Different Worlds

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let's just say T and cher aren't supposed to ever like eachother because of well you'll fine out.The blossom woman made sure to always keep her daughter away from the topaz's and the was the same way with the topaz's they kept toni away from everything blossom until......

Cheryl and toni have a thing for eachother

Trans toni/intersex

Toni turned 17 today he hates his birthday a matter of fact he hates his life,he got dressed in his fav t-shirt with grey sweatpants and his serpent jacket.

he goes downstairs meeting his father's happy face"Good morning t happy birthday!"he said excitedly

"Yea thanks dad am leaving now I don't want to be late."

"Toni darl-Oh MY GOD TONI!"Toni's mom gasped Anthony laughs"Honey you can't wear that to school look at you!"maria said while t covered his front.

"he takes it after his dad."he grinned proudly"Bye you two." Toni said leaving

At riverdale high

Toni walks into school with so much confidence so confident he surprised himself.

Everything was going okay when suddenly a faired haired girl walked up to her"It's Cheryl."She said rudely

"I don't care."Toni walked passed her"Who do you think you are talking to me like that?"

Toni ignored her going to her schedule class.

Currently toni has his head layed on the desk sleeping"Antoinette topaz."The history teacher called

Cheryl froze"Tiny wake up."Fangs say,toni gets up"Miss topaz I will not tolerate you sleeping in my class. "

Cheryl makes eyes contact with toni before looking away quickly "It's mrs.topaz sir and if you made your lesson more interesting then maybe I wouldn't be sleeping."Toni said blankly

"It's quite clear your parents haven't thought you to respect your elders."Mr.Button says

Sweets mumbles"Shit."Toni flips her desk over going up to his teacher taking him by the shirt"Talk about my parents again and i can grantee you won't talk again."Toni says furiously

At that moment mr.honey walks in"Topaz unhand him this instant."Toni held him much tighter"NOW TONI!"Toni let him go

"Miss blossom could you escort mr.topaz to the library for detention."Cheryl nodded

If only they knew how scared she was,could it be her toni,her toni was nice but then again they were only five back then.

Later that day,toni pov

Cheryl is in the library watching over toni until she realizes she had no idea where toni was."Antoinette?"

"It's Toni cheryl,I thought we made that clear the last time you saw me."Toni spoke standing extremely close to the redhead

"You aren't supposed to be talking to me."Toni grinned"Who said I wanted to talk."he leaned in kissing the girls plump lips.

The blossom girls wraps her hand around toni's neck pulling him closer.

The moment was short lived as cheryl pushed toni off"I'll call you but as of now we can't." Toni shook his head getting in his assigned seat.

They never knew the reason why their parents didn't want them talking eachother.

Well the thing is maria fell in love with penelope and were dating for the longest while until clifford found out and furiously told anthony he would kill both maria and toni if she didn't stop seeing penelope.Not once did Anthony ever have a problem with maria dating penelope because he knew they had liked eachother for the longest time but for the safety of his love and child he decided to keep toni away from everything blossom faring history would repeat itself.

The kids were only five when this happened and were forced to forever be apart from eachother but has fate has it they would end up together no matter what.

The next day

Toni and a tall brunette walked into school hand in hand this got everyone whispering and it didn't take long for this juicy gossip to reach cheryl.

Cheryl stormed into the hallway taking toni by the hand pulling  him into the empty locker room.

Toni spoke"What the hell was that cheryl?"

Cheryl was pissed"What the hell indeed who was that?"

Toni frowns at the shorter girls comment"My friend who else do you think?"Toni said as if it wasn't obvious

Cheryl didn't have the time to reply before the door burst open and her mother comes through the door her father following close behind.

"Mother father what are you doing here?"cherry said

"Cheryl Marjorie Blossom here this instant!"her father shouted pointing next to penelope.

Cheryl wasn't gonna listen to him anymore"Cheryl now don't let me repeat myself."clifford said furiously

When the redhead didn't move clifford shook penelope"Cheryl dear listen to your father please."

Cheryl spoke"Mother i will not listen to him anymore,he's no good i will speak to toni if i want to."

"Little brat."clifford goes to slap cheryl but Toni catches his hand before he could hit her.

"Don't ever try that again."Toni said sternly"Unhand me you devil or i will end you"

Toni let's go of him and pushes him into the wall"I dare you,listen here blossom am not scared of you and if i ever see you try to hit cher or her mother again i will make sure you die."Toni said and left.

Toni knew her actions had consequences and she was willing to face them.


Choni/Madnessa OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now