Why can't you see i like you Pt2

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No one's pov

Toni gazed out the window of pops waiting for the redhead to arrive she was supposed to be there ten minutes ago.

Tabitha called "Toni?"There was no response

Tabitha sat beside her touching her shoulder"OH MY GOD TABITHA!"

"Toni are you ok,I've been trying to get your attention but you seem lost."

"I'm fine tabby." Tabitha didn't buy that she knew something was wrong toni was always smiling and talking but lately their was a huge change in her attitude.

Tabitha held her hand"You know you can talk to me. "For the first time in a long time toni actually smiled.

"It's Cheryl she was supposed to be here some time ago so we can finish up  a stupid project." The pinkhaired girl told her friend

Tabitha was about to say something when someone cleared their throat

"See you later toni."Tabitha smiled taking her hand from toni's,This didn't go unnoticed by Cheryl

Cheryl slid in the booth next to toni that made toni heart race she was sure cheryl could hear her heart beating.

"Before we start antoinette I still need an answer for my question."Cheryl eyes locked with toni's for a split second,toni held her head down.

"Do you like me?"

Toni looked up a blank expression on her face,She wanted to admit it but the fear of getting rejected was once again present."If I said yes what would you say. "

Cheryl sighed she now holding her head down.Toni regretted answering her question she could feel her heart sink. "

Cheryl replied sadness visible on her face"Am sorry I'm not ready for a relationship."Toni was never a person to cry with other people there so she held in all her emotions."Her heart broke into a million pieces.

She didn't want to see cheryl sad"Cheryl look at me it's ok. "

"Am sorry I really am."

"Don't be like this cheryl it's ok really" Toni forced a smile,Inside her heart was shattered never to recover from what just happened.

"I have to go."Cheryl walked out the diner.

Toni wasn't mad at cheryl for clearly rejecting her,She was broken from the inside everything she has rebuilt over the years from her last relationship/crush was gone.

Tabitha could see the hurt on toni's face she went over to her.

"Toni." Tabitha didn't get to say anything else before toni was in her arms

"It's going to be ok." Tabitha tried comforting her

"I-i-its n-o-t."Toni cried in tabitha's shoulder.

Tabitha stroked her hair until there was no more sniffing she looked down at toni who was asleep, Her heart broke for the young girl.She called sweetpea to come get toni.

Minutes later sweetpea pulled up to pops"What happened?"sweets sat down.


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