Drag Race

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Toni is as tall as sweetpea

Cheryl and toni dated before seeing each Other at the drag race.


"Antoinette."Cheryl eyed her getting ready to start the race

Toni stood with the other serpents with mixed emotions"T isn't that red?"sweets asked

T hummed in response watching cheryl"Tiny?"he called"Yeah?"she replied not taking her eyes off cheryl

"Here comes trouble."toni's current girlfriend from seaside walks over to her.

"Hey baby."She wraps her arms around toni waist

Toni leans down kissing the girls lips"Hey love."T greeted

Cheryl stand with the northsiders watching this in disgust


"WHAT COUSIN!?"Cheryl yells"Are you okay?"betty asks 

"Am fine why wouldn't i be?" she said her voice full of sarcasm

"Ah toni's with someone else and yesterday you admitted you still have feelings for her."Cheryl rolled her eyes

"Not to mention you saying you miss her di-"Cheryl cut veronica off"Hush veronica."

Cheryl walks over to toni and her friends

"Antoinette i need to speak with you."Cheryl said in her bitch voice

"Cheryl what about?"Toni said softly

"We can't talk about it here can we go somewhere more private."

Sweets smirked

"T whose this?"The brunette asked

"Toni's ex-girlfriend."fangs says

"Cheryl am a bit bus-"Cheryl took toni's hand pulling her along with her

Cheryl and toni got into the redheads car"Cheryl why did you do that?"

Toni has always had a soft spot for cheryl.

Cheryl leans in pecking toni on the lips"I miss you Tt. "Toni was too stunned to even speak

"I know you have a girlfriend and all you seem happy,happier but i do still love you and i miss you every-" Cheryl was cut off when soft lips met her's

"I love you too cher."

"you do?she asked

"Yes never stopped and I never will."

They hugged spending the remainder of time cuddling in the girls car.


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