The Devil's Touch

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No one's pov

Gip Toni

Cheryl was the literal definition of an angel never getting into fights and a straight A student.

That's not the only reason they call her an angel the seventeen year old girl had gotten involved in all social project's to better riverdale with her bestfriends Veronica,Heather.

Toni and Sweetpea had just moved to riverdale from Greendale to get away from their very abusive uncle.Toni is the opposite of cheryl she's the big bad gang member that every girl craves.

"Sweets get your ass down here I don't want to be late for the first day for school." Toni called for her brother

"Okay how do I look?"sweetpea stood silently waiting for an answer

Toni laughed"Like trash."she threw her joint to the ground stepping on it

"I'm kidding dummy you look fine."the pinkhaired girl said making coffee

Sweetpea scoffed"Your just jealous I get the girls." Toni gasp covering her heart

"Heyyyyy hoe's what's for breakfast I'm hungry!" fangs pushed the door open putting his shirt over his head

"Waffles and egges toni made it."the dark haired boy snickered

"I'll pass on breakfast then."fangs took a sip of his coffee

"Haha very funny."Toni rolled her eyes toni's phone dinged

She's sighed looking at her phone then throwing it in the couch" Antoinette? "Sweets asked with wide eyes after looking at his sister's phone

"Swayer."she answered"Damnit guys were late." fangs exclaimed grabbing his keys an bag running out the door

Sweetpea got up from his seat picking his keys up "We'll have this conversation later I can't believe you did it again toni."Toni sighed again

At Riverdale high

Cheryl stood next to her red convertible chatting with her friends all eyes were on the redhead taking in all her beauty their were envious looks and admiring gazes when all of a sudden everyone's attention turned to the Topaz children pulling up on their motorcycles.

"Oh my God." heather said drooling as she watched toni and the boys get off their motorcycles.

Cheryl watched as everyone admired them but she had her eyes on toni watching every move she made.

"Hello there ladies i'm toni." Toni smirked as she stood towering over the three girl's

Veronica's throat went dry"I'm gay I-i-i mean Veronica lodge. "She quickly corrected herself

Toni chuckled"Nice to meet you Veronica." she extended her hand for the ravened hair girl who took her hand with her shaking hands.

Cheryl pov

What in the world is happening to veronica I know toni  looks like a delicious snack that I wouldn't mind eating.Omg  what's happening to me.Control yourself

I watched as she moved from veronica to Heather then finally me.

"Ah a redhead how nice."Her eyes travelled from mine to my lips then back to my face

I ignored her clearly checking me out an introduced myself"Cheryl,Cheryl blossom." I extended my hand she shook it holding on a little longer before letting go.I had to control myself I have heard about her ways to play with other's heart's. "

"What a coincidence your Cheryl I don't mind you taking me on my tour miss blossom." she said in a raspy voice I felt my legs shake just listening to her speak.I guess it was true she could have you feel some type  of way with just her word's. "

"Y-yeah let's go." I managed to get out

"Oh and veronica my brother is the one your supposed to give the tour." toni smiled pointing to a tall dark haired boy

"So cheryl tell me about yourself."Toni asked as we walked down the empty hall way

I shrugged "There's nothing to tell."

"Tell me about yourself toni."she grinned

Toni held cheryl's hand pulling her close their faces inches away from eachother"A beautiful girl like you has a lot of tails to tell."God toni

"As for me I'm into redheads redheads are hot."she licked her lips

I pulled myself from her grip"Your bold."

"I have heard."

"Here's your locker oh and your keys your class schedules are inside everything you need you can find it in there." I can't believe her locker was next to mine

She smirked "What if i need you?" I gasped before I could say anything the bell sounded for my first class.Thank God.

"See you later cher."She made me so weak


After school at pops

I occasionally looked over at veronica who was literally drooling over the dark haired boy whose named I had found out to be Sweetpea.

I looked up as the small bell of pops jingles

There she was again toni"Hey stalker."she sat at the counter

"Toni what can I get you." I tried to be as calm as possible

"Only coffee babygirl." I turned my back as I felt my cheeks getting hot

"Put a lot of cream I like alot of cream."she said in a low sexy tone

My breath got caught in my throat"Wh-what?" I stuttered

"Can't you cream it baby?"she had that stupid smirk on her face

I regained my composure handing her the coffee collecting the twenty from her hand.

After work

Cheryl was laying in bed all flustered over the events that has happened today one particular person on her mind Toni Topaz.then the feeling came back as she remembered how toni asked her if she couldn't cream it(lol 💀💀💀).

Without thinking cheryl's hand ran down her body running over every curve the redhead had coming to a stop when her legs automatically spread open.Her fingers found their way to her centre toying with her clit her mouth falling open at the pleasure, her other hand pinching and circling her left nipple.Soft moans filled the room as three of cheryl's slim fingers entered her slowly pumping in and out.

Her pace got faster as he held on to the sheets with her free hand for dear life her moans got louder as another finger found it's way entering her

"Toni fuck"she moans

Her head tilted back feeling herself rock on her fingers to get more pleasure until

"Cheryl honey I'm home!"Penelope yells from downstairs


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