine help them relax so it doesn't take long for them to end up following their instincts. Being addicted to each other's lips is something they'll have to get used to now.

Namjoon enjoys every single second of the night. Even in his most stressful days when he had no hope in getting out of this alive, talking with Jin helped him have a piece of peace. That boy's existence was one of the reasons for him to look forward. Imagining the things he would do if it all worked out was part of his daily thoughts. And now, thanks to the way things are going, that future he used to dream with can become reality. By his side, Jin feels confident this is the life he was missing all this time. His mother must be proud...and a little confused by him. But mostly, she would be happy up in heaven seeing his son finally enjoy his life with the person that caught his attention from day one.

The following day, Namjoon has to continue testifying in front of the judge. Jin sits in the back next to Hobi without taking his eyes off him. The journalists sitting at the front keep taking pictures of everything while they pay attention to his words. Meanwhile, Hobi who is also there to support his friend, whispers to Jin trying not to be heard.

- Oh God hyung, those marks you left on his neck will give the press something to talk about

- There were too many articles about "the handsome hero fighting injustice". If I read one more of those asking if he's single I'll shoot myself

- Sounds about right. But you could've waited before making those hickeys. He looks like someone beat the shit out of his neck

- Well, now it's clear he's not single anymore.

After hours of trial they go back to the hotel. They wait for weeks until they can have a veredict and months before everyone involved can pay for what they did. But as soon as that day comes Namjoon runs to the phone. After all he needs to buy some tickets. Seven of them to be exact. At least one more time before he can start asking for only two...

The Trip - NAMJIN YOONMIN TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now