Why can't you see i like you Pt3

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Cheryl is a early sleeper you can tell due to how refreshed she looks in the morning,As for Toni she goes to bed an hour before she had to wake up but she still is ready for the new day.

Cheryl is wide awake stressing over the fact that she walked out on toni.She couldn't tell you if she has some sort of feelings for the pinkhaired girl or not  but one thing is for sure she's not as straight as she says she is.

Next morning

"Cheryl honey come downstairs it's time for breakfast."Penelope yelled

"Coming mom."Cheryl said jogging down the stairs almost falling

"Be more careful my dear." Clifford said handed his daughter her breakfast

"Wouldn't want you falling for a certain pinkhaired serpent."Nana said sipping her tea

Cheryl gave her a look then went back to eat"What was that Roseanne?" Penelope asked

"Nothing dear would you mind informing Nana Topaz that she needs to add abit more sugar to my insides later on tonight."Cheryl gasps


"What I have to say she did an excellent jod last week." Nana admitted licking her lips

Cheryl stood up taking her bag and keys with her"I can't with you nana. "

Her nana was a piece of work.literally.


Toni pov

I was talking with sweetpea when I saw cheryl's convertible pull up in the parking lot.My mouth went dry when I saw her short skirt and red crop top she had light make on,God how did she manage to look so beautiful without even trying

My heart started to race as she walked over to  where me an sweetpea were.

"Swayer."She fist bumps him

"Red how are you his morning?"He said repeating her actions

They chatted She didn't acknowledge me at all I was back to being invisible to her.She looked away from sweetpea an smiled at me walking away once again my heart melted.

Was her smile a sign of something because it made me feel good.

"Ok tiny stop drooling."sweets grinned

"I was not drooling." I rolled my eyes walking into class

"Debatable tones,theirs drool on your chin." he burst out laughing

Yes he was right I was drooling "Control yourself tones your red hot ain't gonna go."

I ignored him sitting at my desk looking more like stearing at cheryl it's like other noticed it too because I got a text from veronica(Cheryl's bestie,also toni's friend)

Raven:Stearing problems much😂😂

Tones:What do you mean?I tried to play it off

Raven:I see the way you look at cheryl toni and you like her.

Tones:I don't know what your talking about ronnie.I couldn't fight off the lump that began to form in my throat veronica was always right.

Raven:she's going out with reggie on valentines day.I felt my heart break all over again


Raven:Yeah she told me yesterday that reggie asked her to be his valentines.I was lost of words I don't know whether to keep trying to communicate with her or just pretend she doesn't exists.

Tones:Oh I see that's good for both of them.I bet roonie could feel how hurt I was with only this one text message.

"Miss Topaz your phone give it to me."Miss button demanded

I didn't put up a fight I was too broken to,I handed it to her my head falling on betty's shoulder(Cheryl's other friend who turns out to be toni's friend as well🙄).Just then cheryl head turned to betty glaring at her.wait what? She was glaring at betty why? This was strange I don't understand what's happening.

A smirk grew across my face

Was she jealous of betty and me?

The bell rang signalling the end of school I packed my stuff just then betty held my hand,I smiled at her knowing if my theory about cheryl was right this was a good thing.

I walked hand in hand with betty to my motorcycle just then I saw reggie and Cheryl walking together.I tried brushing it off but I couldn't it hurt to much I turned my gaze back to betty.

"Toni do you wanna go to pops with me?" Being honest I wasn't paying attention to her my mind was off thinking about cheryl.

"Sure betts." I replied

Deep down toni was just mad at herself that she let cheryl have a specific effect on her she needed to be in control so she could show cheryl that she didn't need her to be happy.She had friends that she was happy with even though she likes cheryl so much she had to have her limits.


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