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No one's pov

Madelaine and Vanessa haven't spoken to eachother ever since what happened yesterday on set.


"Hey nessa i wanted to talk to you about something."Mads said all seriousness .

"Yes sure,what's got my bestie so serious?"Vanessa said worry in her voice

"So the other night when we had a girls night cami was a little touchy don't you think?"

Vanessa had noticed it but that's just how camila is.

"I noticed but that's just camila she's a loving person mads."

"That's the point she wasn't all lovely and touchy with lili her own girlfriend or the other girls only you."

"What are you getting to madelaine,it wasn't as if she was flirting with me."

"Vanessa she was flirting with you everyone noticed why can't you see that."Madelaine said with a slight raise of voice

Vanessa sighs getting off the couch"So what if she was flirting we're friends after all and lili didn't seem to have a problem with it."

"What do you mean*So what if she's flirting*I was sitting right there vanessa wtf."The redhead said clearly pissed off

"Whether your there are not i don't see what's wrong with her flirting with me i don't get what's your deal we're not even dating."the Canadian beauty said irritated

Everything was wrong with camila flirting with vanessa.

It took more than someone flirting with vanessa for mads to totally lose it but she couldn't stop herself.Her feelings overwhelmed her and she went off.

Vanessa instantly regretted saying that after seeing the broken look on madelaine's face.

"Wait mads."But it was too late mads was already out the door"Shit."nessa whispered under her breath

Filming was finished and it was a total disaster which landed us in Roberto's office.

"What's going on with you two 14 takes and still nothing." Roberto said in disappointment.

he wasn't kidding it never took us this long to get one scene correct we normally mastered it on the first try.

"It won't happen again roberto." Mads said

"It better not we have fans waiting for choni content." Mads nodded before standing from her seat and walking out.

I sighted

"Vanessa whatever personal issue you have with eachother get rid of it by tomorrow."

I held my head down what should I do

End of flashback

Cami pov

I sat next to lili while vanessa watched tv ignoring our presence.

"Vanessa are you an madelaine still you know?" lili broke the silence

Vanessa spoke"Yea she won't take my calls she so stubborn. "

That's Madeleine stubborn as hell

"I mean I don't even get why she acting like this just because cami was flirting ugh i miss her." lili glared at camila

"What i was only been friendly."Cami said

"That's what i told her but you know how she is." Vanessa sighed"Am gong to bed good night."Nessa said going up the stairs

As soon as the brunette was out of sight cami turned to lili

"I have a plan."

"No cami you've done enough just let it work itself out they will get over this by morning."lili smirked


Lili and i stood waiting for nessa and mads to come so they could start filming a choni club scene.

"Do you think it worked it self out."I rolled my eyes I knew I should have went with my plan

Sometimes I feel like am dating a child

She just stood there grinning like a dummy"What did you do lili?" I asked realizing the small smirk that formed on her face when Mads and nessa came out walking hand in hand

"I told you it would work it self out cami." She smiled

I frowned"I'll never know. "

_After filming_

"Did you see that lili."I asked shocked

she giggled"I did."

"Am positive vanessa used tounge."I said opening madelaine's trailer door


Vanessa was straddling madelaine's lap in her lace panties and matching bra while they made out.

"CAMI!"lili smacked her arm

"sorry."the latina said

Vanessa covered herself with a blanket"What do you two want now?"

"Couldn't y'all wait until you got home?"

"No vanessa is so fucking hot."Mads said looking nessa up and down  licking her lips 

"I could say the same about you baby."The two shared a passionate kiss"Mhm." Vanessa moaned into the kiss.

"Okay okay you'll are cute together but I don't need to see you eating eachother's faces off."

"I'll defiantly be eating something."Mads smirks

"This is good damn."Cami whispers

"Cami."lili shrieks

"Anyways we only came here to ask vanessa if she used tounge in that scene from earlier because am pretty sure she did."cami asked

Both girls smirked at eachother before looking at their friends"We'll just have to show you. "

Vanessa said kissing madelaine passionately,vanessa slides her tounge along madelaine's bottom lip asking for access which madelaine gives.They fight for dominance and nessa easily won.Vanessa pulls back taking the redheads bottom lip biting down as she releases it"Mhmmm taste like cherries. "

"Did you get your answer ladies?"mads asks smacking vanessa's ass

Lili was pass turned on by now

"Fuck i need you."Cami bites down on lili's ear

"Yea um we'll see you guys later cami and i have to go out for a while."The blonde said taking camila's hand speeding out of madelaine's trailer

Vanessa and madelaine burst out laughing

"I love you madelaine."

"I love you too vanessa."


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