Prank Wars Revenge😈

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Gip nessa

Vanessa's Pov

Mads lili and i just arrived at the mall she's been a little quite a little too quite.

"Baby what's up you've been zoned out all day."I asked

"Am just thinking I wanna take a vacation but at the same time I don't." here she goes again over thinking.

"Mads right now we have to focus on work a few month's down the line we'll take a vacation just don't pressure yourself too much okay."I told her

"Thanks babe now back to shopping we'll meet back here in five love you." she pecked my lips

"I love you too." I watched her walk off

A small smirk grew in my face she was definitely in for it today i have it all planned out i doing a condom prank on mads I can't wait to see the look on her face.

I quickly sprang into action buying the condom and ran back to the car i set the camera up where she couldn't see and planted the condom on the back seat very visible.

"Hey guys it's vanessa and i know y'all loved madelaine pranking me the other day but today i have an epic prank a condom prank she might kill me but let's hope not team nessa this ones for you."I did my intro

"Vanessa i don't think this is a good idea she might cut you dick off. "

"Oh cousin you worry too much i got this in the bag. "

"I warned you."

I quickly got back into the mall and waited"Okay babe am ready to go."Mads said four bags in hand

"I bet you bought the whole store sweetheart."I giggled

She rolled her eyes playfully"Take me home am exhausted."

Minutes later

"Vanessa have you seen my phone?"she asked

"No you can check in the back it's probably there."I told her god am nervous.

"I don't thi-"she cut herself off yes she saw it"

My heart started pounding.

She gripped my t-shirt shaking me a bit"Whoa Mads chill before you make her crash and kill us all.

she yells"Shut up lili!"

"Nessa pull over I have a girlfriend to get home to alive. "Lili said

I did as I was told and faced mads"What's that?"she asks pointing to the back seat"What's what?"I asked dumbfounded

She gripped my chin turning my head to the back"Why is there a condom in your car vanessa a used one at that?"

I shrugged unknowingly

Lili snickered

"Do you know about this lili?"lili shrugged

"Don't fucking play with me where did it come from!"she yelled

"Babe shh your embarrassing me."

"Am embarrassing you where did it come from you did you have in this fucking car!"

"Lili would you mind stepping out the car for a second? " I asked

"No she's staying why is there condom in your car.

"It's ours there was no one in the car but me and you."I said she was red as hell.She balled up her fist before releasing it slowly

I giggled

"You find something funny"she climbed onto my lap holding on to my shirt even tighter"Vanessa we don't use those so i know damn well that wasn't in me."

"Um lili kinda borrowed the car it must be her's. "I lied

I gulped

"So lili has a dick now huh and am sure she's dating camila and cami doesn't have a dick you need to stop lying to me before i do something i will regret."

I rolled my eyes"Your over reacting."she smacked me across the face

"Wow." lili whispered

I deserved that

"Madelaine it's mine okay i used it."I tired coming up with a different excuse"Who did you use it on." she held on to my dick squeezing me

"Babe could we talk about this in a more comfortable position please."I begged


"Cami and i we went out for a couple drinks one thing lead to another and yea."

"Tell me your lying you got to be joking you and camila fucked  and you had the guts to leave that in here for me to find huh? "She squeeze me very harder

My eyes watered"Okay okay it's a prank please it's a prank."i cried

She let go leaving me in pain she climbed back into her seat"Where's the camera." I pointed to the camera holding myself

She took it up looking pissed"Babe it's a prank i bought the condom when we went to the mall and placed it there."

"You need to stop playing with me vanessa."

"Well guys i got her good even through the pain spam the comment sections with #Teamnessa love y'all. "I turned the camera off

I kissed her on the cheek and she blushed"I'll make it up to you."

"You knew about this lili?"

"Yes I did if I didn't I would have beaten her ass when she mentioned cami."


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