More To It Pt2

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Toni slammed her hand on the table furious this was all veronica's fault she whispered.

Toni wasn't wrong yet it wasn't only veronica to be blamed,years ago when toni and veronica met at a office party toni's life changed.


Toni dressed herself confidently hiram had invited her to the office party which he has never done she was so proud of herself.

She was young ambitious and dreamed of having a healthy relationship.

Toni arrived greeting her boss and co-workers"Antoinette welcome i have someone i want you to meet."Hiram said leading toni over to the bar.

A brunette and a redhead sat drinking"Veronica this is toni,toni this is my daughter veronica. "

Toni shook her hand"Nice to meet you toni."Veronica said smiling form ear to ear"Like wise miss lodge."

Hiram walked off leaving the two to talk"Oh toni this is my all time bestie Cheryl blossom."Toni looked down at the redhead and her  breath was taken away.

Wow she's beautiful.

Cheryl giggled"Thank you antoinette."Toni looked confused until she realized she had said that out loud,she blushed."Miss blossom it's a pleasure meeting you."Toni said nervously

Veronica didn't like this she's wanted toni for herself

"Don't be nervous around me antoinette i think your cute too." Cheryl said biting her bottom lip then leaving.

Toni watched her until she was out of sight she had to know more about this woman.

Month's later

Toni was pacing up and down her office how was she gonna tell cheryl about what happened.

Toni herself didn't know what happened one second her and Veronica were celebrating about a major project they had finished then the next she's waking up with her.

Toni was praying she hadn't had sex with veronica but V said they did.

V spoke"Toni you need to tell cheryl about what happened between us she's my bestfriend and i really don't want to hurt her."

"Are you crazy she's pregnant for God's sake,veronica I have no idea what happened last night,did anything even happen Jesus Christ."T yelled

"You can't keep this from her toni you need to talk to her about it."Ronnie said leaving the office

At Cheryl's

"Hey babe,you okay?Cheryl said wrapping her hands around toni's neck.

Toni looked away from her before speaking"Cher,veronica and we...slept together last night."

Cheryl's heart broke she realised her hold on toni"Its okay toni i forgive you."Cheryl said even though she was on verge of tears

Toni froze in her spot how can cheryl forgive her so easily she was about to speak when the redhead stopped her"Don't okay,Toni I love you and even though you cheated on me with my bestfriend I still care about you and i want you to be there for our child so promise me you won't do this again."Cheryl said sternly

"I swear cher this will never happen again."

End of flashback

Toni was brought out of thought when there was a loud bang on the door,Toni opened the door relieving veronica and minerva.

"What are you two doing here?"Toni asked anger in her voice

Minerva pushed toni out the way stepping inside the house"Antoinette,antoinette you still don't get it do you?I don't want you seeing her anymore."

"Fuck you marble i have children with cheryl i love her am not gonna do that."Toni yelled

Minerva punched her in the face"Your gonna do it whether you like it or not."

"Make me...You can't hurt me minerva am not scared of you anymore you and veronica have ruined everything for me am done playing your games."

V chuckled"You think she's gonna take you back after what you've have done?"

Toni sighted

"Cheryl has to die it's the best thing to do." V said

Minerva frowned"Thats not the deal ronnie cheryl is not supposed to get hurt the plan is just to slip them up that was the plan from the start. "

"Things changed minerva i want toni,i faked everything i made toni feel like we slept together years ago so cheryl would leave her but she didn't so I had to do it again now she gone."

"Vee we had a deal you can have toni but cheryl doesn't get hurt."min yelled"You hurt cheryl i kill toni you know am not scared to do so."

"No one's killing anyone i want you both to get the hell out of my house and this isn't over."

Toni kicked them out and called cheryl to tell her about everything.

Cheryl wasn't safe neither was toni.


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