There Is No Us

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It's currently 11:30pm in the night and toni can't sleep bits been like this for weeks now.

There was a horrible storm bad everyone was warned to stay inside but she was sick of it.

T hadn't heard from cheryl whenever she called it would go to voicemail when she texted cher left her on seen.

"Remind me why you two are in my trailer again?"toni said sighing

Sweets spoke eating his snacks"We don't want you doing anything stupid you know this storm is no joke toni."

Toni flops down on her bed"You and red how's that going,I see she hasn't answered you back yet?"Fangs snickers

Toni glared at him"Fangs  leave it alone it's none of your business. "

At betty's

Toni convinced betty to let her come over even tho it was dangerous she was willing to do it to see cheryl.

Toni arrives at betty barely making it inside she was shivering betty gave her a warm towel"Let me go get her. "

Toni nodded

Cheryl came down the stairs seeing toni"Toni what are you doing here. "

"I wanted to see you."toni said nervously

Betty left the room giving then more privacy

"Are you crazy antoinette you could have died out there you need to go!"

"So your worried about me dying but yet your sending me out here back?"

"Toni that's not what I meant I just can't be around you right now. "Cheryl looked down

"Cher we had se-"Cheryl covered her mouth as alice walked into the room.

"Girl's,wait toni your here you know your not supposed to leave your house it's dangerous."

"I know miss cooper but i had to talk to cheryl about something important."

"Okay but your staying here i don't want you running around the place during a storm you two be good now. "She said going back up the stairs

"Why did you do that?"t asked"She doesn't know that i have started having sex yet."

Toni raised a brow"She thinks am still a virgin toni."Cher said

Toni opened her mouth to speak but cheryl stopped her"Am pregnant with your baby but um am not gonna keep it. "

Toni frowned"What?! What do you mean your not gonna keep it?! "

Cheryl ignores her toni gets angry"Wtf is wrong with you why would you do that to us. "

"Toni there is no us am with reggie and i can't with a baby right now."

Toni couldn't believe this shit she was hearing

"Cheryl there is no way am allowing you to abort my first child!!" she yells over the pouring rain.

They argued over the loud cracks of thunder and the constant flashes of lighting.

"Don't walk away from me!"Toni pulled her back"Go away toni."

"You can't really want to do this because of reggie!"

"Toni it's not that why can't you just see that am just not in love with girl's after all mother was right I was deviant but now am pure!"cher yells

"What the hell cheryl we're talking about our child here not your sick,manipulative mother,She's trying to manipulate you.'

"You don't know what your talking about."Cheryl said

"Look cher i'll go but you'll have our baby and I'll take care of him/her you don't have to be there if you don't want to just don't do anything crazy. "

"Yes sure I don't want anything to do with this baby."

Alice listened from her bedroom sighing in disappointed she would have a talk with cheryl later.

Toni's heart broke this wasn't her cheryl or atleast this wasn't the women she had fallen in love with.


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