It's still Us

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Cheryl is in her kitchen making breakfast when these was a loud knock on the door.

She sighed"Britta dear please handle this until I get back."The young redhead nodded following her mother's orders.

Cheryl opens the door been met with with sight of her ex-girlfriend Toni.

"Toni,what are you doing here?"she asked

Toni had her hands tucked into the pockets of her skinny jeans" Invite me in atleast."Cheryl rolled her eyes moving to the side

Toni walks in nervously as you would expect knowing what happened between them two the last time they were in a room together."Mrs.Forgerty how nice of you to join us for breakfast. "

"She isn't staying love."Cheryl said plainly

Toni looks at her in disbelief britta excuses herself going to her bedroom.

"Toni say what you have to and leave."Cheryl sat

Toni sat next to the girl silently holding her hand they sit there for the longest while neither of them saying a word.

"About yest-"Cheryl cut her off"It's okay toni."

Then came the awkward silence toni's hand moved to the redheads thigh making her stand up"Toni you need to go."

Toni smiled to herself walking out the girls house if only cheryl knew,Toni had moved next door to cheryl only last night.

Later that day

Toni was full on working out in her new in home gym it was perfect she could enjoy the natural air and workout.

Cheryl on the other hand cher can't stop thinking about toni and what happened yesterday"Calm down cheryl,some fresh air will help."She mumbled

Cheryl opened her window to be met with toni doing pulls up.Her mind went fuzzy as she watched the sweat run down toni's tone abs"Miss blossom."The young red head called

Cheryl closed the curtains quickly"Brittana,why must you bother me right now?"

Britta notices how nervous she is"Miss lodge is awaiting you downstairs."Cheryl fixes her skirt leaving the room.

Britta takes the chance and open the curtains and grins"Miss topaz."she whispers

Britta walks down the stairs joining the ladies in the sitting area"Care for any tea miss blossom?"she asks

Cheryl nodded talking to veronica"Cheryl so tell me how's toni's moving in next door affect you?"

Cheryl rolled her eyes she was shocked toni moved in but played it off"I could care less about antoinette moving in. "

Ronnie hummed

"How's britta with school?"ronnie asked"Well she's been in Tt's office alot because of the button kids they have been calling her various name's due to her sexuality,toni has handled it perfectly though."

"Cheryl i didn't just imagine you calling her Tt did i?"Cheryl sighed"Veronica i will say it once again i have no business with antoinette."

"Are you certain cause what i saw yesterday didn't seem like that her face all between your le-" Cheryl cut her off

"V there is a child present we'll discuss this tomorrow i have some business with the council today." She led veronica to the door and went straight up to her bedroom.

Hour's later

Cherry layed in bed watching television something she hadn't done in a long time,despite this her mind wandered off thinking about toni somebody she didn't want to think about.

Her memory about yesterday flashed into her mind toni knew every inch of her body so well yet she doesn't touch her anymore she wanted her but a blossoms pride was too big to ever admit she wanted the topaz woman.

She trembled running her hand up her body when she thought about toni,shaking under her own touch she begged the universe for her toni.

She gasped shaking off her wild fantasies while on the other hand britta invited toni over.

"Cheryl?"t called

Cheryl quickly adjusted herself throwing the covers over her body"Antoinette what are you doing in my house?" the redhead asked

Toni grinned seeing that the girl was nervous"Britta invited me over to watch a movie but she's gone out to get snacks I thought I would stay with you until she got back. "Cheryl rolled her eyes

"Did I disturb something?"the serpent asked"No."she said plainly

after minutes passed and the two sat in silence until,the heavy wind flew open the girl bedroom window a heavy gust of wind coming inside.Toni quickly closed the window,the clouds got darker by the minute you could tell a storm was on its way.

As soon as toni was thinking of going home the rain came along with a loud burst of thunder and strikes of lighten,cher got scared but tried to play it off.

"Am gonna take a nap, can stay over if you like." cheryl got under the covers

The shorter girl nodded about to leave the room"Toni,you can sleep in here the other rooms are not so tidy."Toni knew she was lying it's cheryl we're talking about the red queen her home is always clean and luxurious

Toni knew she was scared but didn't say anything,tiny got into bed with the redhead pulling the covers over herself.

The rain poured making cher move closer to toni until she was cuddled into her arm's fully.

"Cher bear?"Toni called but no answer she looked down on the girl that has her head layed on toni's chest and her arm's wrapped around toni's waist.

"I love you."T whispered kissing the girls nose


Choni/Madnessa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now